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- KonferenzbeitragAdversary Tactics and Techniques specific to Cryptocurrency Scams(Open Identity Summit 2022, 2022) Horch, Andrea; Schunck, Christian H.; Ruff, ChristopherAt the end of the year 2020, there was a steep uptrend of the cryptocurrency market. The global market capitalization of cryptocurrencies climbed from 350 billion US$ in October 2020 to almost 2.5 trillion US$ in May 2021 and reached 3 trillion US$ in November 2021. Currently, there are more than 17,600 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap. The ample amount of money within the market attracts investors as well as scammers and hackers. Recent incidents like the BadgerDAO hack have shown how easy it is to steal cryptocurrencies. While all the standard scamming and hacking techniques such as identity theft, social engineering and web application hacking are successfully employed by attackers, new scams very specific to cryptocurrencies emerged, which are the focus of this paper.
- KonferenzbeitragDAMA – A transparent meta-assistant for data self-determination in smart environments(Open Identity Summit 2021, 2021) Ruff, Christopher; Horch, Andrea; Benthien, Benedict; Loh, Wulf; Orlowski, AlexanderGlobal sales of AI-based smart voice assistants and other smart devices are increasing every year. Smart devices are becoming ubiquitous, including living and workspaces. These spaces often have very high privacy requirements, like living rooms, bedrooms or meeting rooms in office environments. Users of smart devices have security and privacy concerns regarding personal data collection, data storage and the use of such data by the devices and the providers. These concerns are aggravated by a lack of transparency by the device manufacturers. As a result, users have limited possibilities to make an informed decision due to missing information or interfaces. While this leads to limited trust regarding the security and privacy of smart devices, for most users, the practical benefit dominates. The project DAMA wants to address user’s security and privacy concerns by creating transparency and regulating the smart devices in connection with the respective context (e.g. when users are alone at home or when they have visitors). For this purpose, the project is developing a “meta-assistant”, an assistant that regulates other AI-based assistants and other smart devices. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) for context detection and device regulation. The regulation processes are based on established ethical guidelines, which are adjusted to the project context.
- KonferenzbeitragA Human Digital Twin as Building Block of Open Identity Management for the Internet of Things(Open Identity Summit 2020, 2020) Zibuschka, Jan; Ruff, Christopher; Horch, Andrea; Roßnagel, HeikoIn networked industry, digital twins aggregate product data along the entire life cycle, from design and production to deployment. This enables interoperability between different data sources and analysis functions and creates an integrated data environment. Human digital twins have the potential to create a similarly interoperable and integrated data environment for more user-centric use cases in the field of the Internet of Things. In this case, personal data is processed and transmitted; therefore, the underlying infrastructure is then not product data management but identity management. In this paper, we discuss general aspects of the human digital twin, its role in open identity management systems, and illustrate its application in the field of home, building and office automation. We identify advantages and limitations and suggest future research opportunities.
- KonferenzbeitragLeichtgewichtige Infrastruktur zur Schaffung von Sicherheit und Vertrauen in einem digitalen Ökosystem für Agrardaten(38. GIL-Jahrestagung, Digitale Marktplätze und Plattformen, 2018) Wagner, Sven; Horch, Andrea; Kilian, Bernard; Roßnagel, HeikoBei der Digitalisierung landwirtschaftlicher Prozesse sowie der Prozesse in der Lieferkette werden Daten aus sehr unterschiedlichen Datenquellen generiert und verarbeitet. Zur Schaf-fung von Sicherheit und Vertrauen ist eine Verifizierung der Datenquellen erforderlich. Der hier entwickelte Ansatz erzielt dies durch ein leichtgewichtiges Identitäts- und Zugriffsma-nagement, wobei auf die existierende und global verfügbare Infrastruktur und Sicherheitsstan-dards des Domain Name System (DNS) aufgebaut wird. Weitere Merkmale der Infrastruktur sind eine Kombination aus dezentralen Zugriffskontrolllisten und zentraler Zugriffsrechte-vergabe. Das digitale Ökosystem für Agrardaten wird exemplarisch für einen Verbund mehrerer Landwirte dargestellt. Weitere mögliche Anwendungsszenarien werden aufgezeigt. Die Infra-struktur zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, eine gute Skalierbarkeit sowie ein weltweites Einsatzgebiet im Bereich Agrarbusiness aus.
- TextdokumentA Semantic Data Model for the Development of Secure and Valuable Software(Open Identity Summit 2017, 2017) Horch, Andrea; Laufs, Uwe; Sellung, RachelleIT security is a crucial non-functional software requirement. Nevertheless, there are several other aspects that a softwares’ market success depends on. Therefore, it is vital that during the development process software developers consider different disciplines needs that essentially add value when going to market such as usability and socio-economics. The project CUES addresses these aspects by developing an interdisciplinary and integrated guidance tool, called the Wizard. The Wizard is designed to support software developers with interdisciplinary knowledge during the software development processes. The core of the Wizard builds a knowledge base, which is based on a semantic data model. While the semantic data model is finished, the Wizard is still undergoing development in the CUES project and is not yet complete. This paper presents the semantic data model as a first project result and as the core element of theWizard. The proposed data model stores knowledge about software development processes, methods and tools in order to derive problems and corresponding solutions which may occur in real software development processes.