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Geography and Integrated Landscape Assessment for Needs of Sustainable Development Planning – Potency or Impotency?

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Masaryk University Brno


The author explains basic principles of the project, which is responding to a state, when is missing an integrated methodological procedure, which would supported decision making sphere to optimally decide about development of region with respect to natural and social potential and landscape carrying capacity. In sequence, definitions of biotic, ecological, social, cultural and legislative limits territorial development, natural and social potential territory and landscape carrying capacity are principal objectives of the project (theoretic part). Important output of the project will be standardized methodical procedure, which will be point to finding an optimum socioeconomic development of locations, with regard to social needs (demands) and requirements from sustainable development point of view (practical part). The artical are focused on geodata collection (gathering), transformation, geodatabase making and geodata assimilation for realizing integrated geographical project, which is registered in database Central Registered Projects in Czech Republic, too. For collection of so-called primary geodata in the field, we will utilize the modern facilities of the Department of Geography, including GPS and the available GIS software database (geodata on the existing utilization of a territory, its civic amenities, municipal services etc). As secondary data we consider those, that have been acquired by other institutions, e.g. aerial photos, digitized thematic (geological, geomorphologic, biotic, and etc.) maps, geodata from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the Czech Statistical Bureau, etc. However, we intend to verify secondary data by means of GPS devices and field research so that we can eliminate inaccuracies caused e.g. by generalization.


Balej, Martin (2005): Geography and Integrated Landscape Assessment for Needs of Sustainable Development Planning – Potency or Impotency?. Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information. Brno: Masaryk University Brno. Modelling, simulation and computing. Brno. 2005



