Auflistung nach Autor:in "Mayer, Johannes"
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- KonferenzbeitragAn aspect-based environment for COTS component testing(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Polo, Macario; Cechich, AlejandraComponent qualification is one of the major steps in the development of component-based applications. Several techniques are used to enrich documentation by structuring and classifying components' metadata. In that line, aspect information has been used to help implement better component interfaces and to encode knowledge of components' capabilities. In this paper, we describe an environment to generate and execute aspect-dependent test cases, which is based on an aspect-based categorisation of information for testing.
- KonferenzbeitragAssessing and interpreting object-oriented software complexity with structured and independent metrics(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Neumann, Roland; Klemann, DennisObject-oriented software complexity is difficult to assess due to its manifold influences from cognition science or algorithmic complexity theory. A practical process for a structured complexity assessment is presented in this paper. It starts with considerations for measurement and data preparation. Using mathematical transformation techniques, independent complexity metrics are gained. With these results, complexity aspects of a software system can be defined. This makes a complexity comparison through system classes possible, which helps getting an overview on large systems. These process steps are then illustrated with an industrial example.
- KonferenzbeitragCate: A system for analysis and test of Java card applications(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Pfahler, Peter; Günther, JürgenCate is a domain-specific testing environment. It integrates both static and dynamic analyzes that are designed for Java Card application software. Cate supports the test process by analyzing the command/response behavior of the software, by performing test coverage analysis and by providing tools to visualize the analysis results. This paper gives a concise overview over the system which is successfully employed in the area of smart card development for mobile phones.
- KonferenzbeitragE-Government Working Group for Environmental Information in Austria – Moving towards SEIS(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology, 2008) Krammer, Hans-Jörg; Legat, Rudolf; Schleidt, Katharina; Nagy, Michael; Mayer, JohannesWith the Environmental Information Amendment Act (UIG) 2004 (which entered into force on 14.02.2005), Austria transposed the European Directive 2003/4/EC, which ensued from the Aarhus Convention, at federal level, into national law. “Information providing bodies” of the federal government, as well as the provinces and municipalities, must comply with the new requirements especially within the scope of actively providing environmental information. As the INSPIRE Directive (Annexes I – III) shows, nearly every piece of environmental information has a geographical relevance, which must always be considered when designing environmental information systems according to the requirements of the Environmental Information Directive. According to Art. 10 of the Environmental Information Amendment Act 2004, Umweltbundesamt manages a “Coordination Centre for environmental information“ (KUI). This Coordination Centre assists in the exchange of information between the information providing bodies and proposes suitable measures in order to facilitate access to environmental information for the applicants (i.e. those seeking such information) and henceforth secure the high quality of environmental information. The most urgent function of the Coordination Centre for environmental information is thus the development of “recommendations for structuring available information in compliance with the Directive”. Such systemisation shall ensure that environmental information is progressively made available and disseminated to the public and that this information, according to modern standards and within the meaning of the Recitals and Article 7 of the Directive, shall be made available in particular by electronic information and communication technologies. In order to promote the standardised systemisation of environmental information on Internet portals and to ensure a joint approach for implementing the requirements under the Environmental Information Act 2004, a process of cooperation between the federal government and the provinces (eGovernment process) was initiated within the framework of “platform digital Austria”.
- KonferenzbeitragGeneric environment for full automation of benchmarking(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Kalibera, Tomáš; Bulej, Lubomír; Tůma, PetrRegression testing is an important part of software quality assurance. We work to extend regression testing to include regression benchmarking, which applies benchmarking to detect regressions in performance. Given the specific requirements of regression benchmarking, many contemporary benchmarks are not directly usable in regression benchmarking. To overcome this, we present a case for designing a generic benchmarking environment that will facilitate the use of contemporary benchmarks in regression benchmarking, analyze the requirements and propose architecture of such an environment.
- KonferenzbeitragImproving software quality through refactoring by means of didactical augmented experience(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Rech, Jörg; Ras, Eric; Jedlitschka, AndreasIn agile software development refactoring is an important phase for the continuous improvement of software quality. Unfortunately, the application of refactorings is very subjective and heavily based on the expertise of the developers resulting in an unstable quality assurance. In this paper, we present an experiencebased approach for the semi-automatic and goal-oriented refactoring of software systems based on didactical augmented experiences, following the experience factory paradigm. This approach promises the accelerated acquisition, (re-) use, and learning of knowledge in the refactoring process.
- KonferenzbeitragInspections in small projects(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Iisakka, JuhaPractically all inspection and review methods focus on projects for developing new software that involve numerous people, but software companies also have small projects on which only a few people are working, e.g. maintenance-oriented changes to existing software systems. Unfortunately, these small projects do not necessarily have the power to implement inspections efficiently. This paper raises certain problems that small projects have with inspections and discusses how different forms of inspection are suitable for small projects.
- KonferenzbeitragMeasuring component performance using a systematic approach and environment(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Gao, Jerry; Ravi, Chandra S.; Raquel, EspinozaAs more third-party software components are available in the commercial market, more people begin to use the component-based software engineering approach to developing component-based programs. Since most e-business and e-commerce application systems are net-centered distributed systems, customers usually have very restricted system performance requirements. Hence, performance testing and evaluation of software components becomes a critical task for component-based software. Although a lot of research efforts have been devoted to analysis and design methods of component-based software, only a few research papers address the issues and systematic solutions to performance testing and measurement for modern components. This paper proposes a systematic solution and environment to support performance measurement for software components. The objective is to provide a plug-in-and-measure approach to evaluate component performance, including functional speed, throughput, availability, reliability and resource utilization. It reports the development effort on constructing a distributed performance evaluation environment for software components based on a set of well-defined performance evaluation metrics and techniques. In addition, some application examples and case study results are reported.
- KonferenzbeitragMeasuring the effectiveness of software testing(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Sneed, Harry M.In 1978 Harry Sneed set up the first commercial software test laboratory in Budapest charging DM 75,- per test case and DM 100,- for each error found. The laboratory was used to test the Integrated Transport Steuerung system of the German railroad and the BS2000 operating system of Siemens. Today, some 26 years later, managers are looking for a means to justify the cost of testing. While working as a test consultant for a Viennese software house from 1998 until 2003, Harry Sneed conceived a set of metrics for measuring the effectiveness of the test operations there. These metrics were intended to measure the performance of the test department, but they are equally valid for measuring test operations anywhere. In fact, with these metrics it should be possible to convert software testing from an art as perceived by Glenford Meyers in 1975 to a science as defined by Lord Kelvin in 1875. The metrics were obtained using the Goal/Question/Metric Method of Basili and Rombach and were refined through three years of practical application. In effect, they are a continuation of the test measurement work Sneed began as a young test entrepreneur in 1978. They are supported by a set of tools designed for both static and dynamic analysis as well as for evaluating the results of both. Working as a test team leader at the Wirtschaftskammer in Vienna, Sneed applied these metrics to successfully predict the test effort required to test a complex web application. From this presentation the attendants will be exposed to the experience of 30 years of software testing.
- KonferenzbeitragOn testing image processing applications with statistical methods(Software Engineering 2005, 2005) Mayer, JohannesTesting image processing applications is very ressource consuming. Many complex images have to be generated as test inputs and the expected resulting outputs have to be determined to complete the test cases. The present paper deals with this challenge in testing implementations of image operations, namely dilation. It applies random testing using models from stochastic geometry for random input generation. The Statistical Oracle, a modification of the well-known Heuristic resp. Parametric Oracle, is used to compare the results. Therefore, reliability predictions are also possible.
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