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P155 - BIOSIG 2009 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    The extended access control for machine readable travel documents
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Chaabouni, Rafik; Vaudenay, Serge
    Machine Readable travel documents have been rapidly put in place since 2004. The initial standard was made by the ICAO and it has been quickly followed by the Extended Access Control (EAC). In this paper we discuss about the evolution of these standards and more precisely on the evolution of EAC. We intend to give a realistic survey on these standards. We discuss about their problems, such as the inexistence of a clock in the biometric passports and the absence of a switch preventing the lecture of a closed passport. We also look at the issue with retrocompatibility that could be easily solved and the issue with terminal revocation that is harder.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    SAMLizing the European citizen card
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Eichholz, Jan; Hühnlein, Detlef; Schwenk, Jörg
    While the use of Federated Identity Management and Single Sign-On based on the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) standards becomes more and more important, there are quite a few European countries which are about to introduce national ID cards, which are compliant to the European Citizen Card (ECC) specification prTS 15480. The present contribution shows how these two seemingly opposite approaches may be integrated in a seamless and secure fashion such that it is possible to use the security features of the ECC in a federated scenario, which allows easy integration of Service Providers.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Sanitizable signatures: how to partially delegate control for authenticated data
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Brzuska, Christina; Fischlin, Marc; Lehmann, Anja; Schröder, Dominique
    Sanitizable signatures have been introduced by Ateniese et al. (ESORICS 2005) and allow an authorized party, the sanitizer, to modify a predetermined part of a signed message without invalidating the signature. Brzuska et al. (PKC 2009) gave the first comprehensive formal treatment of the five security properties for such schemes. These are unforgeability, immutability, privacy, transparency and accountability. They also provide a modification of the sanitizable signature scheme proposed by Ateniese et al. such that it provably satisfies all security requirement. Unfortunately, their scheme comes with rather large signature sizes and produces computational overhead that increases with the number of admissible modifications. In this paper we show that by sacrificing the transparency property - thus allowing to distinguish whether a message has been sanitized or notwe can obtain a sanitizable signature scheme that is still provably secure concerning the other aforementioned properties but significantly more efficient. We propose a construction that is based solely on regular signature schemes, produces short signatures and only adds a small computational overhead.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Spectral selection for a biometric recognition system based on hand veins detection through image spectrometry
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Cortés, Franciso; Aranda, José M.; Sanchez-Reillo, Raul; Meléndez, Juan; López, Fernando
    This paper presents the result of a work orientated to the spectral optimization of the acquisition devices in vascular biometrics systems. Spectral windows are proposed which will allow to design a multispectral system with a few and well defined bands, obtaining a more robust and reliable device, compared with the standard single band systems. This is in accordance to general trend of electro-optical and infrared acquisition systems in the field of the detection and remote sensing, where the work focus is on obtaining optimized bands. To carry out this work a Hyperespectral Imaging System (HIS) has been used as the acquisition system. In order to analyze the large amount of information and to select the spectral bands, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been done.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Multi-sample fusion with template protection
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Kelkboom, Emile J. C.; Breebaart, Jeroen; Veldhuis, Raymond N. J.; Zhou, Xuebing; Busch, Christoph
    The widespread use of biometrics and its increased popularity introduces privacy risks. In order to mitigate these risks, solutions such as the helper-data system, fuzzy vault, fuzzy extractors, and cancelable biometrics were introduced, also known as the field of template protection. Besides these developments, fusion of multiple sources of biometric information have shown to improve the verification performance of the biometric system. Our work consists of analyzing feature-level fusion in the context of the template protection framework using the helper-data system. We verify the results using the FRGC v2 database and two feature extraction algorithms.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Challenges for the implementation and revision of international biometric standards demonstrated by the example of face image data
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Ebinger, Peter; Neves, Margarida Castro; Salamon, René; Bausinger, Oliver
    Travel documents such as the electronic passport (ePass) ensure that each person can be uniquely identified by a single document. The development of new ePass security chip technologies allows for the inclusion of biometric properties in the data carrier of the ePass. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has determined a personal photograph as being the interoperable feature for all global travel documents; ICAO [Gro04] regulations reference quality requirements for facial images as defined in ISO standard ISO/IEC 19794-5 [Intb]. Project FIReBIRDs goal is to prepare an international facial image database for conformity tests based on ISO/IEC 19794-5 [Intb], to analyze the requirements in the regulating documents, and to develop suggestions for adaptations and extensions of these standards. The FIReBIRD database shall provide a well-defined ground truth for level 3 conformance testing. For this purpose the specifications in the standard were thoroughly analyzed and in some parts refined to allow for a precise definition of ground truth. We show with two examples that there might be a defined common-sense definition for some parameters, but they are not measurable and their specification is not scientifically founded: the definition of full frontal view and the definition of eye and hair colors. Our results show that specifications and requirements should always be checked for necessity, practicability and usability and that a continued review and revision of biometric standards is necessary.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    The fuzzy vault for fingerprints is vulnerable to brute force attack
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Mihǎilescu, Preda; Munk, Axel; Tams, Benjamin
    The fuzzy vault approach is one of the best studied and well accepted ideas for binding cryptographic security into biometric authentication. We present in this paper a brute force attack which improves on the one described by T. Charles Clancy et. al. in 2003 in an implementation of the vault for fingerprints. Based on this attack, we show that three implementations of the fingerprint vault are vulnerable and show that the vulnerability cannot be avoided by mere parameter selection in the actual frame of the protocol. We will report about our experiences with an implementation of such an attack. We also give several suggestions which can improve the fingerprint vault to become a cryptographically secure algorithm. In particular, we introduce the idea of fuzzy vault with quiz which draws upon information resources unused by the current version of the vault. This may bring important security improvements and can be adapted to the other biometric applications of the vault.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Biometrie - Beschleuniger oder Bremser von Identitätsdiebstahl
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Busch, Christoph
    Der Beitrag betrachtet die Fragestellung, ob Biometrie als Beschleuniger oder Bremser von Identitätsdiebstahl betrachtet werden sollte. Dazu werden Szenarien betrachtet, in denen umfangreich Gesichtsbilddaten gesammelt werden. Diese Szenarien werden anhand etablierter Definitionen analysiert. Ferner werden Vorfälle von Identitätsmissbrauch betrachtet und eine Bewertung von Schutzmechanismen gegeben.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A note on the protection level of biometric data in electronic passports
    (BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Baier, Harald; Straub, Tobias
    Following regulations of the EU Council in 2004, the member states have deployed electronic passports according to ICAO standards. Such documents contain an embedded radio frequency chip for storing personal data. The chip of a first generation German passport only duplicates the information which is already printed on the passport. In the current second version there are now also two fingerprints as additional biometric attributes apart from the digital facial image of the document owner. The note at hand concentrates on attack vectors of biometric characteristics contained in the RF chip and discusses which threats towards fingerprints are thwarted. Our gist is to point to the low protection level of the facial image on the one hand and the high protection level of fingerprints on the other hand although both biometric characteristics are easy to gather.