Auflistung nach Autor:in "Kampmann, Marlon"
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- KonferenzbeitragBuilding BPM Capabilities to Foster Process Automation Initiatives Through Inter-Organizational Training(Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2024 - Neues Arbeiten in Projekten – Teamarbeit neu interpretiert, 2024) Kampmann, Marlon; François, Peter Alois; Plattfaut, Ralf; Coners, AndréThis study describes a training approach to enhance Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities through heterogeneous and inter-organizational consortia, aiding collaborative process optimization and automation. Traditional BPM education focuses on methodological and IT-related skills. However, the complexity and diversity of skills and experiences in inter-organizational settings require innovative training approaches. The research investigates how heterogeneous groups can enhance the learning experience and how leveraging varied skills and experiences can promote BPM reuse across organizations. We developed an iterative Design Science Research (DSR) based training approach, engaging six companies across different sectors and sizes to participate in a series of trainings. These sessions aimed to build BPM and digitalization competencies while encouraging the exchange of knowledge and the reuse of BPM artifacts. Preliminary findings suggest that addressing skill heterogeneity and fostering open collaboration can significantly improve inter-organizational BPM efforts.
- KonferenzbeitragProjektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2023 - Nachhaltige IT-Projekte - Komplettband(Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2023 - Nachhaltige IT-Projekte, 2023) Bochtler, Stefan; Schomaker, Gunnar; Abbing, Julian; Linssen, Oliver; Behrendt, Till; Sauer, Joachim; Bozaci, Saadet; Lill-Kochems, Lisa; Kalenborn, Axel; François, Peter A.; Kampmann, Marlon; Plattfaut, Ralf; Coners, André; Göritz, Lorena; Kochon, Enrico; Beinke, Jan Heinrich; Pender, Hanna-Liisa; Thomas, Oliver; Greb, Thomas; Guckenbiehl, Pascal; Krieg, Alexander; Brandt, Sarah; Theobald, Sven; Pappert, Laura; Kusanke, Kristina; Randecker, Luca; Engstler, Martin; Heinzel, Viktoria; Vogl, Ulrich; Siegle, Markus; Bacharach, Guido; Jäger, Jakob; Wehnes, Harald; Duschik, Andreas; Goeken, Matthias; Eichenberg, Timm; Peuser, Martina; Hilmer, Stefan; Lieder, Yelle; Jestädt, Martin; Saier, Lena; Siegert, Mara; Yurttas, Aylin; Bitsch, Günter; Koch de Souza, Larissa; Weßel, Christa
- KonferenzbeitragSystematically embedding automation reuse in business process management projects(Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2023 - Nachhaltige IT-Projekte, 2023) François, Peter A.; Kampmann, Marlon; Plattfaut, Ralf; Coners, AndréThe benefits of reusing software and its prerequisites reach from faster implementation time to higher software quality and reduced maintenance effort through fewer artefacts to be maintained. However, in the context of BPM projects and automation, systematic reuse has not been adequately incorporated, resulting in missed opportunities. This research addresses this gap by extending the Business Process Management Lifecycle by Dumas et al. following a Design Science Research approach to include mechanisms to allow systematic automation reuse in BPM projects. Practical approaches for reuse in BPM initiatives are identified. The findings highlight the importance of ten concepts in promoting systematic reuse in BPM projects. The proposed approach enhances the BPM lifecycle by incorporating systematic reuse practices to utilize the mentioned advantages.