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- KonferenzbeitragBasel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer, Slovakia in the Process of EU Enlargement(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Lacuška, Miroslav; Lapešová, Dana; Hřebíček, JiříThe Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology transfer in Bratislava (further Centre), the Slovak Republic, was established as a unit within the Slovak Environmental Agency, Centre of Waste and Environmental Management in 1995. It covers geographical area of Central and Eastern European countries. The Centre started up its activities in February 1996. During that time it has held 10 training workshops for Central and Eastern European countries on various technical, information and legal aspects of the Basel Convention and has carried out a number of waste management related projects including web oriented information system. The Centre has also undertaken case studies and issued Newsletters, which have been disseminated, to all Central and Eastern European countries. There are described experiences of the Centre in the process of European Union enlargement since 1997 in the paper. The new role and function of the Centre in an enlarged European Union with respect to information society and sustainable development is also presented.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Decision Support System for Environmental Performance Evaluation(Sustainability in the Information Society, 2001) Hřebíček, JiříThere is described an environmental decision support information system for the environmental performance evaluation, called ISEPE, in the paper. The goal of this decision support system is to evaluate whether an organisation's environmental performance is meeting the criteria set by the management of an organisation. ISEPE also helps to organisation's top management to monitor and check the efficiency of its environmental management system and to assess the status of its environmental performance and identify areas for improvement as needed.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Information Management in the Czech Republic with respect to Reporting Obligations(Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004, 2004) Hřebíček, Jiří; Pitner, Tomáš; Ráček, JaroslavThere are presented methods and results of the research project of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic oriented to analysis of environmental data models, reporting obligations of the Czech Republic to European Commission, as well as an analysis of how these obligations are met in practice using information tools of the European Environmental Agency.
- KonferenzbeitragEvaluation of Slovak Waste Information System and Databases(Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004, 2004) Lacuška, Miroslav; Janc, Alexander; Hřebíček, JiříCollection of environmental data of waste generators, collectors, transporters, operators of treatment and disposal facilities of the Slovak Republic started in 1992. Since 1993, all Slovak environmental departments of district/regional authorities are collected waste management data annually. There was developed the Slovak Waste Information System (SWIS) supported data management (collection, validation, editing, archiving, visualisation and processing) and it has been implemented and operated at all state environmental authorities since 1995. The Centre of Waste and Environmental Management of the Slovak Environmental Agency has been processed these annual data using the SWIS. The SWIS is now a part of the Partial Monitoring Systems WASTE, which is focused on monitoring, forecasting and decision-support services of waste management authorities of the Slovak Ministry of Environment. It will be presented, how the SWIS and its waste management databases help both national and international waste management information systems (SR, EEA, UNEP, OECD) for informing citizens, public administration and business together with the monitoring services for the identification, assessment, monitoring, transport and prevention of hazardous waste risks. Ten years experiences of waste data and information management and sharing knowledge on Slovak waste management using the SWIS are presented, too.
- KonferenzbeitragGENASIS: System for the Assessment of Environmental Contamination by Persistent Organic Pollutants(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools, 2009) Brabec, Karel; Jarkovský, Jiří; Dušek, Ladislav; Kubásek, Miroslav; Hřebíček, Jiří; Hřebíček, Ivan; Čupr, Pavel; Klánová, JanaWithin the frame of the GENASIS project, we introduce a user-friendly information system for the visualization and analysis of contamination of all environmental components by persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The system evaluates actual POPs contamination, its long-term trends and seasonal fluctuations. The GENASIS project utilizes data from national and international monitoring networks to obtain as-complete-as-possible set of information and a representative picture of environmental contamination by POPs. Project outcomes are useful as information source both for general public and experts, as well as for the process of the Stockholm Convention implementation.
- KonferenzbeitragInformation Sources for a European Integrated Environmental Information Space(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools, 2009) Pillmann, Werner; Hřebíček, JiříA huge amount of environmental information is available in Europe, and there is no lack of political will behind the idea of integrating environmental information sources in general. DG Environment favours the creation of a Shared Environmental Information Space (SEIS), while DG Information Society & Media (INFSO) is pursuing the strategy of a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE). Both approaches are in accordance with the principles of eGovernment, eDemocracy and eEnvironment. This paper attempts to identify the preconditions for building a Single European Information Space and associated projects in the field of sustainable growth. It looks at the legal background and provides an overview of the current status of SEIS, SISE and eEnvironment. It also provides an assessment of some of the sources of environmental information and of existing projects, information flows and obstacles to user-oriented application. A list of national web tools for integrating information sources into an SISE and examples of existing implementations are also provided.
- KonferenzbeitragModel of the Object-Oriented Environmental Information – A New Approach in the Environmental Data and Information Management(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Sluka, Jan; Hřebíček, JiříUnderstanding differences and connection between the term of environmental data and the term of environmental information are very important for environmental data and information management. The environmental data representing environmental information are usually obtained from authorized monitoring and data collections. From the reason of standardization process European environmental infromation system is designed a object oriented model of the environmental information in the paper. This model issues from definitions of environmental information in Aarhus Convention and Directive 2003/4/EC. It consists of all its classes, which are presented and discussed, in the paper. Quality controlled monitoring process is very import in data processing for further information management in interpretation of environmental data. The role of introduced new models of environmental metrics is discussed in paper also.
- KonferenzbeitragStandardization of Environmental Data and Information Management in the Czech and Slovak Republic(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Hřebíček, Jiří; Pitner, Tomáš; Benko, VladimírTwelve years of Czech and Slovak experiences in standardization of environmental data and information management arising from national and European union legislation are discussed in this paper. The standardization process in both countries (the previous Czechoslovak Republic) began in early nineties of the last century and could only be considered as successful if the proposed standards are accepted and used. When creating Czech and Slovak standards, it had to be assured that, as well as having a good technical solution, it was backed up by motivated users people that feel they really need to have the standards – and who are willing to use them.
- KonferenzbeitragWaste Management Information System of the Slovak Republic(Sustainability in the Information Society, 2001) Lacuška, Miroslav; Janc, Alexander; Hřebíček, Jiří; Sluka, JanThere is described history and future of the waste management information system of the Slovak Republic. This system was developed during the last decade of twenty century and it is using by the Slovak public administration to control the area of waste management and cover information needs of the public. A new developed system is presented in the paper. It will be able to collect and evaluate waste management data based on legal requests of a new Waste Act in compliance withEUregulations. This system also helps officials of regional and national state administration offices to monitor and check the efficiency of their controlling waste management and identify areas for improvement as needed.
- KonferenzbeitragWorkflow support of corporate environmental communication and reporting(Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004, 2004) Hřebíček, Jiří; Kokrment, Lukáš; Ráček, JaroslavIn this paper environmental communication and environmental and sustainability corporate reporting is discussed , which are tools to communicate a company’s (environmental) performance, demonstrate its management systems, present its responsibility, etc. Some new trends in this area are described , which are obvious nowadays . These new trends are mainly the Internet and cross-media reporting, customization and standardization. Some benefits of corporate reporting for organizations that decide to adopt its principles are also mentioned. In the second part of this paper XML language as a proper solution for the presented trends in corporate reporting and proposed ICT infrastructure for the corporate reporting system is presented. Corporate reporting should be seen as a complex system that is open and dynamically develops according to how a company’s environmental regulations and (environmental) management systems are adopted. Corporate reporting enables the providing of information to the general public, cooperation with the business sphere and national reporting via the World Wide Web. The current requirements of corporate reporting are the main driving force for the implementation of management systems.