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Construction of Productivity Models - A Tool-Supported Approach in the Area of Facility Management


Productivity models specify input and output factors to inform productivity analyses. Current research and business practice face the challenge of developing a wide range of different productivity models. These models were created simultaneously but isolated from each other. As a consequence thereof, several practices of productivity model construction have emerged. This paper presents a unifying modelling language that lists and interrelates the essential constructs, pertinent to productivity models. Ultimately it was transferred into practice by employing a software tool. The application was conducted in the area of facility management, supporting two different approaches of productivity benchmarking. Facility management features a huge diversity of offered services and bundles. Thus, facility managers cope with various definitions of productivity that are then modelled with our approach.


Becker, Jörg; Bernhold, Torben; Beverungen, Daniel; Kaling, Nina; Knackstedt, Ralf; Lellek, Vanessa; Rauer, Hans Peter (2012): Construction of Productivity Models - A Tool-Supported Approach in the Area of Facility Management. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 7, Nr. 1. DOI: 10.18417/emisa.7.1.2. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 1866-3621. pp. 28-43. Special Issue on Product-Service Systems and Productivity


