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- KonferenzbeitragEinführung von SOS-Diensten für den Austausch®und die Darstellung numerischer Daten in PortalU(Integratives Datenmanagement – Beispiele aus der Umweltbeobachtung, 2009) Heidmann, Carsten; Kazakos, Wassilios; Klenke, Martin; Kunz, SiegbertIt was the aim of the project to define the possibilities for the usage of SOS services within the german environmental portal (PortalU®). The concept includes both the client side as the server side of the application. Including SOS services shall enable PortalU to access data from the german environmental administration and to provide a way to give access to a visualization across administrative and domain borders. The article reports on the initial requirements and the challenges occuring during the creation of the concept.
- KonferenzbeitragGDI Bayern - Geodateninfrastrukturen in der Wasserwirtschaft Bayern(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Kazakos, Wassilios; Reineke, Anja; Heidmann, CarstenIn diesem Beitrag wird die Umsetzung einer Geodateninfrastruktur für das Bayerische Landesamt für Umwelt beschrieben. Im Rahmen von mehreren Schritten sollten alle alten Einzellösungen, die im Landesamt sowie in den Wasserwirtschaftsämtern sukzessive durch eine neue einheitliche Infrastruktur ersetzt werden, die zum einen des internen Informationsaustauschs dient und zum anderen die Daten für die GDI-bayern bereit stellt. Die Umsetzung zeigt, wie spezielle fachliche und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen in eine neuartige Gesamtinfrastruktur umgesetzt werden können.
- KonferenzbeitragMetadata Repositories in Governmental Information Systems for Coastal Regions in Germany(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Kazakos, Wassilios; Lehfeldt, Rainer; Michl, Christian; Heidmann, Carsten; Valikov, Alexei
- KonferenzbeitragNatureSDIplus – A Best Practice Network for SDI in Nature Conservation(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools, 2009) Kazakos, Wassilios; Heidmann, CarstenThe establishment of Natura 2000 and the new transboundary EU approach for protected sites management has enforced the link between nature conservation and geo-information. This has generated the need for interoperable and accessible EU harmonised datasets. The link is also addressed by the INSPIRE Directive which pursues an EU Spatial Data Infrastructure to support environmental policies. Nature-SDIplus Network aims, through state-of-the-art methodologies and best practice examples, to improve harmonisation of national datasets and make them more accessible and exploitable. Therefore, it contributes to the INSPIRE implementation with specific reference to a cluster of data themes on nature conservation (as per the INSPIRE Annexes): Protected sites (Annex I); Biogeographical regions, Habitats and biotopes, Species distribution (Annex III). The main objective of Nature-SDIplus Network is to: involve new stakeholders; share data and best practices; improve and stimulate exploitation and the re-use of information on nature conservation. The proposed project will analyse the usability and accessibility of data. The results of this analysis will be used to propose a new work item for a standard metadata profile and data model compliant with the INSPIRE Directive and in coordination with CEN/TC 287 Geographic information. Representative datasets will be provided by the partners from many EU Member States. The proposed project will define a common multilingual and multicultural approach for a simpler, standard access to spatial data. A demonstration geoportal, supported by web services, will provide data accessibility for the different stakeholders. This geoportal will then afford a means to actively engage the stakeholders. Through networking activities a Nature-SDIplus Community will be established. This Community will address the relevant themes on a consensus building approach. This Community will also demonstrate the effectiveness of the Nature-GIS thematic SDIC that is already registered with INSPIRE. The proposed project will ensure that widespread awareness is achieved.
- KonferenzbeitragNOKIS - Information Infrastructure for the North and Baltic Sea(Environmental Informatics and Systems Research, 2007) Heidmann, Carsten; Kohlus, JörnNOKIS, the North and Baltic Sea Coastal Information System, establishes an information infrastructure for the German coast. Within two projects (NOKIS 2000-2004 and NOKIS++ 2005-2008) financed by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and carried out in cooperation with the German Coastal Engineering Research Council (KFKI) the technical development, the process of organisational co-ordination and collection of contend will be done. A coastal metadata profile has been created and services for data access and analysing are in development. NOKIS is basing in international standards and conforming to the German Geodata Infrastructure.
- KonferenzbeitragNOKIS – Aufbau einer Informationsinfrastruktur für die EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und eine Integrierte Küstenhydrographie(Workshop des Arbeitskreises „Umweltdatenbanken“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltbundesamt“, 2006) Heidmann, Carsten; Kazakos, WassiliosDas System NOKIS – Nord- und Ostseeküsteninformationssystem ist aus einem durch das BMBF von 2000-2004 geförderten Forschungsprojekt entstanden. In dieser Zeit wurde mit verschiedenen Partnern aus der Bundesund Landesverwaltung die Grundstruktur für ein Metadateninformationssystem geschaffen, dass es sowohl den Projektpartnern ermöglicht, ihre hauseigene Datenverwaltung zu optimieren, als auch durch die Verwendung standardisierter Metadaten andere Metadatensysteme zu bedienen. In NOKIS++ (2004-2008) erfolgt eine Konsolidierung der geschaffenen Infrastruktur und eine Erweiterung mit dem Ziel eines Systems, das aufbauend auf einer serviceorientierten Architektur (SOA) das Hinzufügen weiterer Dienste für spezielle Aufgabenstellungen ermöglicht. Das technologische Kernstück des ersten NOKIS-Projekts ist die Arbeitsumgebung zum Erstellen, Verwalten und Austauschen von Metadaten. Die zentrale Komponente stellt dabei der Metadateneditor dar, das den Nutzer bei der Erzeugung qualitativ hochwertiger Metadaten unterstützt.
- KonferenzbeitragProfessionelles Metadaten-Management in Geodateninfrastrukturen mit Preludio und eENVplus – Status und Perspektiven –(Umweltinformationssysteme. Big Data – Open Data – Data Variety, 2015) Abecker, Andreas; Albertoni, Riccardo; Heidmann, Carsten; Kazakos, Wassilios; de Martino, Monica; Nedkov, Radoslav; Moradiafkan, Yashar; Wössner, RomanWith its Web-based software solution Preludio, Disy Informationssysteme GmbH offers one of the most powerful and at the same time user-friendly solutions for standards-compliant metadata management in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). Preludio supports editing, discovery, management and exchange of metadata for data, services and applications in an SDI. In this article, we describe the most important features of Preludio. Furthermore, we describe ongoing research and development in the European Research project eENVplus aiming at powerful new tools for multi-thesaurus management for metadata.
- KonferenzbeitragProviding Access to Environmental Data in a SOA in NOKIS(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology, 2008) Heidmann, Carsten; Sellerhoff, Frank; Lehfeldt, Rainer; Valikov, Aleksei; Kazakos, WassiliosNOKIS and NOKIS++ are two German R&D projects, which aim at the integration of distributed data from different sources provided in various formats. The authors describe a Service Oriented Architecture, which has been implemented for users from coastal zone management. The available data types are characterized and the categories of used services are explained, together with the relevant standards in their respective sectors of application. Examples of the implemented services are given and the instrument to combine the available services is introduced. The article finishes with a short comparison between a SOA and central approaches.
- KonferenzbeitragSharing ISO 19115 Metadata in NOKIS – Experiences, Features, Perspectives(Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004, 2004) Kazakos, Wassilios; Valikov, Alexei; Lehfeldt, Rainer; Heidmann, CarstenNOKIS (North See and Baltic See Coastal Information System) main objective is to establish a metadata information system for the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coastal regions. Starting back in January 2001 it was one of the first metadata systems using an extended element set of ISO 19115. It became so far one of the most advanced suites for the Web-based management of large-scale environmental metadata. With this paper we would like to participate in the lively discussion about the use and the usefulness of ISO 19115 in the environmental domain by sharing our experiences. In addition we would like to present and discuss the newest features of the system, which we believe are interesting for most future metadata applications. First to mention a service for the transformation of geographic coordinates into different coordinate system. Secondly, our new extensible query mechanism which provides simple user interface to a flexible construction of complex queries. Finally, we will discuss our solution for relational Persistence for XML-based Metadata.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards a Middleware for Data Management in Support of Open Government Data(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Abecker, Andreas; Heidmann, Carsten; Hofmann, Claus; Kazakos, WassiliosCitizens demand it and politicians support it: Hence, the pressure to realize Open Governmental Data (OGD) projects is growing for public administrations and governments. Many pilot projects have already been started or are under way, though regulatory and organizational foundations are not yet mature enough in all respects. But even if all nontechnical questions will be answered, it still remains unclear how to set up a sustainable and economically reasonable software support for the OGD realization not for the one-shot set-up of an Open Data portal, but for its continuous running over a longer period of time, well embedded into existing technical and non-technical infrastructures. The widespread research and open source solutions for Open Data here mostly support only the very last steps of the OGD governance and publishing workflow, namely realization of a portal. In this paper, we suggest an approach how to use an existing data management infrastructure for all the early steps, including data collection, selection, harmonization, transformation and export in different formats, including metadata. To this end, we suggest to employ a suitably extended version of the disy Cadenza professional software for administration-internal spatial data management and reporting which is, up-to-date, mostly in use in German and Austrian environmental agencies.