Auflistung P339 - BIOSIG 2023 - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group nach Autor:in "Amol S Joshi, Ali Dabouei"
Limited data availability is a challenging problem in the latent fingerprint domain. Synthetically generated fingerprints are vital for training data-hungry neural network-based algorithms. Conventional methods distort clean fingerprints to generate synthetic latent fingerprints. We propose a simple and effective approach using style transfer and image blending to synthesize realistic latent fingerprints. Our evaluation criteria and experiments demonstrate that the generated synthetic latent fingerprints preserve the identity information from the input contact-based fingerprints while possessing similar characteristics as real latent fingerprints. Additionally, we show that the generated fingerprints exhibit several qualities and styles, suggesting that the proposed method can generate multiple samples from a single fingerprint.