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- KonferenzbeitragData Evaluation Using the Generic Selection Component of the New IMIS System(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Horn, Matthias; Triestram, Volkmar; van Nouhuys, JoIMIS is a federal information system for forecast and decision support that interprets and forecasts radioactivity in the environment. Following the nuclear accident in Chernobyl a programme "Arbeitsprogramm der Bundesregierung" was established in 1986. By the end of 1986 a federal law “Strahlenschutz Vorsorge Gesetz (StrVG)” was adopted, that governs radiation protection and precaution. Besides other rules the “StrVG” contains guidelines for the installation of an information system for premonition of radioactivity in the environment. The first version of the integrated measurement and information system (IMIS) was developed between 19xx and 19xx. The system currently used will be replaced by a new IMIS which is now under development by Condat Informationssysteme AG. This contribution presents the components of the new IMIS which are used for data evaluation. An integral part is a generic selection component which provides a decoupling of the technical data model, the terminology presented to the professional end user, and the data used for visualisation. This decoupling enables the new IMIS to be extended with low efforts and offers the potential to reuse the functionality built into IMIS in future environmental information systems. This potential is not restricted to radiology. It is open to other environmental issues such as pollution or epidemic control.
- KonferenzbeitragIMIS, integriertes Mess- und Informationssystem für Radioaktivität.(Umweltinformatik ’00 Umweltinformation für Planung, Politik und Öffentlichkeit, 2000) Horn, Matthias; Triestram, VolkmarVor eineinhalb Jahren kam in dem BLAK-UIS-Workshop "Offene Umweltinformationssysteme" die These auf, Implementierungen der Simple Feature Specification des OpenGIS-Konsortiums deckten 80 % aller Anforderungen von umweltbezogenen GISAnwendungen ab. Der vorliegende Beitrag greift diese These auf und stellt am Beispiel dreier Projekte aus dem Projektverbund GIS Experimental Server an der Universität Bonn ihre empirische/praxisorientierte Überprüfung dar: Im Projekt GIS-Pool wurde ein Prototyp zum Geodatenmanagement im Umweltministerium Sachsen-Anhalt und in den Projekten FloraMap bzw. GROMS ein kartengestützter Auskunftsplatz für artenbezogene Naturschutzinformationen (national: Verbreitung von Pflanzenarten bzw. international: Verbreitung von wandernden Tierarten) entwickelt. Die Projekte haben bisher gezeigt, dass die verwendete Java-Klassenbibliothek fair Simple Features grundsätzlich für die Erstellung von Auskunftund Managementsystemen für den Umweltund Naturschutz geeignet ist.
- KonferenzbeitragIMIS-Migration: Integriertes Mess- und Informationssystem für Radioaktivität in der Umwelt(Sustainability in the Information Society, 2001) Triestram, Volkmar; Horn, Matthias; Leeb, HermannIMIS ("Integrated Measuring and Information System") is a country wide measuring system, which constantly monitors the radioactivity in all important environmental medi a in the entire territory of Germany. The purpose of IMIS is to keep the radioactive exposure of humans and the radioactive contamination of the environment as small as possible by informing extensively about radioactive data. IMIS gathers data of more than 2000 stationary metering stations that monitor the radioactivity close to soil, in air and in water. Beyond that the radioactivity in food, feeds, drinking water and waste water is determined in laboratory samples. All measured values are stored in 24 country-wide distributed Oracle databases, which constantly adjust their contents by means of replication. With the help of the IMIS Client program users at 72 widely distributed institutions verify, aggregate, visualize and evaluate the measured values. For this purpose IMIS creates business charts, geographical maps and tables, which document the radioactive situation. Condat AG renews IMIS on behalf of the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection up to the end of the year 2002.