Auflistung nach Autor:in "Bandholtz, Thomas"
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- Konferenzbeitrag5 Jahre Semantic Network Service (SNS) Aktueller Stand und Ausblick(Workshop des Arbeitskreises „Umweltdatenbanken / Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz“, 2008) Rüther, Maria; Bandholtz, ThomasAbstract Semantic Network Service (SNS) provides shared terminology access and indexing services for environmental and geospatial information systems since five years ( Having started closely related to the German Environmental Information Network (GEIN), SNS has emerged as a trusted reference for many systems, such as the German Environmental Information Portal (PortalU), the German Spatial Data Infrastructure (GeoPortal.Bund) on the federal level, and others on the state level. From applying the librarian approach of subject indexing to the Web, the focus has moved towards a more intuitive full text search assistance, and is currently shifting to semantic data integration. Einleitung Seit fünf Jahren bietet der Semantische Netzwerk Service (SNS) Umweltund raumbezogenen Informationssystemen Zugang zu einer gemeinsamen Fachterminologie und zu semantischen Diensten ( Aus einer anfänglich engen Kopplung mit dem Umweltinformationsnetz Deutschland (German Environmental Information Network, GEIN) hat sich SNS zu einer bewährten Referenz für zahlreiche Systeme entwickelt, dar unter das Umweltportal Deutschland (PortalU) und das Portal der Geodaten-Infrastruktur (GeoPortal.Bund) auf nationaler Ebene, sowie weitere auf Länderebene. Der Schwerpunkt von SNS hat sich dabei von einer dokumentarischen Erschließung (Verschlagwortung) zu einer mehr intuitiven Unterstützung der Volltextsuche verlagert, und bewegt sich derzeit weiter in Richtung einer semantischen Datenintegration.
- KonferenzbeitragA Challenge for the Global Water Management: The Harmonization of Terms, Definitions and Concepts(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Nagy, Michael
- KonferenzbeitragA Common Tool for Managing Environmental Monitoring Data(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Rüther, Maria; Bandholtz, Thomas; Schulte-Coerne, TillThis article gives an overview of a recent project of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) regarding the management of its data. It describes the user requirements, both from the perspective of the scientists as well as of application management, which have led to the development of a general tool for managing environmental data. Examples demonstrate the flexible structure of the new application and thus give an impression for possible use in other monitoring programs. Thereafter, we examine the German ESB’s open data, which is a part of the Federal Environment Agency’s Linked Open Data initiative.
- KonferenzbeitragA General Communication Infrastructure for Sharing Environmental Data and Services(Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004, 2004) Bandholtz, ThomasThis contribution has emerged from more than ten years of struggle with the integration of environmental data, starting with VISION-Umwelt in the early 90s (closely connected with the early UDK, respect to Helmut Lessing, Thomas Schütz, and Veronika Bachmann), going national with gein® in 1998 (Maria Rüther, Hartmut Streuff, Peter Treffler), expanding to geographic data infrastructure (GDI) in 2000 (IMAGI's GeoMIS.Bund, thanks to Jens Fitzke, Jürgen Walter and Jörg Sievers), visiting Sony Europe with an early SOAP interface (Dieter Lippkow, if he may read this) and reaching a preliminary plateau with Semantic Network Services (SNS, Maria again). From here, the view really is enchanting, if not breathtaking, when we consider what might be possible within the next few years. However, the mountain's crest is still a way to go, and a good climber has learned to develop some humbleness towards the final incomputability of the rocks. Some aspects of the imminent trail have been counseled in a feasibility study, drafting an Environmental Observation Integration Layer (with Gerlinde Knetsch, an exceptional "alpinist") in early 2004, and there might be a perceivable movement considering the ineluctable reunion of gein® and the UDK, which hopefully will not result in some kind of Romeo-and-Juliette colportage. To make the vision come true, we need a radical blueprint of a general communication infrastructure, sharing environmental data and services in true collaboration. Today, this rather is a question of culture, not of technology. My talk is intentionally provoking, addressing serious professionals who appreciate a true challenge. I am a free consultant now and have to make my living, but the ground is ambition, not bargaining.
- KonferenzbeitragA New Architecture for Reduction of Energy Consumption of Home Appliances(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Capone, Antonio; Barros, Maria; Hrasnica, Halid; Tompros, Spyridon
- KonferenzbeitragA Shared Environmental Information System for GMES: key topics(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Tacyniak, Danielle; Marty, Agnès
- KonferenzbeitragA state-of-the-art of Italian National Research Council (CNR) activities in the area of terminology and thesauri(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Plini, Paolo; Franco, Sabina Di; Santis, Valentina De
- KonferenzbeitragA testbed for INSPIRE and GMES services(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Kraut, Volker; Schilcher, Matthäus; Straub, Florian
- KonferenzbeitragA Transactional Environmental Support System for Europe(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Kenward, Robert; Manos, Basil; Arampatzis, Stratos; Papathanasiou, Jason
- KonferenzbeitragAccess to Environmental information in a Shared Environmental Information System(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Pick, Thomas