Auflistung nach Autor:in "Filler, Andreas"
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- KonferenzbeitragDesigning ubiquitous information systems based on conceptual models(INFORMATIK 2011 – Informatik schafft Communities, 2011) Janzen, Sabine; Filler, Andreas; Maass, WolfgangUbiquitous Information Systems (UIS) support single actors and groups by services over ubiquitous computing technologies anywhere and anytime. These systems require design approaches that keep a holistic view of situations in which single users and groups interact with one another and with accessible services. We introduce and exemplify the Situational Design Methodology for Information Systems (SiDIS) that uses three types of Conceptual Models (CMs) and corresponding translation procedures. This contribution focus on the specification and translation of the CMs as well as their processing by the resulting UIS.
- KonferenzbeitragKriterien für Webportale zur Unterstützung nachhaltiger Regionalentwicklung am Fallbeispiel “vitaminBIR'(Informatik 2014, 2014) Kern, Eva; Luther-Klee, Bianca; Naumann, Stefan; Filler, AndreasDer lŠndliche Raum hat zumindest in den westlichen IndustrielŠndern zunehmend mit dem demographischen Wandel zu kŠmpfen. Die Folgen des Be- všlkerungsr\?ckgangs schlagen sich in schlechterer Versorgung und mangelndem Arbeitsplatzangebot nieder. Umgekehrt finden Unternehmen schwieriger Fachpersonal, da die Region f\?r hochqualifizierte KrŠfte nicht attraktiv genug erscheint. Dies f\?hrt zu erhšhter MobilitŠt und geht generell zu Lasten einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung des lŠndlichen Raumes. In diesem Beitrag werden Kriterien f\?r regionale FachkrŠfteportale beschrieben, welche lokale Akteure in Sachen Arbeitsplatz-, Ferienjob- oder Praktikumssuche unterst\?tzen und auch Unternehmen die Mšglichkeit geben, die selbigen anzubieten. Die StŠrkung des lŠndlichen Raumes entlastet auf diese Weise die BallungsrŠume und f\?hrt auch zu reduziertem Pendelverkehr. An ein solch breit genutztes Portal, welches gleichzeitig die StŠrken einer Region reprŠsentiert, sind hohe Anforderungen hinsichtlich FunktionalitŠt, Usability und auch InteraktivitŠt zu stellen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt ein im Kontext der ãInformations- und Kommunikationstechnologien f\?r NachhaltigkeitÒ- Debatte bestehendes Projekt und seinen Umsetzungsstand.
- KonferenzbeitragLabelling Sustainable Software Products and Websites: Ideas, Approaches, and Challenges(EnviroInfo & ICT4S, Conference Proceedings, 2015) Kern, Eva; Dick, Markus; Naumann, Stefan; Filler, AndreasThe awareness for software as an important player regarding the energy consumption caused by ICT steadily increased in the past years. The impact of software on the energy consumption is also more and more accepted by the research community under the umbrella of sustainability in general. Nevertheless, the end user is still only slightly or not addressed in the research activities regarding the whole energy consumption of software over its complete lifecycle. Also other stakeholders, e.g. administrators, designers, developers etc., are not in the focus of creating awareness for the aforementioned topics. In this contribution, we therefore focus on ideas, approaches, and challenges in developing a general-purpose labelling process for green and sustainable software products and websites. At first we provide a literature roundup, followed by the elaboration of requirements for the creation of a sustainability label for software products in general based on already existing and new approaches. On a first attempt, we furthermore concentrate on a labelling process for sustainable as well as green websites and sum up with a discussion followed by an outlook on our future work.
- KonferenzbeitragOliviaMD – A Supportive Online Platform for the Visualization and Analyzation of Measurement Data(Environmental Infomatics - Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, 2016) Trumm, Dominik; Filler, Andreas; Kern, Eva; Naumann, Stefan
- KonferenzbeitragSALT - situation-sensitive sustainable service and product alternatives: vision, conceptual application \& challenges(INFORMATIK 2015, 2015) Trumm, Dominik; Filler, Andreas; Kern, Eva; Naumann, StefanThe field of environmental informatics can clearly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainability Goals set up by the German Government. To do so, it has to investigate not only environmental aspects but also integrate social and economic aspects. In this work-in-progress paper this will be done by proposing a system for visualizing sustainable service and product alternatives (SALT). Starting from the observable gap between the intention to behave more sustainable and its transformation into sustainable behavior, it is elaborated how a SALT-system can help to bridge the gap in this domain. After introducing a conceptual architecture, the example application of a browser plugin for presenting lending alternatives to online shoppers is described.
- KonferenzbeitragSupporting Sustainable Development in Rural Areas by Encouraging Local Cooperation and Neighborhood Effects using ICT(Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2014) Filler, Andreas; Kern, Eva; Naumann, StefanThe following paper presents an approach how information and communication technology (ICT) can be used to support local cooperation and neighborhood effects. The presented approach maps typical real-world processes in the area of local cooperation between stakeholders from schools, universities and companies to an Internet platform with the motivation to support the communication between the aforementioned audiences and thereby reduces demographic problems in the model area in a sustainable, long-time perspective. The paper describes the process from the conceptual application of the idea as well as the prototypical realization of the technical prototype vitaminBIR. This encompasses, from the conceptual perspective, the definition of the main goals of the platform supported by a survey collecting needs and preferences of all addressed audiences and the conceptual phase of the platform itself. Furthermore, from the implementation perspective, the prototypical implementation supported by different software libraries, a concept for data selfmanagement, and an iterative usability study to also check against the prior evaluated needs and preferences of the audiences, is addressed.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards an infrastructure for semantically annotated physical products(INFORMATIK 2006 – Informatik für Menschen – Band 2, Beiträge der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2006) Maass, Wolfgang; Filler, AndreasSmall-scale wireless communication technologies allow for situated consumer-product communication during buying decision making. We present the status of a generic model and implementation of semantically annotated physical products and an associated mobile and web-based infrastructure. Cornerstones are a RDF-based container model for semantic product descriptions (SPDO), an appropriate web-based product query language (PQL) and a web-service middleware infrastructure (Tip 'n Tell).