Auflistung nach Autor:in "Konle, Wolfgang"
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- KonferenzbeitragCentralized sensor data fusion is really more powerful than track fusion(INFORMATIK 2006 – Informatik für Menschen, Band 1, 2006) Konle, WolfgangSystematic sensor errors complicate centralized data fusion. [1] sensor model specific alignment procedures, which allow the compensation of essential bias values like azimuth deviation and range offset, do not remove systematic errors completely. The residual errors, like time differences between different sources and varying spatial deviations, lead to a reduction of the tracking performance in the centralized architecture. A detailed statistic of deviations between predicted track states and observations, evaluated for each track and each sensor, provides additional model independent bias information. It turns out, that this information is sufficient for a further decisive reduction of the residual errors. A feedback control mechanism can be established, which allows a continuous compensation of sensor and track specific bias values down to a level appropriate for the application of advanced recursive tracking methods. The centralized tracking, supported by bias control, finally gains its superiority over track fusion mainly from the following capabilities: Maneuver recognition based on bias controlled, multiple source measurements; Recursive filter selection according to the maneuver condition; Performance enhancement in group tracking, 2D data processing, track initiation and correlation gate determination. The processing of the complete set of aligned data, recursively adapted to the target maneuver, allows an optimal use of information from all contributing sensors.
- KonferenzbeitragGroup tracking in an air surveillance system(Informatik 2009 – Im Focus das Leben, 2009) Konle, WolfgangAn operational Air Surveillance System shall generate a stable and reliable air picture. In dense target situations the quality of available sensor data is reduced. System models which take into account correlated flight paths of aircraft formations help to compensate the lack of information in dense situations. The paper presents algorithms to detect groups, to evaluate the relative behavior of group members and to handle group maneuvers and split and join events. The integration of group tracking into a complex operational system is additionally taken into account.
- KonferenzbeitragTrack data smoothing for air traffic simulation(INFORMATIK 2011 – Informatik schafft Communities, 2011) Konle, WolfgangThe air traffic in Europe is subject of detailed research for reorganization. For a relevant research accurate simulation of different traffic categories is required. The conventional simulation techniques comprise mature models of aircraft behavior but do not include interactions between traffic objects. With trajectories corresponding to a highly complete and widespread air situation, this gap can be closed. The idea behind this way of scenario construction is to use well founded data mining techniques instead of more arbitrary constructive methods. The achieved high accuracy allows associating the complete air route topology to the trajectories. The focus of the paper is on the robust and accurate method to derive smoothed trajectories from air surveillance sensor data. The German Improved Air Defense System with up to 150 connected radars and a coverage area of 16 Million km2 is used as the data source. The smoothing method presented comprises multiple evaluation paths including multi sensor tracking, sensor alignment, Kalman Smoothing, removal of outliers, fitting of Bézier type splines, subsequent segmentation-, and adaptationcycles. The accuracy of the method described in this paper has been evaluated with a GPS recorded calibration flight with the result of a mean deviation of 80m.
- KonferenzbeitragTrack heading and speed estimation(INFORMATIK 2010. Service Science – Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Band 2, 2010) Konle, WolfgangA new method to enhance the performance of multi radar tracking systems is presented in this paper. In parallel to an IMM model type tracker a second tracker estimates track heading and speed based upon differential measurements from multiple sensors. A differential measurement contains the differences between two subsequent measurements from one sensor. This new method accepts information from multiple sensors but completely avoids sensor registration problems. While a common multi radar tracker must take into account at least residual registration errors, the heading/speed tracker accepts the full accuracy of each individual sensor. This leads to high manoeuvre susceptibility and also to a high stability in the non manoeuvre case. The results demonstrate the tracking performance enhancement achieved by the combination of the new method with the standard tracking method.