P120 - Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges
Auflistung P120 - Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges nach Autor:in "Cholewai, Wojciech"
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- KonferenzbeitragAn Approach for model based Requirement Engineering of Participative Engineering Methodology(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Johnsen, Svein G.; Rolfsen, Rolf K.; Tellioglu, HildaIn the context of the MAPPER project, the paper presents an approach for model based methodology requirement engineering with the mission of supporting the creation and utilisation of a requirement and assessment model enabling a dynamic representation of all methodology requirement and solution related artefacts and structures. The experiences from the application of the approach are presented and discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragBusiness Process and Workflow Management for Design of Electronic Systems – Balancing Flexibility and Control(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Pawlak, Adam; Jørgensen, Håvard D.; Penkala, Piotr; Fraś, PawełThe application of business process management (BPM) and workflow management (WfM) technologies for design and verification of electronic systems is not straightforward. Flexible, evolving and human-centred process execution is needed to support creative design tasks performed by designers. Rigorous control, and automation of procedures are needed for quality assurance, training, resource management, and for simplifying the use of complex design and verification tools. This paper presents a novel knowledge-based approach for integration of BPM with engineering design processes represented as workflows. The approach combines flexibility and control of business and engineering processes in a customizable manner. It supports also better coordination of distributed design tasks through management procedures expressed as visual models. The solutions presented in the paper are being developed and applied in the MAPPER project1, where two SMEs are working together to produce a joint high-speed USB product.
- KonferenzbeitragCollaboration - New Media – Design An Integrated Environment for Supporting Collaboration in Building Design(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Carrara, Gianfranco; Fioravanti, AntonioBuilding is one of the most widespread human activities, as it involves a far greater number of people and professional profiles than all other industries and absorbs about half of world energy consumption. Its multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature makes the design-construction process, as well as the building product, increasingly complex. It is thus always more difficult, with usual design methods and efficiently to obtain correctly designed solutions and to favour creativity, while respecting assigned time schedules and budgets. These are very well known problems, on which abundant efforts and resources have been spent in pursuit of an efficient solution. One generally agreed solution is efficient collaboration among the design actors, although all the forms and tools proposed hitherto do not allow all the difficulties embedded in the problem itself to be overcome. The great potentialities of the new media are considered to be crucial for the resolution of the previously mentioned problem, although, until now, this approach has raised new problems than it has solved the old ones. To provide a more efficient collaboration among all the actors involved in the design process, this paper presents a model of the structure of the building design process based on the Collaborative Work Environment paradigm that allows us to define a system supporting integrated building design. Its philosophy is to follow through the actual design process in order to allow actors to behave as they are accustomed. Its structure relies on the dialectics among distributed knowledge bases and a shared (and agreed) one, while the design solution workspace on its turn can be conceived so as subdivided into a private one, specific to any actor, and one shared among them. Human actors are supported by intelligent assistants. The system semantically translates the information exchanged (both formally and informally) among the actors, allows incoherent/favourable situations to be highlighted and managed in real time, and can facilitate the onset and dissemination of creative ideas. System implementation has preliminarily been presented as a game, in order to avoid unnecessary complexity while retaining generality, so that can be used as an e-learning tool.
- KonferenzbeitragContext–aware Integration of Collaboration Services for the Support of Mobile Field Operations(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Eikerling, Heinz-Josef; Benesch, Matthias; Berger, Frank; Bublitz, SiegfriedThis paper describes concepts for using contextual information in an advanced service environment for the support of mobile maintenance processes. We focus on spatio-temporal context data which is generated by a configurable set of different sensing systems providing positioning and proximity data. We devise an engine offering flexible interfaces to process the acquired raw data and making it accessible to other services and applications of the software platform through various interaction modes. The service-oriented wrapping of this functionality results in the key advantage that the underlying context-sensing (i.e., tracking) technology can be easily exchanged without affecting the rest of the system or – even worse – the process. The benefit of utilising contextual information wrapped via such engine stems from the fact that a maintenance process can be accelerated and occurrences of errors resulting in incorrect executions of procedures can be reduced. We illustrate the use of the system in a setup in which the location of an assembly (or the respective parts of it) to be maintained will be acquired through electronically tagging those objects.
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- KonferenzbeitragDomain Repositories as Coordination Support in Collaborative Engineering(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Sandkuhl, Kurt; Billig, AndreasCollaborative engineering involves knowledge-intensive activities involving different specialists in collaboration processes tailored for the engineering domain under consideration. Focus of this paper is a specific aspect of coordination: how to support joint use of artefacts during collaborative engineering based on domain repositories. Starting from selected application examples, requirements towards domain repositories are identified. In this context, the domain repository ODIS offers basic functionality for coordination support by facilitating integrative, partitionable and user adaptable artefact management. Selected CSCW approaches, i.e. a groupware reference architecture and propositions for coordination mechanisms, are used to identify ODIS extensions.
- KonferenzbeitragFrom CSCW over CWE to CE: The Evolution of Needs and Tools – MATES Revisited(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Broek, Ger van den; Stewing, Franz-JosefMeetings, owning a central role in engineering projects, are the major way of performing the information exchange necessary for other engineers to make progress in their mutually depending tasks. They also play a central role in getting consensus and in achieving quality. However, when project members are not co-located this works less well. Travelling, standard remedy for this, is not an acceptable solution in the long run. Besides direct travel expenses, even greater cost are caused by wasting human time and energy due to commuting-like work situations. A solution must be “well integrated” and easily accessible in daily working situations. Current alternatives, like TV conferences in separate studios, still require co-location, scheduling, and disconnect people from usual working contexts. It must instead be light-weight and conveniently available, providing a media for the fine network of human interaction, the driving force in complex problem solving. Improving the efficiency of collaboration processes is the most promising way of increasing productivity in knowledge intensive projects. Primarily, easy-to-use means for interaction between people and between people and information, independent of place and time, are to be provided. The area of distributed information multimedia, groupware and CSCW is addressing this need. Quote from “The Euro-presence White Paper”, D. Schefström, CDT/Luleå, Sweden (1995)
- KonferenzbeitragPersonal Knowledge Management in Engineering Design – Issues, Concepts and Applications(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Pokojski, JerzyThe paper presents the basic concepts of personal knowledge structuring in engineering design with a computer tool known as the personal assistant of designer. The article concentrates on the main conceptual issues of the proposed approach.
- KonferenzbeitragPractices and Cultures of Knowledge Management(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Jacucci, Gianni; Tellioglu, Hilda; Wagner, InaIn this paper we take a CSCW perspective on knowledge management, looking at it at the level of daily work practice in two different contexts – project management and engineering design work. Special attention is paid to the diversity of artefacts central to knowledge management. Our analysis makes use of fieldwork in two companies. We use the notion of vignettes to illustrate a variety of knowledge management issues of which we want to mainly address three: The existence of different professional cultures and their interpretation schemes and how these influence representational genres, issues of boundary management and what we describe as a fragmentation of the knowledge base, and knowledge management practices as part of cooperative work.
- KonferenzbeitragProduct Based Interoperability – Approaches and Requirements(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Jørgensen, Håvard D.; Karlsen, Dag; Lillehagen, FrankProduct data, information and knowledge are the core ICT resources for collaborative design. This paper describes five different approaches to exchanging and sharing product data in collaborative engineering: 1) Document management, 2) Enterprise application integration, 3) Reference models and semantic web, 4) shared product data repository, and 5) Federated product knowledge architecture. State of the art in academic research and industrial practice is briefly assessed. The paper concludes by outlining challenges and directions towards realizing federate product knowledge architectures.