Auflistung nach Autor:in "Busch, Wolfgang"
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- KonferenzbeitragGeographic Information Systems Support for Monitoring Environmental Impacts Caused by Deep Hard Coal Mining(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Roosmann, Rainer; Busch, Wolfgang; Gorczyk, Julita; Mauersberger, Frank; Nickel, Stefan; Vosen, PeterEvery human activity has impacts on the natural environment, also deep hard coal mining with long-lasting activities and digging huge amounts of hard coal. To detect and minimize effects on anthropological landscape and natural environment, monitoring of specified phenomena takes place. This means large amounts of data and complex analyses that can’t be accomplished without using computerised support, especially by GIS. So this paper provides an insight into the concept of monitoring environmental impacts and how GIS can be used to support this.
- KonferenzbeitragKIRMES: Kernel-based Identification of Regulatory Modules in Euchromatic Sequences(German Conference on Bioinformatics, 2008) Schultheiss, Sebastian; Busch, Wolfgang; Lohmann, Jan U.; Kohlbacher, Oliver; Rätsch, GunnarMotivation: Understanding transcriptional regulation is one of the main challenges in computational biology. An important problem is the identification of transcription factor binding sites in promoter regions of potential transcription factor target genes. It is typically approached by position weight matrix-based motif identification algorithms using Gibbs sampling or heuristics for extending seed oligos. Such algorithms succeed in identifying single, relatively well conserved binding sites, but tend to fail when it comes to the identification of combinations of several degenerate binding sites as those often found in cis-regulatory modules. Results: We propose a new algorithm that combines the benefits of existing motif finding with the ones of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to find degenerate motifs in order to improve the modeling of regulatory modules. In experiments on microarray data from Arabidopsis thaliana we were able to show that the newly developed strat- egy significantly improves the recognition of transcription factor targets. Availability: The PYTHON source code (open source–licensed under GPL), the data for the experiments and a web-service are available at http://www.fml.mpg. de/raetsch/projects/kirmes. Contact:
- KonferenzbeitragNutzung von Fernerkundungsdaten bei einer GIS gestützten Modellierung hydrologischer Parameter im Rahmen der großräumigen Umweltüberwachung bergbaulicher Tätigkeiten(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Fischer, Christian; Busch, WolfgangAbstract Due to legal demands Ruhrkohle Bergbau AG (RBAG) is obliged to forecast influences caused by mining activities in the cause of environmental impact studies. Furthermore, the RBAG has to supervise those influences caused by current projects. It is important to registrate the effects to the hydrological balance to make a prognosis and for an guaranteed and nearly realtime and up-to-date surveillance, since those effects can lead to long-lasting changes and influences in the vegetation. The analysis and evaluation of remote sensing data permits a registration of the current land-cover and land-use classes. These information can than be used in conjunction with a geographical information system to estimate the changes caused by mining acitivities. These techniques enable even a multitemporal analysis and the detection of changes in the environment. Zusammenfassung Aufgrund gesetzlicher Anforderungen ist die Ruhrkohle Bergbau AG (RBAG) verpflichtet, auftretende Umweltbeeinflussungen der Vorhaben des untertägigen Steinkohlenbergbaus im Rahmen von Genehmigungsverfahren zu prognostizieren und im Rahmen laufender Abbauvorhaben zu überwachen. Ein wichtiger Schritt im Rahmen einer Prognose und einer zeitnahen Überwachung ist die Erfassung der möglichen Auswirkungen des Bergbaus auf den Wasserhaushalt, da sich dauerhafte Veränderungen und eine Beeinflussung der Vegetation ergeben können. Die Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten erlaubt eine Erfassung der aktuellen Landbedeckung, die in einem GIS-gestützten Verfahren genutzt werden kann, um die durch bergbaubedingte Senkungen hervorgerufene Veränderung der standörtlichen Wasserhaushaltssituation abschätzen zu können und ermöglicht durch multitemporale Auswertungen eine Erfassung von Veränderungen der Oberflächenbedeckungen.