Auflistung nach Autor:in "Ertl, Thomas"
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- KonferenzbeitragAdaptable filter graphs – Towards highly-configurable query visualizations(INFORMATIK 2012, 2012) Haag, Florian; Raschke, Michael; Ertl, ThomasSystems for browsing and finding information in the vast amount of data available on the web keep growing in complexity. To alleviate this complexity for queries, various visualization techniques have been developed in the past. We have examined the filter/flow concept. This paper presents a transformation schema for filter/flow graphs to make them even more intuitively usable and to support distributed collaborative use. For that schema, several possibilities for transformating the visualization and various factors that may influence that transformation are discussed. Fi- nally, the schema is further explained based on a trip planning example scenario.
- KonferenzbeitragApplication of semantic technologies for representing patent metadata(INFORMATIK 2006 – Informatik für Menschen – Band 2, Beiträge der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2006) Giereth, Mark; Stäbler, Achim; Brügmann, Sören; Rotard, Martin; Ertl, ThomasPatents belong to the few types of public information that have a big impact on national and international economies. During the last years there have been great efforts in making patent data available electronically for the public via online services. But today's services provide heterogeneous data structures which makes automatic processing difficult. None of the services supports all user aspects, so that different services have to be combined. In this paper we present an ontology-based approach for representing patent metadata and describe a Patent Metadata Ontology (PMO) that models the major aspects of patent metadata. The advantage of our approach is to provide a homogeneous representation of patent metadata merged from different sources. It allows for identifying context and dependency information more easily than today's database-centric structures and interfaces.
- KonferenzbeitragAspect grid: A visualization for iteratively refining aspect-based queries on document collections(Informatik 2014, 2014) Haag, Florian; Han, Qi; John, Markus; Ertl, ThomasSearch results comprising of unstructured documents are traditionally displayed as plain lists, whereas the formulation of complex queries can be aided by comprehensive visualizations that highlight relevant attributes of the search results. We propose a visualization concept that incorporates a sentiment analysis of aspects mentioned in examined documents. Our concept provides a means of iteratively refining the query based upon preliminary search results. After an abstract description of the concept, we elaborate on its usage in a practical example of filtering customer reviews in order to choose a restaurant based on user-defined preferences.
- Konferenzbeitrag#Hochwasser – Visuelle Analyse von Social Media im Bevölkerungsschutz / #Hochwasser – Using Visual Analytics of social media in civil protection(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Zisgen, Julia; Kern, Julia; Thom, Dennis; Ertl, ThomasAnhand des Hochwassers 2013 in Deutschland soll in diesem Artikel untersucht werden, ob sich die Lageeinschätzung zur Krisenreaktion durch die Auswertung von Social Media-Daten verbessern lässt. Dabei soll insbesondere gezeigt werden, dass Techniken zur computergestützten explorativen Datenanalyse geeignet sind, um trotz der noch recht dünnen Datenlage relevante Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Neben einer allgemeinen Erörterung zu Nutzen und Möglichkeiten von Social Media-Daten im Bevölkerungsschutz wird dabei Scatterblogs, ein bestehendes interaktives Social Media- Analysewerkzeug, kurz vorgestellt und evaluiert. Dabei werden Daten verwendet, die während des Hochwassers aufgezeichnet wurden.
- KonferenzbeitragInteractive rendering of reflective and transmissive surfaces in 3D toon shading(Informatik 2004 – Informatik verbindet – Band 1, Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2004) Diepstraten, Joachim; Ertl, ThomasWe present an extension to common realtime toon/cel-shading rendering techniques for treating reflective and transparent surfaces in a 3D toon-shading environment. Our approach takes advantage of multi texturing hardware and simple fragment and vertex shader programs. This allows a broad usage on todays gaming platforms.
- KonferenzbeitragInteraktive verständnisorientierte Optimierung von semantisch-annotierten Visualisierungen(INFORMATIK 2011 – Informatik schafft Communities, 2011) Raschke, Michael; Heim, Philipp; Ertl, ThomasGrafische Darstellungen haben, genau wie natürlich-sprachliche Texte, häufig keine eindeutige Bedeutung. Unterschiedliche Personen interpretiern daher ein und dieselbe Visualisierung oft nicht auf die gleiche Weise. Um die Bedeutung von grafischen Darstellungen eindeutug zu machen, können diese auf einer Metaebene semantisch annotiert werden. Dabei werden den grafischen Bausteinen der Visualisierung eindeutuge Ressourcen des Semantic Web zugewiesen. In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir einen Ansatz, der die semantischen Annotationen verwendet, um es Nutzern zu ermöglichen, Visualisierungen interaktiv in einer Weise zu optimieren, die ihnen das Verstehen, der vom Ersteller intendierten Bedeutung, erleichtert.
- KonferenzbeitragInvolving the Expert in the Delivery of Environmental Information from the Web(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Wanner, Leo; Bosch, Harald; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet; Casamayor, Gerard; Johansson, Lasse; Karppinen, Ari; Moumtzidou, Anastasia; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis; Ertl, ThomasAutomatic provision of accurate user need- and profile-tailored environmental information is of increasing demand. However, it is a challenging task with many facets. Among them is the difficulty to compile and cast into a formal representation all the expert knowledge needed to accurately and exhaustively acquire, assess and process the data in order to be able to reliably judge their relevance to the user and to produce an adequate summary and recommendations. Studies in Human-Computer Interaction show that both the satisfaction of the users with an application and the objective performance of a service increases if the users (in particular, experts) are assigned an active role in the system. Based on this insight, we propose a largely interactive environmental information acquisition and generation framework. The PESCaDO service involves the experts in four central tasks: (i) determination of criteria for the search of environmental nodes in the web; (ii) assessment of the relevance of the identified nodes; (iii) assessment of the quality of the data provided by the nodes, and (iv) selection of the content to be communicated to the user. Quantitative evaluations and user trials show that the performance of the system is good and the satisfaction with the service is high.
- KonferenzbeitragStarke Kopplung: Interaktion als Schlüssel für das Semantic Web(Mensch & Computer 2010: Interaktive Kulturen, 2010) Heim, Philipp; Schlegel, Thomas; Ertl, ThomasIn diesem Beitrag stellen wir den Ansatz der starken Kopplung vor. Sowohl bei der Erstellung von, als auch beim Zugriff auf Informationen im Semantic Web informieren sich dabei Mensch und Computer ständig gegenseitig darüber, in welcher Weise übermittelte Informationen interpretiert wurden. Dadurch können Fehler bei der Übersetzung zwischen Informationen mit impliziter und expliziter Bedeutung schneller erkannt, korrigiert und dadurch möglicherweise daraus resultierende Probleme vermieden werden. Basierend darauf stellen wir Kriterien auf, anhand derer bestehende und neue interaktive Ansätze im Semantic Web evaluiert und verbessert werden können.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards automated analysis of eye tracking studies using the workflow technology(Informatik 2014, 2014) Blascheck, Tanja; Vukojevic-Haupt, Karolina; Weber, Dominik; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Ertl, ThomasEye tracking studies have become one means to evaluate user behavior. For example, eye tracking is used in marketing research, psychology, human-computer interaction, or visualization. Analyzing eye movement data can help to find where on a stimulus and at what areas of a stimulus a participant focused on. Eye tracking can be used besides classical benchmark metrics such as completion times and accuracy rates of correctly given answers. However, evaluating eye movement data is a time consuming task, as a large amount of data has to be analyzed. Typically, multiple software systems have to be used, each having a different format of the data. This leads to tedious work, as the analyst has to reformat the data and learn how to use different software systems. Therefore, we suggest to analyze eye movement data using workflow technology. This allows to automatically analyze the data, and have a reproducible result. The analyst is not concerned with the technicalities and can rather focus on the interpretation of the analyzed data. Allowing an automatic evaluation using the workflow technology, requires that the analysis functionality is available via web services. In this paper, we contribute a workflow system based on web service operations. The web service offers functionality of an eye tracking analysis framework for the automatic analysis of eye movement data. The workflow system can be used to model and execute different types of eye tracking evaluations.
- KonferenzbeitragUtilization of Semantic Annotations in Interactive User Interfaces for Large Documents(INFORMATIK 2008. Beherrschbare Systeme - dank Informatik. Band 2, 2008) Giereth, Mark; Wörner, Michael; Bosch, Harald; Baier, Patrick; Ertl, ThomasWith new techniques, such as Microformats or RDFa, for integrating semantics into existing web formats, we expect a strong increase of semantically annotated documents in the web. This paper describes a new approach for utilizing seman- tic annotations to improve the user interface for large text documents by guiding the user’s attention to semantically annotated text sections using interactive focus+context techniques. We describe an implementation of the concepts in a patent information system.