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- KonferenzbeitragAufbau und Verwendung von Fachterminologie(Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Bandholtz, Thomas; Fock, JoachimDomain terminology is a network of hopefully shared conceptualisations in the area of discourse, designated by hopefully un-ambiguous terms and labels or - in terms of data representation - identifiers. In most cases those terms and identifiers are not managed on the enterprise level which causes misunderstandings and mismatches in all areas of communication. This article drafts a roadmap of evolving and exploiting domain terminologies based on experiences of the authors and further thoughts about the next steps to go.
- KonferenzbeitragData Integration by Semantic Normalisation(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Bandholtz, Thomas; Rüther, Maria; Fock, JoachimData integration is a topic as old as environmental informatics, but still each single use case raises extensive individual efforts. We distinguish between organisational, methodical and technical issues. The Federal Environment Agency, Germany (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) has started a research and development project Linked Environment Data (LED) (UFOPLAN 3712 12 1003) in the summer of 2012, focussing on the applicability of Semantic Web technology for the technical integration. The resulting approach was named semantic normalisation . It is based on Linked Data patterns which are extended by shared RDF schemas and shared reference concept schemes. On top of this normalisation, applications can explore data from all participating datasets at one time, gathering knowledge from different sources.
- KonferenzbeitragDatenintegration durch semantische Normalisierung(Umweltinformationssysteme. Wege zu Open Data - Mobile Dienste und Apps, 2013) Bandholtz, Thomas; Rüther, Maria; Fock, Joachim
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Thesaurus UMTHES - environment terminology evolvement for a broad thematic matter and for different use conditions - practicably handling of structural challenges(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Fock, Joachim
- KonferenzbeitragEvolving and Exploiting Domain Terminologies(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Bandholtz, Thomas; Fock, JoachimDomain terminology is a network of hopefully shared conceptualisations in the area of discourse, designated by hopefully un-ambiguous terms and labels or - in terms of data representation - identifiers. In most cases those terms and identifiers are not managed on the enterprise level which causes misunderstandings and mismatches in all areas of communication. This article drafts a roadmap of evolving and exploiting domain terminologies based on experiences of the authors and further thoughts about the next steps to go.
- KonferenzbeitragLinked Environment Data(Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, 2010) Rüther, Maria; Fock, Joachim; Hübener, JoachimCurrently several projects at the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) begin with the design and implementation of a public data network that is technologically based on Linked Data1. The first ones will be the Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) and the Semantic Network Service (SNS); the inclusion of the Dioxin Database and the Joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States (GSBL) is still under discussion. The undertaking is part of an international cooperation in the Ecoterm Initiative, and it is envisioned to include the partners of the International Environmental Specimen Bank Group (IESB)2. These projects and partners provide the key instruments in the field of environmental observation that enable the long-term analysis of substance exposure of humans and the environment.
- KonferenzbeitragLinked Environment Data(Datenanforderungen und Informationsgewinnung zum Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit, 2010) Rüther, Maria; Fock, Joachim; Bandholtz, Thomas; Schulte-Coerne, TillAktuell beginnen Projekte des Umweltbundesamts mit dem Aufbau eines öffentlichen Daten-Netzwerks auf der technischen Grundlage von Linked Data 11 . Den Anfang machen die Umweltprobenbank (UPB) und der Semantische Netzwerk Service (SNS), im Gespräch sind weiterhin die Dioxin-Datenbank und der GSBL. Das Vorhaben entsteht in internationaler Zusammenarbeit mit der Ecoterm-Initiative und der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA), eine Ausweitung auf die Partner der International Environmental Specimen Bank Group (IESB) 12 wird angestrebt. Damit sind fachlich wesentliche Instrumente der Umweltbeobachtung abgedeckt, die Stoffbelastungen für Mensch und Umwelt über lange Zeiträume nachweisen.
- KonferenzbeitragLinked Environment Data - Getting Things Connected(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Fock, Joachim; Bandholtz, ThomasAfter three years of discussion and early prototypes, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany, now has launched a two-year research & development project on Linked Environment Data (LED) with innoQ Deutschland GmbH as a contractor. This project will set up a core cloud of environment data with a well-elaborated domain terminology as its semantic backbone. Data will be taken from the “Environmental Specimen Bank”, the “German Metadata Portal on Soil” and further databases such as the “Joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States” as well as the environmental library and research databases. The infrastructure will support a sustainable process of keeping the data permanently up-to-date, and there will be a dynamic and intuitive user interface. All the work will be fully Semantic Web compliant, based on vocabularies such as SKOS, SCOVO or Data Cubes, and Dublin Core.
- KonferenzbeitragLOD-ready Environmental Terminology with iQvoc(Innovations in Sharing Environmental Observations and Information, 2011) Bandholtz, Thomas; Fock, Joachim; Wolff, Astrid; Schentz, HerbertiQvoc is a new open source tool for maintaining and publishing domain terminologies on the Web following the “Linking Open Data” (LOD) pattern. This article gives a short overview of the underlying principles and introduces three environmental terminologies which have been deployed with iQvoc, each of them with its own characteristics.
- KonferenzbeitragSemantic Network Service – Relaunch after 15 Years(Environmental Infomatics - Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, 2016) Fock, Joachim; Bandholtz, Thomas; Jansing, Marc