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Workshopband MuC 2019

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1 - 10 von 137
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Steinicke, Frank; Wolf, Katrin
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Interacting with Wheelchair Mounted Navigator Robot
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Yamazaki, Akiko; Yamazaki, Keiichi; Arano, Yusuke; Saito, Yosuke; Iiyama, Emi; Fukuda, Hisato; Kobayashi, Yoshinori; Kuno, Yoshinori
    Currently, robotic researchers focus on developing robot systems that are explicitly designed to operate cooperatively with people in public, and provide the resources for projections for humans in public places.Our socio-technological project, engineers developed a robotic wheelchair with attaching a robot in order to provide embodied projective signals to human and designed two settings for the robot’s behavior. One is the robot turns its face towards the human (Face-to-Face model), the other is robot turns its face and they turn around its body in order to index where to go (Body Torque model). The reasons of attaching a robot to a robotic wheelchair and designed two settings are, by analysis of sociologiosts, we reveal how embodied actions of the robot as a resource for projection and considered what kind of projection are possible and how such projections provide the coordination of co-operative actions between multiple people in the public places.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Gestaltung und Verantwortung – Positionsbestimmung einer sozialverantwortlichen Technikentwicklung
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Bieling, Tom
    Als gestaltende und intervenierende Disziplinen sind Technik und Design grundlegend an der Verbreitung und Verfestigung von Normalitätskonstrukten beteiligt. Sei es in Form von medial inszenierten und popularisierten Schönheits- und Nutzeridealen oder anhand der Schaffung von mehrheitsorientierten und somit trotzdem (oder gerade deshalb) exkludierenden Produktwelten. Es besteht somit ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen Technikgestaltung und dem, was in einer Mehrheitsgesellschaft im weitesten Sinne als „normal“ verstanden wird. Ausgangspunkt dieses Beitrags ist die Hypothese eines engen Zusammenhanges zwischen Technik, Design und In/Exklusion, sowie die Annahme, dass Technikgestaltung die Grenzbereiche zwischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft und Marginalpositionen markiert, so dass sie gleichermaßen in den Herstellungs- und Deutungsprozess sozialer Normvorstellungen involviert ist [1]. Ziel ist es, aufzuzeigen, wie gesellschaftliche und technologische Entwicklungen die Sicht auf Diversität verändern (können). Dabei wird auch deutlich, dass rein technikorientierte Fragestellungen, etwa im Kontext von Behinderung mitunter gravierendermaßen Teil des „Problems“ sind. Inwiefern unterschiedliche Bezugspunkte von Design und Inklusion für künftige Diskurse innerhalb und außerhalb des Designs besser zugänglich gemacht werden können, wird anhand von vier einander komplementären Positionen aufgezeigt.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Why (pre)closing matters. The case of human-robot interaction
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Rollet, Nicolas; Licoppe, Christian
    Using a conversationalist (CA) approach to study social interactions with artificial agents, we’ve collected « face-to-face » interactions between humans and the robot Pepper. As part of the topic of (dis)engagement, our attention has been focused on the last seconds of exchanges, namely the way humans manage to leave or close the interaction. The data revealed how much sequential issues, accountable actions as well as ritual considerations matter in many cases.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Doing Scheduling? The Construction of Agency and Memory while Programming a Reminder Robot with a Person with Severe Brain Injury
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Krummheuer, Antonia; Rehm, Matthias; Rodil, Kasper
    The paper argues that the field of human-robot interaction needs a distributed and socially situated understanding of reminding and scheduling practices to meet the needs of people with cognitive disabilities in the design of reminder robots. These results are based on a embodied interaction analysis of video recorded interactions of a co-creation process in which the participants test a reminder-robot prototype that was designed for and with people with acquired brain injury.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    When an emotional robot meets real customers Exploring HRI in a customer relationship setting
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Velkovska, Julia
    Spoon, a robot described by its designers as “social”, “emotional”, “empathic” and also “sympathic”, was put for three months period during last autumn in a telephone and IT shop in the center of Paris with the mission “to help” sales advisors to receive customers and answer their first questions (like orientation in this big two-floor shop, how to meet an advisor etc.). Building on the video-ethnographic study I conducted at this occasion, the paper explores the interactions between the robot and the customers as well as its inscription in the spatial configuration and work activities of this commercial space.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Lenny the bot as a resource for sequential analysis: exploring the treatment of Next Turn Repair Initiation in the beginnings of unsolicited calls
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Relieu, Marc; Sahin, Merve; Francillon, Aurelien
    Based on conversation analysis, this study examines a corpus of naturally produced telemarketing phone calls with a chatbot called Lenny. Initially designed to trick the authors of unsolicited calls, Lenny has a methodological interest for Conversation Analysis and permits a fine understanding of bot/human professional calls. Because the design of its “turns” never changes, Lenny facilitates the comparisons between sequential phenomena. In this paper, we focus on repair sequences initiated with a specific “trouble with hearing” Next Turn Repair Initiator during beginnings and pre- beginnings. We show how the caller preserves the progressivity of the call while trying to solve the repair issue.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    How informative is informative? Benchmarks and optimal cut points for E-Health Websites
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Thielsch, Meinald T.; Thielsch, Carolin; Hirschfeld, Gerrit
    Scores of different evaluation measures resulting from website tests are difficult to interpret without comparative data. Benchmarks and optimal cut points provide such interpretation aids. Benchmarks are usually built with test score means based on a tested pool of comparable websites. Optimal cut points are calculated with an external criterion using receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) based methods applied on website evaluations. Due to relevance and sensitivity of the topic, making the right decision based on evaluation data is of particular importance for creators and owners of websites presenting health-related information. Thus, we combined data of two studies, with a total of n = 2.614 participants, evaluating m=33 health-related websites. Established questionnaires were applied: Web-CLIC (website content), PWU-G and UMUX-Lite (usability), VisAWI-S (aesthetics), and trusting belief scales of McKnight et al. [7]. We calculated overall and specific values for four categories of e-health websites. Benchmarks were quite comparable among categories while optimal cut points differed more. Particularly, cut points were high for charity websites and partly lower for the category “Personal sites & support groups”. In general, user requirements for e-health websites appear to be significantly higher than available published benchmarks and cut points for websites in other areas.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Intuitive Interfaces? Interface Design and its Impact on Human-Robot Interaction
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Muhle, Florian; Bock, Indra
    One goal of developing humanoid robots and virtual agents is to allow for intuitive and natural interaction with technical systems. However, up to now existing robotic systems do not live up to this promise. Based on an empirical approach that combines the analysis of the interface design of three different robot/agent systems with the micro-analysis of empirical encounters between humans and respective systems, we show that and how the systems provide contradictory 'affordances', which make it systematically difficult to start and continue satisfying interactions with them.
  • Workshopbeitrag
    Laughing at the robot: Incongruent robot actions as laughables
    (Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Due, Brian
    Laughter is a common occurrence when people interact with social robots. Among the many reasons for the production of laughter, one phenomenon is when the robot responds inadequately and or in a contextually inappropriate manner to the ongoing interaction. This paper is grounded in studies from a semi-experimental setting in which course participants naturally interact with the humanoid robot Pepper in a Danish context. Building upon video recordings and ethnomethodological conversation analysis, the paper explores situations where the robot produces an action that somehow diverges from the expected trajectory of social actions and consequently establishes an incongruency. This research contributes to our understanding of the finetuned nature of human sociality and hence requirements for Human-Robot-Interaction.