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- ZeitschriftenartikelCitizen Needs – To Be Considered(i-com: Vol. 20, No. 2, 2021) Maas, Franzisca; Wolf, Sara; Hohm, Anna; Hurtienne, JörnIn this paper, we argue for and present an empirical study of putting citizens into focus during the early stages of designing tools for civic participation in a mid-sized German town. Drawing on Contextual and Participatory Design, we involved 105 participants by conducting interviews, using Photovoice and participating in a local neighbourhood meeting. Together with citizens, we built an Affinity Diagram, consolidated the data and identified key insights. As a result, we present and discuss different participation identities such as Motivated Activists, Convenience Participants or Companions and a collection of citizen needs for local civic participation, e. g., personal contact is irreplaceable for motivation, trust and mutual understanding, and some citizens preferred to “stumble across” information rather than actively searching for it. We use existing participation tools to demonstrate how individual needs could be addressed. Finally, we apply our insights to an example in our local context. We conclude that if we want to build digital tools that go beyond tokenistic, top-down ways of civic participation and that treat citizens as one homogeneous group, citizens need to be part of the design process right from the start. Supplemental material can be retrieved from
- Konferenzbeitrag"It's okay, honey… shhh…" - The Media Equation and Computers-Are-Social-Actors-Hypothesis in Acute Care(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Hohm, Anna; Happel, Oliver; Hurtienne, Jörn; Grundgeiger, TobiasTechnik ist in der Akutmedizin unverzichtbar und wird vor allem als Werkzeug gesehen. Die Forschung zur Media Equation zeigt jedoch, dass Menschen auch sozial und natürlich auf Maschinen reagieren, so als wären es andere Menschen. Wir zeigen anhand qualitativer Daten aus teilnehmenden Beobachtungen (130 Stunden) und retrospektiven Interviews (N = 9), dass Technik in der Akutmedizin ebenfalls Reaktionen auslöst, wie man sie üblicherweise gegenüber Mitmenschen zeigt. Dabei adressieren wir vier Aspekte der Media Equation Forschung: Negativität, Quellenorientierung, Spezialisierung und die Computers-Are-Social-Actors- Hypothese. Abschließend ziehen wir Schlussfolgerungen für qualitative Datenerhebungen, Design und Evaluation von Technik in der Akutmedizin, und diskutieren, wie die Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Maschine im Team unterstützt werden kann.
- KonferenzbeitragUNeedS: Development of Scales to Measure the Satisfaction and Frustration of 13 Fundamental Needs(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Wolf, Sara; Maas, Franzisca; Künzl, Pauline; Hohm, Anna; Hurtienne, JörnGood user experience can be described as the result of satisfying fundamental human needs through interaction with technology. Therefore, HCI researchers and practitioners strive to promote need satisfaction and avoid need frustration through their technology and interaction designs. However, HCI lacks appropriate measurement instruments to examine and evaluate experiences with technology in terms of their satisfaction (or frustration) of needs. Instead, researchers and practitioners frequently use measurement instruments developed in (consumer) psychology that are not tailored to the needs of HCI. Here we report on the development of the User Needs Scales (UNeedS), a set of scales designed to measure the satisfaction and frustration of 13 fundamental needs identified for HCI, and report on our first experiences applying it. Preliminary data indicate good item qualities and internal consistencies, but further research must substantiate these claims. All scales and the full UNeedS are available in the supplemental materials.