Auflistung nach Autor:in "Hrebicek, Jiri"
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- KonferenzbeitragChallenges of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology, 2008) Hrebicek, Jiri; Legat, Rufdolf; Nagy, Michael; Pillmann, WernerThere is shortly introduced the eEnvironment (Electronic access to Environmental information) as a part of eDemocracy (the use of electronic communications technologies such as the Internet in enhancing democratic processes within a democratic state or representative democracy) and tools for its implementation: the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) and a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE). The eEnvironment fully supports the principles of eDemocracy and its new trends are discussed in the paper together with topics of prepared conference “Towards eEnvironment (Challenges of SEIS and SISEE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe)”, which will be held on March 25.-27.3.2009 in Prague during the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and will be focused for finding of answers on above challenges from scientific, organisation and political point of view.
- KonferenzbeitrageEnvironment and the Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment(Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, 2010) Hrebicek, Jiri; Pillmann, WernerThe paper introduces the current steps to build a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE) as the result of FP7 project ICT-ENSURE. In the first part the legal background of SISE is highlighted and an analysis of the challenges of eEnvironment and SISE is given. Subsequently, some of the core target groups of a SISE are presented. The paper is completed with references of national web tools to integrate information sources in a SISE and a best practice example of its implementation.
- KonferenzbeitragEfficient software tools in the renewable energy domain: Maple and MapleSim(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Hrebicek, Jiri; Urbanek, JaroslavThere are presented efficient software tools Maple and MapleSim for solving technical problems in the renewable energy domain using mathematics-based modelling. MapleSim represents the simulation environment, which has a graphical interface for interconnecting system components. The system models are then processed by the Maple (symbolic computation system) mathematics engine, and finally the differential-algebraic equations describing the solved systems are simulated numerically to produce and 2-D, 3-D visualise output results. Maple allows users to quickly focus and reliably solve problems with easy access to over 5000 algorithms and functions developed over 30 years of cutting-edge research and development. In the paper there are presented two solved problems in the renewable energy domain, which are freely downloadable from the web of the Canadian company Maplesoft developing above software tools.
- KonferenzbeitrageGovernment Services in Environment - Automate Data Quality Assessment - Czech Republic Approach(Environmental Informatics and Systems Research, 2007) Hlavacek, Miloslav; Hejc, Michal; Hrebicek, JiriImprecision of data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring, particularly at all kinds of fixed and moving sensor networks. Imprecision of primary data is an important characteristic feature of environmental monitoring. When making evaluations, conclusions and the decisions from collected environmental data, we have to assess data quality not to make fatal mistake in environmental management. The important task of eGovernment services in the Czech Republic is to deal with the primary data uncertainty and using knowledge about data quality to assure public access to quality environmental information (Directive 2003/4/EC) and provide added value for the citizens and businesses (end users and decision makers). This will reduce the risk of inequality information in eGovernment services and wrong decision in environmental management. At present, new approaches and methodologies of eGovernment services handling with environmental data uncertainty are explored. The paper presents comparison of such new approach developed in the Czech Republic against European Environment Agency and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approaches. The new approach to information management with data quality assessment brings for the Visegrad countries more flexible way of dealing with all kinds of uncertainty in eGovernment services. There are presented better results and less workload then standard approaches in the paper.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Education at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno(Environmental Communication in the Information Society - Proceedings of the 16th Conference, 2002) Hrebicek, Jiri; Pitner, TomasThis paper gives a short overview about the goals, structure and perspectives of environmental education at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Modelling with Uncertainty(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Hrebicek, Jiri; Hejc, MichalThe characteristic feature of current environmental modelling is the complexity and uncertainty of its mathematical representation (uncertainty of formula). Imprecision of its input data is another characteristic feature, where it is not possible to omit influences of primary monitoring (e.g. gaps of data, errors of measuring facilities, human factor, etc). Nowadays, information and communication technology (ICT) capabilities are growing rapidly and applied mathematical software (e.g. computer algebra systems, statistical packages, etc) becomes more powerful to overcome problems with formula complexity and uncertainty. The basic methods how to deal with the data uncertainties are well known and standardized from the last century, but some of their comparisons and recommendations for environmental modelling are not known enough. Paper presents generalized approach and shows universal methodology how to use computer algebra based systems (CAS) for the implementation of mathematical models with formula and data uncertainties. The Checkland’s soft system methodology is modified for its use by CAS in environmental modelling with uncertainty. Various approaches for solving uncertainty with the computer algebra system Maple are presented. The modified model COPERT III with included uncertainty was developed in Maple and some results of the case study for the transport influence and all the related air pollution in the Czech Republic are presented.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Public Sector Information – The present path to increasing transparency and democracy(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Pillmann, Werner; Legat, Rudolf; Hrebicek, JiriThis paper intends to provide insight in current political decisions and administrative requirements for production, processing and dissemination of environmental information. It should stimulate the discussion between the demand for exchange of environmental knowledge and some leading-edge experiences of ICT applications in the Environmental Informatics network. It is demonstrated, that environmental informatics provides currently a substantial toolbox with eEnvironment services for information integration in a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) with ecologic and economic relevance within the Digital Agenda 2020. In the paper a sketch of a European environmental information production is given and conclusions are drawn for further research in the area of Environmental Informatics.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental-Economic Modelling Municipal Soild Waste Management System of the Czech Republic(Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, 2010) Soukapavá, Jana; Hrebicek, JiriStrategic decision-making for dealing with municipal solid waste is a problem currently exercising the minds of many Member States throughout the European Union. This paper is devoted to environmental–economic modelling of the strategic developments in Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems at the Czech Republic. It was created by the authors for the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic. The model was developed based on given input macroeconomic variables and it enables to simulate the development of variant waste landfill fees and the inclusion or exclusion of certain equipment in preparation for energy recovery (ER) or mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of waste in selected locations and the prescribed annual capacity. It uses data from annual reports of municipalities (if available) on the production of municipal solid waste and estimates its quantity (if unavailable) by using a sophisticated model, including demographic and socio-economic impacts. The economic part of the model is based on an analysis of factors determining the costs for landfills, ER and MBT facilities and calculates the price for waste management for each municipality in CR, including its foreseeable development by 2020. The paper gives a short description of the model and its outputs in relation to change economy of Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems at the Czech Republic in accordance with the implementation of the European Waste Framework Directive into Czech legislation.
- KonferenzbeitragFederated eParticipation Systems on Environmental Issues and its Role Industrial Ecology(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology, 2008) Hrebicek, Jiri; Charalabidis, Yannis; Kisza, Karel; Loukis, Euripidis; Peters, Rob; Stefanik, Matej; Hejc, MichalThe paper presents project needs of new solution in eParticipation initiative area focusing main environmental and energy issues that the new European energy policy has to deal with. The project FEED (Federated eParticipation Systems for Cross-Societal Deliberation on Environmental and Energy Issues) is introduced as one possible solution. There will be discussed its main goals, platform architecture and project work plan.
- KonferenzbeitragFinding Optimal Solutions of Energetic Remedial Equations with Genetic Algorithms(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Pavlovic, Jan; Hrebicek, JiriThis paper will present a new way of finding the optimal solution of energetic remedial process, which comes as a result of optimization of energetic equations. The new artificial computation engine based on genetic algorithms which are commonly used for optimization in general has proved suitable for this problem domain as well. However, we developed solutions describing energetic equations from another point of view. They show the hidden characteristics which are not always easy to specify. Genetic algorithms often demand huge amount of computer time. We had to design a specific type of a distributed service oriented solution to meet the demands of computing and integration to the existing software environment3.