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P141 - MobIS 2008 - Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Model-based competency-oriented business process analysis
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Leyking, Katrina; Angeli, Ralf
    Traditionally, business process analysis is primarily concerned with the identification of structural weaknesses, inefficient capacity utilization or IT deficiencies. Despite this well-founded knowledge about process performance, and despite the increasingly recognized relevance of human capital for business performance, business process analysis efforts rarely touch human resources - except for downsizing or layoffs. The objective of this paper is to extend traditional business process modelling and business process simulation by competency requirements and their impact on process performance. By doing so, business process performance can be improved through the integration of competency requirements into process design. The approach addresses the need to derive competency requirements from business processes in order to facilitate the alignment of employee competency profiles with business roles (staffing) as well as the effective closure of business-relevant competency gap through tailored learning processes (business-driven personnel development).
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    An engineering approach to enterprise architecture design and its application at a financial service provider
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Aier, Stephan; Kurpjuweit, Stephan; Schmitz, Otto; Schulz, Jörg; Thomas, André; Winter, Robert
    In analogy to classical engineering disciplines, this contribution discusses characteristics and requirements of an engineering approach to enterprise architecture design and proposes components and a top-level structure of an approach to address these requirements. The proposed components can partially be realized by existing work; partially they lay out the research path towards a mature engineering discipline of EA design. Core components of the proposed approach have been applied and evaluated at Deutsche Leasing AG, a globally operating financial service provider based in Germany.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Designing and utilising business indicator systems within enterprise models – Outline of a method
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Frank, Ulrich; Heise, David; Kattenstroth, Heiko; Schauer, Hanno
    The design of effective indicators and indicator systems requires a profound understanding of the relevant business context. Numerous relations and dependencies within an indicator system exist, which need to be analysed thoroughly: Many relations are based on implicit assumptions or sometimes not known by the management at all. This is of particular relevance for business success, since improperly used indicator systems may lead to `dysfunctional effects' like opportunistic behaviour. This paper outlines a method for designing and utilising indicator systems. It fosters a convenient and consistent definition and interpretation of indicator systems. Furthermore, it serves as a conceptual foundation for related performance management systems, such as dashboard systems.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Towards simulation-supported enterprise architecture management
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Buckl, Sabine; Matthes, Florian; Renz, Wolfgang; Schweda, Christian M.; Sudeikat, Jan
    Enterprise architecture management is based on a holistic view on the enterprise addressing business and IT aspects in an integrated manner. EA management is a process to manage the complexity of the overall architecture and to improve the alignment of business and IT. In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary but not sufficient to manage the static complexity that arises from dependencies between the elements of the EA, like goals, organizational units, business processes, business applications, and IT infrastructure elements. Performance, stability, and scalability can only be analyzed, modeled, and controlled, if static EA models are enriched by appropriate abstractions to capture the dynamic complexity of the EA understood as a socio-technical system of interacting (sub-)systems. This article identifies possible techniques to address dynamic complexity in EA. The potential benefits of system simulations are discussed and the derivation of apropriate simulation models is exemplified. A key observation is the fact that EA management is a iterative evolution process, where each iteration only changes a small fraction of the EA. It is therefore possible to automatically derive model parameters required for the simulation of the future architectures from an analysis of the dynamics of the current architecture.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    On the choice between graph-based and block-structured business process modeling languages
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Kopp, Oliver; Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank
    The most prominent business process notations in use today are BPMN, EPC and BPEL. While all those languages show similarities on the conceptual level and share similar constructs, the semantics of these constructs and even the intended use of the language itself are often quite different. As a result, users are uncertain when to use which language or construct in a particular language, especially when they have used another business process notation before. In this paper, we discuss the core characteristics of graph-based and block-structured modeling languages and compare them with respect to their join and loop semantics.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Business process compliance checking: Current state and future challenges
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Kharbili, Marwane el; Medeiros, Ana Karla Alves de; Stein, Sebastian; Aalst, Wil M. P. van der
    Regulatory compliance sets new requirements for business process management (BPM). Companies seek to enhance their corporate governance processes and are required to put in place measures for ensuring compliance to regulations. In this sense, this position paper (i) reviews the current work in the context of BPM systems and (ii) suggests future directions to improve the current status. During the literature review, techniques are classified as supporting forward or backward compliance. The latter is a post-execution compliance (i.e. based on execution histories of systems) and the former takes place at designor run-time. In a nutshell, this position paper claims that four main aspects need to be incorporated by current compliance checking techniques: (i) an integrated approach able to cover the full BPM life-cycle, (ii) the support for compliance checks beyond control-flow-related aspects, (iii) intuitive graphical notations for business analysts, and (iv) embedding semantic technologies during the definition, deployment and executions of compliance checks.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    3D representation of business process models
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Betz, Stefanie; Eichhorn, Daniel; Hickl, Susan; Klink, Stefan; Koschmider, Agnes; Li, Yu; Oberweis, Andreas; Trunko, Ralf
    3D technologies open up new possibilities for modeling business processes. They provide higher plasticity and eliminate some deficits of conventional 2D process modeling such as the limitation of the amount of information to be integrated into a process model in an understandable way. The aim of this paper is to show how the usage of an additional visual modeling dimension may support users in compactly representing and animating business process models. For this purpose, we propose an approach for 3D representation of business process models based on Petri nets. The need for the third modeling dimension is pointed out with three modeling scenarios for which we propose modeling improvements in 3D space. Early evaluations indicate the effectiveness of our approach, which goes beyond conventional modeling tools for business processes.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    EPK-Validierung zur Modellierungszeit in der bflow* Toolbox
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Gruhn, Volker; Laue, Ralf; Kern, Heiko; Kühne, Stefan
    Dieser Beitrag stellt den Prototyp eines EPK-Modellierungswerkzeugs vor, der Verfahren zur Suche in Graphen nutzt, um Fehler in EPK-Modellen zu identifizieren. Dieses Werkzeug hat gegenüber bekannten Ansätzen zwei Vorzüge: Zum einen ist es nicht notwendig, den (oft sehr großen) Zustandsraum aller möglichen Abläufe in einem Modell zu berechnen. Zum Zweiten kann unser Ansatz auch auf noch nicht vollständig fertiggestellte Modelle angewendet werden. Der Modellierer wird sofort zur Modellierungszeit über mögliche Probleme sowie deren Ursachen informiert und erhält unmittelbare Vorschläge zur Beseitigung der Probleme.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Integrierte Produkt- und Prozessmodellierung: Rahmenkonzept und Anwendungsfall zur EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Hogrebe, Frank; Nüttgens, Markus
    Die Zuständigkeiten für Produkte und Prozesse liegen im Regelfall verteilt im Organisations-, IT- oder Finanzbereich. Zusammenhänge und Interdependenzen werden demzufolge oftmals nur unzureichend erkannt. Integrierte Produktund Prozessmodelle (IPP) sind ein viel versprechender Ansatz, diesen Defiziten zu begegnen. Verteilte Zuständigkeiten sind aufgrund der traditionellen Arbeitsteilung in öffentlichen Verwaltungen der Regelfall. Diese sind mit Blick auf die EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie bis Ende 2009 gefordert, ihre Produktund Prozessorganisation neu auszurichten. Wesentliche Kernanforderungen der Richtlinie sind die Einrichtung einheitlicher Ansprechpartner für Unternehmen und die elektronische Verfahrensabwicklung von Formalitäten und Verfahren zur Aufnahme und Ausübung einer Dienstleistungstätigkeit. Dies hat unmittelbare Auswirkungen auf die Ausgestaltung der zugrunde liegenden Informationssysteme und der IT-Infrastruktur, besonders bezogen auf die eGovernment-Angebote öffentlicher Verwaltungen. Ausgehend von einem IPP-Rahmenkonzept beschreibt der Beitrag einen Modellierungsansatz, der auf Basis objektorientierter Ereignisgesteuerter Prozessketten (oEPK) ein Integriertes Produktund Prozessmodell für die öffentliche Verwaltung zum Ziel hat. Am Anwendungsfall der Gewerbe-Anmeldung wird der Ansatz im Rahmen der Implementierung der Dienstleistungsrichtlinie konkretisiert.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Text Driven Modeling Architecture - Modellierung im Zeitalter Serviceorientierter Architekturen
    (Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008), 2008) Mai, André
    Mit Serviceorientierte Architekturen können wiederverwendbare Modellstrukturen entwickelt werden. Bei der Modellierung über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg sind Missverständnisse vorprogrammiert, die durch eine Transformation von natürlichsprachlichen Texten in semiformale Modelle vermieden werden können. Im Beitrag werden existierende Möglichkeiten zur Extraktion von UML-Klassenmodellen aus Benutzeranforderungen, statistischlinguistische Analysten und Heuristiken untersucht und zu einer neuen Methode kombiniert.