Auflistung nach Autor:in "Aalst, Wil van der"
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- KonferenzbeitragAdvanced Reduction Rules for the Verification of EPC Business Process Models(SIGSAND-EUROPE 2008: Proceedings of the Third AIS SIGSAND European Symposium on Analysis, Design, Use and Societal Impact of Information Systems, 2008) Mendling, Jan; Aalst, Wil van derConceptual business process models such as Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs) play an important role in the business process management life cycle. The pro- blem in this context is that most of today’s commercial business process management tools provide only limited support for quality assurance beyond simple syntax checks. In this paper we focus on verification of behavioral correctness as one of the major qua- lity issues for process models. To be more concise, we introduce advanced reduction rules for EPCs in order to address the requirements of performance and identificati- on of errors in practice. We present the verification tool xoEPC that implements the reduction rules. It provides detailed feedback to the modeler where errors are located in the model, and generates a report on quality issues in a process model collection. We present the application of xoEPC to the analysis of the SAP reference model to illustrate the tool.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards the interchange of configurable EPCs: An XML-based approach for refernce model configuration(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, 2005) Mendling, Jan; Recker, Jan; Rosemann, Michael; Aalst, Wil van derRecent research has led to proposals for the model-driven configuration of Enterprise Systems (ES) by the help of configurable reference models. While the proposed on gura le P s (C-EPCs) provide adequate conceptual support towards reference model configuration, the issue of translating the configured models towards executable process specifications has not been approached yet. A first step in this direction is the definition of a machine-readable format for C-EPCs that can be used as an interchange format and as an input format for transformations. This paper proposes a C-EPC representation in XML based on the P Mar up anguage (EPML) format. We take the formal C-EPC syntax definition as a starting point to define the requirements for a respective extension to EPML and introduce a C-EPC representation in EPML. Furthermore, we introduce the - P alidator, a program that generates validity reports for C-EPCs represented in EPML. The C-EPC Validator can be used to validate both configurable and configured C-EPCs. Finally, we highlight future application areas of the C-EPC schema.