Auflistung nach Autor:in "Gries, Matthias"
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- KonferenzbeitragApplication-driven design of cost-efficient communications platforms(Informatk 2005. Informatik Live! Band 1, 2005) Blüthgen, Hans Martin; Sauer, Christian; Langen, Dominik; Gries, Matthias; Raab, WolfgangWe present a five phases approach for the cost-efficient design of communication platforms. We start with complete and executable models of the system function that capture all essential parts of a reference application, i.e. processing kernels, data and control flow, and timing constraints. We analyze such an architectureindependent model to narrow the design space and derive a most flexible initial platform architecture. We map the model onto the platform hardand software, and profile the system. Through iterations, the prototype is refined, until an architecture is found that meets performance and cost constraints. The resulting virtual prototype serves as executable specification for the design of the final system. Two case studies from wireless communications (Software Defined Radio, SDR) and access networks (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer, DSLAM) illustrate our approach.
- KonferenzbeitragPerformance evaluation of VLSI platforms using SystemQ(Informatk 2005. Informatik Live! Band 1, 2005) Sonntag, Sören; Gries, Matthias; Sauer, ChristianModern VLSI systems exhibit increasing complexity. The size of a design not only grows, but the system architecture also becomes more and more heterogeneous and parallel. A key factor for a successful implementation is modeling and simulation of the design. However, modeling at register-transfer level (RTL) is not feasible anymore as a starting point. Already in the concept phase of a design quantitative estimations of the system's performance are required. To effectively support system engineers during this design phase we have developed a performance evaluation framework called SystemQ. By starting with a performance model we show how the system's behavior and structure can be refined systematically. SystemQ is implemented in SystemC and seamlessly supports the refinement of performance models down to transaction level and RTL.