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- KonferenzbeitragSpatial Monitor Flanders: Managing spatial data in support of policy making(Innovations in Sharing Environmental Observations and Information, 2011) Debecker, Bjorn; Steenberghen, Thérèse; Jacxsens, PaulThe Spatial Monitor Flanders (Ruimtemonitor Vlaanderen) is a digital GIS tool to support policy making in the field of spatial planning in Flanders, based on spatial indicators developed by researchers under the umbrella of Flanders’ Policy Research Centre of Spatial Planning and Housing. Different research domains provide environmental quality indicators such as e.g. concentration of gardens, forest fragmentation, renewable energy indicators,… and indicators that impact the environment (e.g. car density, urban sprawl, housing density,…). The Spatial Monitor provides a direct and user-friendly access to these indicators and their calculation tools, through a dual approach. Via the web portal, maps of all indicators can be viewed and limited access to the data is provided. The web portal is entirely constructed with Free and Open Source software (GeoServer, GeoNetwork, PostgreSQL). For more advanced analyses, a second version of the Spatial monitor is developed as an extension to ArcGIS 9.3/10 (ESRI ®). This tool allows the experienced GIS user not only to consult, but also to analyse and to edit or to construct indicators. Additionally, in ArcGIS ModelBuilder, the calculation processes of indicators are entirely documented and automated to simplify consistent and correct modifications or updates. As the two applications serve different tasks and partially different user groups, they are complementary. An important technical issue is the synchronization of data between the web portal and the desktop application. Bridging the gap between Open Source software and proprietary software is maintained by the systems administrator by means of several software tools. Data management of the indicators consists of: development of the management tools, collecting & archiving the indicators, publication and finally maintenance (standardization, updates, synchronizing, data checks, …). The main drive behind the Spatial Monitor is the initiation, the promotion and the support of an interactive user community (consisting of key players in the dialogue between government and public community in the field of spatial planning) where indicators are developed, applied, updated, discussed and shared.