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Umweltinformationssysteme 2012

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Open Data Governance
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Leißner, Arne; van Nouhuys, Jo
    Mit einer Vielzahl von Initiativen agieren Politik und Verwaltung in Sachen Open Data. Auf der Grundlage des Regierungsprogramms „Vernetzte und transparente Verwaltung" setzt sich die Bundesregierung das Ziel, bis 2013 eine bundesweite Plattform für Open Data zu schaffen. Auf Landesebene (z.B. Berlin, Bayern) und in Kommunen (z.B. Köln) wurden Initiativen gestartet und erste Plattformen eingerichtet. Auch die Europäische Union hat jüngst eine neue Open Data Strategie angekündigt, die der Öffentlichkeit die umfangreichen Archive und die gewaltigen Datenbanken der öffentlichen Verwaltungen der Europäischen Union zugänglich machen soll. Unter anderem die USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien stellen schon seit längerer Zeit Daten auf Open Data-Plattformen zur weiteren Verwendung bereit. Der offene Zugang zu Daten der Verwaltung ist kein völlig neues Thema. In Deutschland unterhält zum Beispiel das Statistische Bundesamt die Plattform deStatis mit statistischen Daten zur Weiterverwendung. Im Umweltbereich gab es bereits sehr früh in Berlin mit dem FIS Broker ein Portal für Umwelt- und Geodaten. Neue technische Möglichkeiten, verstärkte partizipative Bestrebungen und ökonomische Erwägungen (Mehrfachnutzung von Daten) erfordern neue und übergreifende Strategien zur Bereitstellung und Nutzbarkeit von Daten aus der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Sind es an einem Ende Portale mit intelligenten Such- und Zugriffsmechanismen, die die Entwicklung beflügeln, so sind am Anfang und als Grundlage vor allem verlässliche Daten die Voraussetzung. Praktische Erfahrungen beim Aufbau und der technischen Migration von Umweltinformations- und Fachinformationssystemen zeigen jedoch, dass vorhandene Datenbestände oftmals nicht den Anforderungen an Vollständigkeit, Fehlerfreiheit 92 und Eindeutigkeit genügen. Das betrifft nicht nur die Primärdaten, sondern auch die Metadaten, die insbesondere die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Weiterverwendung aufzeigen. Die Herstellung von Datenqualität vor der öffentlichen Bereitstellung liegt im genuinen Interesse von (Umwelt-) Verwaltungen und ist Element einer aktiven Open Data-Strategie, einer Open Data Governance. Was ist unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Datenqualität bei dieser Strategie zu beachten? Welche Grundsätze sind anzuwenden? Welche Methoden und Werkzeuge gibt es?
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Verteilungswirkung von Verkehrslärm in Berlin - Methoden und Ergebnisse
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Becker, Thilo; Friedemann, Julia
    Noise causes a variety of negative impacts on human wellbeing and health. The main impacts are considered to be annoyance due to noise and health impacts. Traffic noise emission levels may vary greatly on a very small scaled level due to differences in traffic flows, distances between source and receiver, as well as reflection and attenuation. This may lead to a rather unequal distribution of noise exposition among the inhabitants of an urban environment. In our analysis, we examine whether this unequal noise distribution reflects the social distribution of a city, leading to a situation where most deprived social groups are affected most by noise. For this purpose, we use data from strategic noise maps in order to compute external noise costs per exposed person on the level of street sections. We thereby transfer noise exposition to a single monetary unit, allowing us to directly compare different noise levels and to quantify the economic damage associated with high noise exposition. In a next step, noise costs are overlaid with differentiated information about the social composition of neighborhoods. The indicators used are the share of inhabitants with migration background as well as the share of inhabitants receiving social welfare on the level of street sections. The results show that noise exposure differs significantly between the analyses socio-demographic groups. Noise costs are on average twice as high for the most advantaged groups compared to the least advantaged groups. The results clearly state, that noise mitigation measures are not only a matter of environmental protection but also of social planning and public health.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Die GSBL-Kommunikationsplattform – ein gemeinsames Portal für Bund und Länder
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Liebscher, Barbara
    The coordination office of the Joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States (GSBL) is set up at the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA). The coordination office updates the data of the GSBL database on the ORACLE database of the operator's centre twice a year. This set of updated data is the basis for the search databases provided to the users. The search database GSBLintern provides the totale data pool for authorities of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States. The version GSBLpublic holds an excerpt of the complete database, which is freely available to the general public. In this research project a web-based communication platform was conceptualized and developed which supports the production process in the coordination office extensively and acts as a central contact point for the cooperation community for the exchange of information, data and software. The GSBL communication platform provides all partners involved in the production process with a software for production tracing which improves cooperation and protects the quality of the data stream.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Umweltgerechtigkeit als neue ressortübergreifende sozialräumliche Strategie im Land Berlin
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Klimeczek, Heinz-Josef
    There are hardly any studies in Germany which have examined the link between socio-economic status and health risks in the residential environment. The pilot project "Environmental justice in the State of Berlin" is the first study in Germany to have determined the link between social structure and environmental quality on a small spatial scale. This provides the substantive basis for the development of a new cross-cutting topic area at the interface of health, urban development and design, and the environment. The project focused on the health-related aspects of air pollution, noise, bio-climate, provision of green spaces, and urban development. The environmental data from these fields were related to "living environment areas" ("Lebensweltlich orientierte Räume", 447 planning areas). They represent the current spatial basis for planning, forecasting and monitoring demographic and socio-spatial developments in Berlin. As the last step, the spatially related findings were combined on a single (spatial) level of analysis. These initial investigations created the basis for an environmental urban monitoring system which complements the established monitoring systems by generating health-related information.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Aufbau und Verwendung von Fachterminologie
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Bandholtz, Thomas; Fock, Joachim
    Domain terminology is a network of hopefully shared conceptualisations in the area of discourse, designated by hopefully un-ambiguous terms and labels or - in terms of data representation - identifiers. In most cases those terms and identifiers are not managed on the enterprise level which causes misunderstandings and mismatches in all areas of communication. This article drafts a roadmap of evolving and exploiting domain terminologies based on experiences of the authors and further thoughts about the next steps to go.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Hochwasser- und Sturmflutinformationssystem Schleswig-Holstein (HSI-SH)
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Hosenfeld, Friedhelm; Hach, Ralf
    The high-water and storm surge information system Schleswig-Holstein (HSI) is a portal site offering details about current water levels on digital maps as well as flood warnings and various background information about these topics including weather data, web cam positions, addresses and web links. The main challenge of the system design was to comply with different requirements: while during normal periods only an average number of users will visit the site, in extreme high-water situations the number of accesses will explode. Especially in these cases it is the system’s essential task, to present highly up-to-date and reliable information. Thus, a solution was developed combining up-to-date data presentation with static HTML-pages reducing server load in extreme situations as far as possible in order to manage access for many concurrent users.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Bausteine zu einer Technologie für Participatory Sensing Anwendungen
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Abecker, Andreas; Zacharias, Valentin; de Melo Borges, Julio
    We present the idea of Participatory Sensing which is a Crowdsourcing approach where people use mobile sensors and their mobile phones or tablet PCs for data transfer in order to collect data for some dedicated purpose. After a comprehensive Participatory Sensing definition and a review of applications for nature conservation and environmental protection, we sketch elements of a generic software framework and the current implementation status of the PartSense project.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Digitale Biodiversitätsatlanten – Tools zur Unterstützung regionaler und internationaler Expertennetzwerke für die Erfassung und Bewertung biologischer Diversität
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Brunken, Heiko; Genzel, Carl-Heinz; Vatterrott, Heide-Rose; Winkler, Martin
    The paper describes a framework for the interactive implementation of Web-GIS applications by biologists and interested non-professionals. The framework is developed by biologists and computer scientists of the University of Applied Sciences Bremen in order to support for gathering, management and visualization of information about biodiversity.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Augmented Maps und Augmented Reality für den präventiven Hochwasserschutz
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank; Simroth, Stefan; Pfützner, Bernd; Trosien, Frank
    In this paper possibilities of use of Smartphone-based mobile augmented maps (AM) and augmented reality (AR) in flood management are presented. Based on application fields in flood management mobile AM and AR applications are described and an information infrastructure supporting their realization is described.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    PortalU und Open Data: Möglichkeiten der Darstellung und Abfrage von Umweltinformationen
    (Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Haß, Stefanie; Kruse, Fred
    Since the introduction of the Environmental Information Portal, PortalU (www.portalu.de) in 2006 the Portal publishes environmental information from public agencies. Visitors to the portal can search environmental web pages, documents, maps (WMS) and metadata, published by more the 450 providers all over Germany. Environmental data in open data portals are requested frequently and play an important role in developing applications for people generally interested in this field. PortalU sets standards in publishing and searching environmental data. Large sets of metadata are collected on the basis of ISO-conform data catalogues. The link between the metadata and the published information in the PortalU is a key element for improving the presentation and content of information in the portal. Further aspects in optimizing the information retrieval is the analysis of user search log files, which allows identifying certain search pattern. With these findings the PortalU search machine can be adapted to user requirements. The coordination centre PortalU (Koordinierungsstelle PortalU) plans to expand the portal service portfolio by testing and applying those methods.