Auflistung nach Autor:in "Isenmann, Ralf"
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- KonferenzbeitragA Case Study on an Automated Generation of Environmental Reports(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Marx-Gómez, Jorge; Rautenstrauch, Claus; Isenmann, RalfDie unterschiedlichen Dokumente, die im Rahmen einer Umweltberichterstattung von Unternehmen erstellt werden, basieren auf ähnlichen und teilweise überlappenden Informationen. Oft können die für ein bestimmtes Umweltdokument zusammengetragenen Informationen allerdings nicht oder nur mit großem Aufwand für andere Zielsetzungen wieder genutzt werden. Die in den Dokumenten enthaltenen Umweltdaten müssen regelmäßig (z. B. entsprechend dem Berichtszeitraum) aktualisiert werden. Eine rechnergestützte und zumindest teilweise automatisierte Berichterstattung erscheint daher sinnvoll. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Ansatz zur teilweise automatisierten Umweltberichterstattung vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei in der automatischen Überführung von Ökobilanzdaten in eine XML-Form und der Integration in einen Umweltbericht. Dies wird am Beispiel des Softwaretools Umberto illustriert.
- KonferenzbeitragAdvanced corporate sustainability reporting – Towards a XBRL taxonomy for sustainability reports based on the G3-guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative(Proceedings of the European conference TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, 2009) Isenmann, Ralf; Gómez, Jorge Marx
- KonferenzbeitragBasic Ethical Framework: Guidance for Environmental Informatics towards a Sustainable Information Society(Sustainability in the Information Society, 2001) Isenmann, RalfIn this paper a basic ethical framework is presented. It provides useful guidance for environmental informatics' contribution to design towards a sustainable information society. In more detail the framework is illustrated by a set of three essential verifications concerning human, social, and environmental acceptability. Computer scientists should consider these verifications as minimum when they take their responsibility to contribute reaching the goal of a sustainable information society. The framework is seen as pioneering effort both, in order to present a solid underpinning, and also to conceptualise ethical thinking within environmental informatics' contribution and computer scientists' responsibility to design towards a sustainable information society. According to the above-mentioned purpose basic ethical aspects are situated in the centre. The tangible object of this paper is twofold while writing half-way between popular and very academic: firstly, as a larger goal, to make ethical thinking quite accessible to non-philosophers while its content is of interest to professional philosophers, and secondly, more precisely, to stimulate reflection and encourage awareness that the challenge to design towards a sustainable information society is indispensably an normative-laden question which requires reflection on ethics. Therefore a basic ethical framework is proposed by a lucid and informative way. The paper is divided into four sections: 1. Interrelations between information society and sustainability, including a mind map of information society's characteristics as chance society and risk society. 2. Hidden ethics: Basis to design towards a sustainable information society. 3. Guidance by ethics and responsibility of environmental informatics. 4. Verifications to design towards a sustainable information society. Keywords: Chance society; computer scientist; environmental informatics; ethics; informationand communication-technologies (ICT); information society; responsibility; risk society; sustainability.
- KonferenzbeitragBringing together Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology − The role of ICT in industrial symbiosis projects(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools, 2009) Isenmann, Ralf
- KonferenzbeitragDigitalisierung und IKT in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Hochschulen in Deutschland - terra incognita?(INFORMATIK 2015, 2015) Isenmann, Ralf; Remmer, Sassen; Zinn, SaschaZiel des Beitrags ist es, den Einsatz von IKT in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Hochschulen in Deutschland als Element der Digitalisierung zu untersuchen. Dazu zählen z.B. Einzelanalysen zu Distributionskanälen und zur medialen Verfügbarkeit der Nachhaltigkeitsberichte, zu den Formen der IKT-gestützten Online-Kommunikation, die die Vermittlung der Inhalte erleichtern können, der Einsatz moderner IKT und ausgeklügelter Softwarewerkzeuge entlang der Kernprozesse der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung - von der Erstellung der Berichte über die Verwaltung der Berichtsteile bis hin zur multimedialen Verteilung und anmutenden Präsentation - sowie zu Treibern, Hemmnissen und Erfolgsfaktoren in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Hochschulen anhand von ausgesuchten Fallbeispielen. Mit dem Beitrag soll eine Brücke geschlagen werden zwischen dem etablierten Forschungsbereich der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Unternehmen und den neuerdings intensivierten Aktivitäten von Hochschulen in Deutschland auf der einen Seite und der betrieblichen Umweltund Wirtschaftsinformatik auf der anderen Seite. Der Bedarf an konzeptioneller Orientierung in der Forschung und an praktischer Handreichung in den Hochschulen ist groß.
- KonferenzbeitragEnvironmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology – Scientific Profiles of Two Emerging Fields Striving for Sustainability(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology, 2008) Isenmann, RalfThis paper provides an approach that could be used to compare the fields of research of Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology. Based on supposed overlapping areas, this approach further facilitates the linkage between their associated communities. From a theoretical perspective, the approach makes clear whether the fields of research may have common objects, similar tools, and shared principles, values, and value judgements. No less important, the approach is also helpful from a practical point of view as it helps to identify issues for fruitful institutional cooperation and joint projects. It is argued here that a proper method for a comparison between Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology would be an epistemological point of view. Such an “out of the box” perspective finally helps to describe the emerging bodies of theory and clarifies contours of their certain scientific profiles. The proposed approach is illustrated in the form of a pyramid, structured in layers like an architecture, and built with the help of tools of philosophy. It has its methodological basis in a generic framework used in epistemology. This generic framework is further conceptualised through document analyses identifying certain issues that are prototypical for the current communities and literature both, for Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology.
- KonferenzbeitragGoing Ahead in Harmonising XML-Based DTDs for Corporate Environmental Reporting(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Isenmann, Ralf; Brosowski, Jan; Marx-Gómez, Jorge; Arndt, Hans-KnudUmweltberichte bilden die Kerninstrumente der betrieblichen Umweltberichterstattung. Angesichts steigender Anforderungen bzgl. Automatisierung, medialer Verfügbarkeit und Zielgruppenspezifizierung bietet der Einsatz des Internet in Verbindung mit der Auszeichnungssprache XML dabei große Gestaltungschancen und eröffnet wirksame Unterstützungspotentiale, sowohl für die Unternehmen selbst als auch für deren anvisierte Zielgruppen wie Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Investoren. Das konzeptionelle Herzstück für die informationstechnische Umsetzung einer internetbasierten Umweltberichterstattung ist in einer XML-basierten DTD für Umweltberichte zu sehen. Sie ermöglicht eine inhaltlich flexible, effizient durchzuführende und zielgruppenspezifische Umweltberichterstattung mit einer durchgängigen Prozeßunterstützung. Dieser Beitrag zielt auf die Harmonisierung solcher XML-basierter DTDs für Umweltberichte ab. Er knüpft dabei an grundlegende Überlegungen zur Standardisierung aus zwei vorausgegangenen Beiträge an, die auf der 16. Tagung „Informatik für den Umweltschutz“ 2002 in Wien sowie auf der 11. Tagung der Fachgruppe „Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme“ 2003 in Stuttgart vorgetragen wurden.
- KonferenzbeitragInformatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development, and Risk Management 20 Years Technical Committee on Environmental Informatics(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Pillmann, Werner; Geiger, Werner; Isenmann, RalfAfter its launch more than two decades ago, Environmental Informatics has become a somewhat fuzzy movement in applied informatics and computer science dealing with environmental matters to give rise to a professional society. Today, Environmental Informatics constitutes a scientific community with numerous tools, studies, publications, and resources of research. On the intellectual level, the GI TC 4.6 Environmental Informatics community with its academic background has a growing impact on government agendas, business applications in industry, and higher education programmes. As it has developed such a degree of institutionalisation, it is the right time to trace back its history (section 2), outline the current state of the field with its different forms of institutionalization (section 3), describe the emerging disciplinary contours (section 4), and illustrate major results and impacts of the field (section 5).
- KonferenzbeitragIntegrated Corporate Environmental Reporting: Strategies for Employing Internet and Hypermedia Productively(Environmental Communication in the Information Society - Proceedings of the 16th Conference, 2002) Isenmann, RalfEmploying Internet and Hypermedia offer huge opportunities for corporate environmental reporting. They provide a comprehensive system of technical benefits and serve as powerful vehicles moving from a “green glossy brochure” towards an integrated reporting system. Such an integrated reporting system based on Internet and Hypermedia includes different reporting instruments for disclosing the companies’ financial, environmental, and social activities, performance indicators, and overall success; it is often called “sustainability reporting” system, perhaps according to the triple bottom line approach. Since all the core-processes of reporting from preparation and administration to distribution and presentation can be facilitated, Internet and Hypermedia are seen as indispensable reporting tools. They represent a solid backbone for the companies’ underlying ICT (information and communication technologies) infrastructure. Despite the fact that companies have made considerable progress how to utilise Internet and Hypermedia for environmental reporting since the last decade, there is an obvious lack of effort how to employ them productively, i.e. in an efficient manner, and not only in the sense of a smart extra just nice to have but without creating added value for both, reporting companies and their different target groups. Therefore, companies are still looking for help. With the main focus on moving from isolated environmental reports towards an integrated reporting system it is proposed to follow a content-oriented strategy. Such a content-oriented strategy aims at the integration of financial, environmental, and social reporting en route towards sustainability reporting. From a practitioner’s point of view, the content-oriented strategy provides practical guidance. From an academics’ perspective, the content-oriented strategy contributes to more conceptual clarity when employing Internet and Hypermedia productively for corporate environmental reporting.
- KonferenzbeitragInter-organisational Sustainability Reporting – A harmonized XRBL approach based on GRI G4 XBRL and further Guidelines(Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2014) Solsbach, Andreas; Isenmann, Ralf; Marx Gómez, Jorge; Teuteberg, FrakThe ongoing development and the alterations of sustainability reporting, like the change towards internet-based reporting which allows stakeholder orientation and integration of supply chain disclosure, will lead to an increased generation of sustainability reports (or corporate social responsibility reporting). By April 2012, 53% of the S&P 500 companies provide corporate sustainability reports and 63% are based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, 5% are referencing towards GRI so that only 32% are non-GRI reports. This is a huge increase of sustainability reporting compared to 19%-20% in 2011. [1] A proposed Directive of the Council of the European Communities [2] regarding the disclosure of nonfinancial and diversity information by certain large companies and groups, what will be realized by sustainability reports, will possible lead to mandatory reporting instead of voluntary reporting. Larger companies and groups will force their suppliers to report impacts of their processes and products in the supply chain due to supply chain disclosure. Therefore, companies are forced to reduce efforts in the process of generating a sustainability report, increase the value and accessibility of reports by machine readable reports. The paper will present the approach of inter-organizational sustainability reporting to enrich the current GRI G4 XBRL [3] version towards an inter-organisational reporting. Further guidelines for harmonizing such as United Nations Global Compact [4], Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises [5], Eco Management and Audit Scheme III [6] and European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies [7] to overcome the necessity to use bridge documents will be shown. Further, ideas how to integrate the inter-organisational sustainability reporting approach will be discussed.
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