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Profile-based View Composition in Development Dashboards


Continuous Integration (CI) environments cope with the repeated integration of source code changes and provide rapid feedback about the status of a software project. However, as the integration cycles become shorter, the amount of data increases, and the effort to find information in statically composed CI dashboards becomes substantial. We want to address the shortcoming of static views with a so-called Software Quality Assessment (SQA) mashup and profiles. SQA-Mashup describes an approach to enable the integration and presentation of data generated in CI environments. In addition, SQA-Profiles describe sets of rules to enable a dynamic composition of CI dashboards based on stakeholder activities in tools of a CI environment (e.g., version control system).


Brandtner, Martin; Leitner, Philipp; Gall, Harald (2015): Profile-based View Composition in Development Dashboards. Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 35, Heft 2. Bonn: Geselllschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 0720-8928. Berichte aus den Fachgruppen und Arbeitskreisen - FG SRE: Bericht und Beiträge vom 17. Workshop "Software-Reengineering und -Evolution" der GI-Fachgruppe Software-Reengineering, 04.-06. Mai 2015 in Bad Honnef



