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- WorkshopbeitragABIS 2023 - 27th International Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023) Neumayr, Thomas; Yigitbas, Enes; Augstein, Mirjam; Herder, EelcoABIS is an international workshop, organized by the SIG on Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Software Systems of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik. For more than 25 years, the ABIS Workshop has been a highly interactive forum for discussing the state of the art in personalization, user modeling, and related areas. The ABIS 2023 edition will have a special emphasis on the topics of personalization and recommendation within the areas of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and/or Cross-Reality (XR) Interaction. While personalized CSCW deals with technological support of individuals who work organized in groups (Whom should I collaborate with? How can group work be supported during breakdowns?), XR describes the transition between or concurrent usage of multiple systems on the reality-virtuality continuum (In what flavor of reality/virtuality should I complete a current task according to my preferences, task affordances, and interaction capabilities?). To discuss and answer such questions, our workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners that are interested in the general personalization and recommendation domains, and/or in this year's special emphasis on CSCW and XR. Our goal is to identify current issues and future directions of research and foster future development of the discipline and collaborations.
- WorkshopABIS 2024 - International Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation(Mensch und Computer 2024 - Workshopband, 2024) Neumayr, Thomas; Yigitbas, Enes; Augstein, Mirjam; Herder, Eelco; Stojko, Laura; Strecker, JannisABIS is an international workshop, organized by the SIG on Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Software Systems of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik. For more than 25 years, the ABIS Workshop has been a highly interactive forum for discussing the state of the art in personalization, user modeling, and related areas. ABIS 2024’s focus will be on the topics of personalization and recommendation within the areas of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (i.e., support of individuals who work organized in groups), Cross-Reality (XR) Interaction (e.g., transitions inside the reality-virtuality continuum), and/or making sense of sensory data for personalization purposes. To discuss such questions, our workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who are interested in the general personalization domain, and/or in our SIG’s current focus. Our goal is to identify current issues and future directions of research and foster future development of the discipline and collaborations.
- muc: kurzbeitrag (poster)Iterative User-Centered Design for Interactive Tabletop Interfaces in Neuro-Rehabilitation(Mensch & Computer 2013: Interaktive Vielfalt, 2013) Augstein, Mirjam; Neumayr, Thomas; Schacherl-Hofer, Irene; Öhlinger, SylviaThe application of tabletop computers and their user interfaces has been explored in different fields during the past years. In the area of rehabilitation, there are only few examples, usually not coupled with an extensive evaluation of both usability and therapeutic progress. This paper introduces the fun.tast.tisch. project which aims at the development of exercises applicable in rehabilitation after acquired brain injury, following an iterative process of user-centered (interaction) design.
- KonferenzbeitragLearning Special Input Methods with Personalized Game Applications(Mensch und Computer 2016 – Workshopband, 2016) Neumayr, Thomas; Augstein, Mirjam; Vrecer, Stephan; Kurschl, Werner; Altmann, JosefPersonalization in interactive systems can take a variety of appearances, e.g., in the form of individually tailored content presentation, adaptive navigation concepts or layouts. It has been discussed in a number of domains such as e-learning, search or information retrieval and has become an important aspect also in the general context of human-computer interaction. The presented project focuses on the personalization of the interaction process itself. It provides a user modelling framework with emphasis on users’ interaction abilities and an infrastructure for i) the personalized and automated selection and configuration of input devices as well as ii) the individually tailored process of interaction with the applications using the framework. This short paper outlines the process of and relations among interaction modeling, further individual training of interaction abilities and personalized application configuration using the example of two simple games that make use of the framework.
- KonferenzbeitragMeasuring Physical Pressure in Smart Phone Interaction for People with Impairments(Mensch und Computer 2015 – Workshopband, 2015) Augstein, Mirjam; Kern, Daniel; Neumayr, Thomas; Kurschl, Werner; Altmann, Josef
- WorkshopbeitragPersonalized Complementarity in Human-AI Collaboration(Mensch und Computer 2024 - Workshopband, 2024) Breckner, Karin; Neumayr, Thomas; Streit, Marc; Augstein, MirjamUncertainty and the potential for complementarity between humans and AI have shaped a new kind of interaction, typically referred to as a collaborative relationship. In this paper, we pick up on the discussion of common issues in human-AI collaboration based on a literature review and further discuss ways to and challenges of personalized complementarity in human-AI relations. We hypothesize that a combination of reciprocal, mixed-initiative communication may support up-to-date mental models and therefore strengthen appropriate trust and reliance, ultimately leading to a higher chance of effectively exploiting existing complementarity potentials.
- KonferenzbeitragRecommender Systems: Between Acceptance and Refusal(Mensch & Computer 2012 – Workshopband: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Neumayr, Thomas; Augstein, MirjamRecommender Systems (RSs) are a prominent solution to the problem of information overload on the web. It is impossible for users to process or even understand all information presented to them. Also, it becomes more and more difficult for an individual to identify appropriate concrete pieces of information or information sources. RSs aim at adapting the presented content and the order in which it is presented to users’ individual needs, based on their preferences and past behavior. Yet, a system can only provide accurate recommendations if it has been authentically used before, i.e., been able to collect information about a user. As authentic usage depends on a user’s acceptance, the success of RSs in general is strongly dependent on acceptance also. If recommendations seem inappropriate, the trust in the system will fade. This paper presents a study analyzing how and to what extent different factors like transparency or controllability influence acceptance in the context of web-based recommendation.
- KonferenzbeitragRecommender Systems: Between Acceptance and Refusal(ABIS 2012, 2012) Neumayr, Thomas; Augstein, MirjamRecommender Systems (RSs) are a prominent solution to the problem of information overload on the web. It is impossible for users to process or even understand all information presented to them. Also, it becomes more and more difficult for an individual to identify appropriate concrete pieces of information or information sources. RSs aim at adapting the presented content and the order in which it is presented to users’ individual needs, based on their preferences and past behavior. Yet, a system can only provide accurate recommendations if it has been authentically used before, i.e., been able to collect information about a user. As authentic usage depends on a user’s acceptance, the success of RSs in general is strongly dependent on acceptance also. If recommendations seem inappropriate, the trust in the system will fade. This paper presents a study analyzing how and to what extent different factors like transparency or controllability influence acceptance in the context of web-based recommendation.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTowards new realities: implications of personalized online layers in our daily lives(i-com: Vol. 23, No. 2, 2024) Herder, Eelco; Stojko, Laura; Strecker, Jannis; Neumayr, Thomas; Yigitbas, Enes; Augstein, MirjamWe are currently in a period of upheaval, as many new technologies are emerging that open up new possibilities to shape our everyday lives. Particularly, within the field of Personalized Human-Computer Interaction we observe high potential, but also challenges. In this article, we explore how an increasing amount of online services and tools not only further facilitates our lives, but also shapes our lives and how we perceive our environments. For this purpose, we adopt the metaphor of personalized ‘online layers’ and show how these layers are and will be interwoven with the lives that we live in the ‘human layer’ of the real world.