Auflistung nach Autor:in "Karagiannis, Dimitris"
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- Konferenzbeitrag50 Jahre Verhaltensmodellierung: Vom Modellieren mit Programmen zum Programmieren mit Modellen(Modellierung 2010, 2010) Reisig, WolfgangSoftware entwickeln bedeutet, die Kluft zwischen algorithmischen Ideen und implementierten Programmen zu überbrücken. Dabei helfen Modelle: Ein adäquates Modell einer algorithmische Idee repräsentiert die relevanten Aspekte der Idee verständlich und unmittelbar einsichtig. Ein gutes Modell vermeidet Zusätze oder Abstriche, die lediglich der verwendeten Modellierungstechnik geschuldet wären. In diesem Beitrag konzentrieren wir uns auf Modelle zur Beschreibung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Systemen. Während „Datenmodellierung“ ein aus der Datenbanktheorie wohlbekanntes Konzept ist, gibt es für das Modellieren von Verhalten keinen gleichermaßen etablierten Begriff. Ein solcher Begriff würde weit mehr als den Kontrollund Datenfluss umfassen und auch generelle Fragen an das Konzept des „Algorithmus“ stellen. Eine Modellierungstechnik stellt Ausdrucksmittel bereit, um eine spezifische Art von Modellen zu charakterisieren. Eine zweckmäßige Modellierungstechnik bietet außerdem ausdrucksstarke Verfahren zur Analyse dieser Modelle, d.h. zum Nachweis spezieller Eigenschaften. Wir konzentrieren uns hier auf Techniken zur Verhaltensmodellierung, die ausdrucksstarke Analyseverfahren bereitstellen. Wir streifen ihre historische Entwicklung, versuchen eine Klassifikation solcher Techniken gemäß signifikanter Kriterien, und fragen nach den wichtigsten Gestaltungsprinzipien zukünftiger Modellierungstechniken.
- KonferenzbeitragAdaptable Model Versioning in Action(Modellierung 2010, 2010) Brosch, Petra; Kappel, Gerti; Seidl, Martina; Wieland, Konrad; Wimmer, Manuel; Kargl, Horst; Langer, PhilipIn optimistic versioning, multiple developers are allowed to modify an artifact at the same time. On the one hand this approach increases productivity as the development process is never stalled due to locks on an artifact. On the other hand conflicts may arise when it comes to merging the different modifications into one consolidated version. In general, the resolution of such conflicts is not only cumbersome, but also error-prone. Especially if the artifacts under version control are models, little support is provided by standard versioning systems. In this paper we present the enhanced versioning process of the model versioning system AMOR. We show how AMOR is configured in order to obtain a precise conflict report which allows the recommendation of automatically executable resolution patterns. The user of AMOR chooses either one of the recommendations or performs manual resolution. The manual resolution may be in collaboration with other developers and allows to infer new resolution patterns which may be applied in similar situations.
- KonferenzbeitragAdditional Information in Business Processes: A Pattern-Based Integration of Natural Language Artefacts(Modellierung 2014, 2014) Bittmann, Sebastian; Metzger, Dirk; Fellmann, Michael; Thomas, OliverBusiness process modelling initiatives frequently make use of semi-formal modelling languages for depicting the business processes and their control flows. While these representations are beneficial for the analysis, simulation and automatic execution of processes, they are not necessarily the best option to communicate process knowledge required by employees to execute the process. Hence, textual process representations and their transformation to semi-formal models gain importance. In this paper, a pattern-based modelling approach positioned in between the two extremes of informal text and semi-formal process models is derived. The patterns offer a basis for a seamless integration of natural language and business process models. In particular the business process modelling patterns, which have to rely on human interactions are focussed. For those patterns an integrated representation of information that support the manual execution is developed. The approach fosters the contribution by employees of the operative business, since it does not rely on classical modelling paradigms, but uses natural language for modelling business processes.
- ZeitschriftenartikelAdvanced Enterprise Modeling(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 57, No. 1, 2015) Zdravkovic, Jelena; Stirna, Janis; Kirikova, Marite; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Winter, Robert
- KonferenzbeitragAnalysis of Business Process Model Reuse Literature: Are Research Concepts Empirically Validated?(Modellierung 2014, 2014) Fellmann, Michael; Koschmider, Agnes; Schoknecht, AndreasBusiness process modeling is a highly manual task. The effort of business process modeling might be reduced if process modelers are provided with the option of reusing existing process model assets instead of creating new models from scratch. Numerous research efforts thus have been focused on the reuse of existing model assets leading to a great variety of methods, models, algorithms and tools. However, up to now, the state of empirical evidence in respect to proven positive effects using these approaches is largely unclear. We therefore fill this gap by systematically analysing the available publications. Our paper contributes to the understanding of business process model reuse and consequently also to the knowledge base regarding process model reuse.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalytical data modeling of investment project financing process(Information systems technology and its applications – 6th international conference – ISTA 2007, 2007) Godlevskiy, Mikhail D.; Moskalenko, Valentina V.; Kondrashchenko, Vladimir V.The present work is devoted to the research of investment projects’ financing issues. Within this paper a data analytical tool for an optimal financing schema computation on the basis of solving the multicriterion dynamical problem is being presented. The model reflects the interests of both company and investor receiving maximum profit from the project execution as well as selection of a priority source of financing on the basis of capital cost minimization principle. We have developed the software on Java in order to perform an automated computation of an optimal financing schema using the suggested algorithm. The developed software is a complete solution for working with project data, obtaining the results (in the text and chart views) and generating reports.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalyzing Model Dependencies for Rule-based Regression Test Selection(Modellierung 2014, 2014) Farooq, Qurat-ul-ann; Lehnert, Steffen; Riebisch, MatthiasUnintended side effects during changes of software demand for a precise test case selection to achieve both confidence and minimal effort for testing. Identifying the change related test cases requires an impact analysis across different views, models, and tests. Model-based regression testing aims to provide this analysis earlier in the software development cycle and thus enables an early estimation of test effort. In this paper, we present an approach for model-based regression testing of business processes. Our approach analyzes change types and dependency relations between different models such as Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), Unified Modeling Language (UML), and UML Testing Profile (UTP) models. We developed a set of impact rules to forecast the impact of those changes on the test models prior to their implementation. We discuss the implementation of our impact rules inside a prototype tool EMFTrace. The approach has been evaluated in a project for business processes on mobile devices.
- KonferenzbeitragAthos: An Extensible DSL for Model Driven Traffic and Transport Simulation(Modellierung 2020, 2020) Hoffmann, Benjamin; Urquhart, Neil; Chalmers, Kevin; Guckert, MichaelMulti-agent systems may be considered appropriate tools for simulating complex systems such as those based around traffic and transportation networks. Modelling traffic participants as agents can reveal relevant patterns of traffic flow. Upsurging traffic in urban areas increases the relevance of such simulations and the insight they provide into reducing congestion and pollution. Developing multi-agent traffic simulations is a challenging task even for professional software developers. In contrast, domain experts need tools that can be quickly adapted to new questions emerging in their research without potentially error-prone communication with software developers. There is a need for simulation tools that are intuitive to domain experts yet flexible and adaptable by software developers as required. A model driven approach with an extensible domain specific language delivers an answer for both of these opposing requirements. The modeller is relieved from implementing time consuming programming details and can focus on the application itself. We present the domain specific language Athos that allows to create simulations of traffic and transport related problems declaratively. The models are platform independent and executable code can be generated for appropriate multi-agent platforms. The language is flexible and can be easily extended by exploiting the structure of the problem domain itself. In this paper, we present Athos and focus on how it can be extended by arbitrary traffic and routing algorithms through an annotation-based extension mechanism.
- KonferenzbeitragAutomated Coding of Qualitative Interviews with Latent Semantic Analysis(Information systems technology and its applications – 6th international conference – ISTA 2007, 2007) Feinerer, Ingo; Wild, FridolinCoding and analysing qualitative interviews is one of several core techniques used in marketing research. Qualitative methods offer valuable information hardly gained by standard quantitative methods since open-ended questions and interviews provide deeper insight into customer demands. The main disadvantages of qualitative methods are their inherent subjectivity and their high costs. We tackle this problem by applying latent semantic analysis (LSA) in a fully automated way on transcripts of interviews and we propose two algorithms based on LSA. We evaluate the algorithms against two separate real-life cases taken from the automobile industry and from the Austrian mobile phone market. Thereby, we compare the machine results against marketing expert judgements and show that the algorithms proposed provide perfect reliability with appropriate validity in automated coding and textual analysis.
- KonferenzbeitragEin automatisiertes Verfahren zur Sicherstellung der konventionsgerechten Bezeichnung von Modellelementen im Rahmen der konzeptionellen Modellierung(Modellierung 2010, 2010) Becker, Jörg; Delfmann, Patrick; Herwig, Sebastian; Lis, Łukasz; Malsbender, Andrea; Stein, ArminEine kritische Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von fach-konzeptionellen Modellen ist ihre Verständlichkeit und Vergleichbarkeit. Modelladressaten müssen in die Lage versetzt werden, den mit den Modellen vermittelten Inhalt eindeutig zu erkennen. Dies verlangt das Vorhandensein eines gemeinsamen Begriffsverständnisses unter den Modellierern. Insbesondere für Modellklassen, für deren Modellelemente sich satzbzw. phrasenorientierte Bezeichnungspraktiken etabliert haben, bildet die Herstellung eines solchen gemeinsamen Be- griffsverständnisses eine besondere Herausforderung. Der vorliegende Beitrag adressiert diese Problematik und präsentiert einen linguistischen Ansatz zur Formalisierung von Bezeichnungskonventionen für konzeptionelle Modelle. Die Konventionen werden auf Basis eines Domänenbegriffsmodells und natürlichsprachlicher Syntax formalisiert und im Rahmen der Modellierung automatisiert durchgesetzt. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Beitrags liegt auf der Analyse der durch Modellierer eingegebenen Modellelementbezeichnungen und dem im Falle von Konventionsverletzungen sich anschließenden automatischen Vorschlagen von konventionskonformen Alternativbezeichnern.