Auflistung nach Autor:in "Oppermann, Leif"
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- KonferenzbeitragAn abstract location model for mobile games(Informatik 2009 – Im Focus das Leben, 2009) Oppermann, Leif
- KonferenzbeitragBlended Learning an einer Textilmaschine im Technikum(Mensch und Computer 2016 – Workshopband, 2016) Brosda, Constantin; Oppermann, Leif; Loehrer, Mario; Wischnowski, Marko; Gloy, Yves-SimonWir beschreiben unseren Blended Learning Ansatz zum selbständigen Erlernen der Funktionsweise einer Produktionsmaschine in der Textiltechnik mittels Augmented Reality auf Smartphones. Das System wird von Mitarbeitern und Studenten des Maschinenbaus im Technikum des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University eingesetzt. Mit dem System ist es erstmals möglich, eine interaktive mediengestützte Wissensvermittlung direkt an der Produktionsmaschine zu realisieren.
- posterCombining MR, CSCW, 5G, and BIM for cooperative construction(GI VR / AR Workshop, 2021) Riedlinger, Urs; Oppermann, Leif
- KonferenzbeitragEnArgus: Zentrales Informationssystem Energieforschungsförderung(INFORMATIK 2015, 2015) Oppermann, Leif; Hinrichs, Elke; Schade, Ulrich; Koch, Thomas; Rettweiler, Manuela; Ohrem, Frederike; Tz, Patrick Plè; Beier, Carsten; Prinz, WolfgangMit EnArgus stellen wir ein interdisziplinäres Projekt von Energieforschern, Informatikern und Linguisten vor: die Erstellung eines zentralen Informationssystems für die Energieforschungsförderung in Deutschland. EnArgus stellt über ein neues Energieforschungs- Wiki für ausgewählte Themenbereiche der Energieforschung eine Fachontologie bereit, die die Basis für intelligentes Suchen in einer großen Datenbank von Fördervorhaben bildet. Die ontologiebasierte Suchmaschine ist das Kernstück des EnArgus-Informationssystems. EnArgus richtet sich an heterogene Zielgruppen, was sich in verschiedenen Benutzerschnittstellen niederschlägt; wir stellen EnArgus.public, EnArgus.master, und die zugrundeliegende Fachontologie vor und skizzieren den Projektverlauf von der Anforderungsanalyse bis zur Evaluation. Abschließend berichten wir über die derzeit laufenden Weiterentwicklungen im Nachfolgeprojekt EnArgus2.0.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEvaluation of Mixed Reality Support for Bridge Inspectors Using BIM Data - Digital Prototype for a Manual Task with a Long-Lasting Tradition(i-com: Vol. 21, No. 2, 2022) Riedlinger, Urs; Klein, Florian; Hill, Marcos; Lambracht, Christian; Nieborowski, Sonja; Holst, Ralph; Bahlau, Sascha; Oppermann, LeifBridge inspectors work for the safety of our infrastructure and mobility. In regular intervals, they conduct structural inspections – a manual task with a long-lasting and firmly normed analogue tradition. In our collaborative research project, we developed Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) prototypes to support that work digitally. We propose a mixed analogue and digital workflow using Building Information Modeling (BIM) data that can be ready-to-hand for bridge inspectors during their work on-site at a bridge. In this paper, we describe the system and the evaluation results of our final MR demonstrator at a autobahn-bridge in Germany. We identified a need for a digital MR tool to support the bridge inspection in-situ. In general, this matches with the trend to bring the computer-supported office-work out into the real world. However, there are also challenges to consider, like lacking BIM data for existing bridges and structures, appropriate user-interfaces in this new application domain, or the need to adopt norms and guidelines for public tender. We argue to consider a user-centered design approach for future developments to best profit from the bridge inspectors’, as well as the MR- and CSCW-researchers expertise, and ultimately increase the acceptance of the developed information systems.
- TextdokumentHead-Mounted Displays in German Companies A Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Check(i-com: Vol. 15, No. 2, 2016) Esser, Ralf; Oppermann, LeifIn 2020, German companies will spend close to €850 million on Virtual and Mixed Reality hardware and solutions based on smart glasses. The lion’s share will be spent on innovative applications.This text provides some guidance in this rising market by categorizing the available smart glasses and head-mounted displays into five categories and the potential business application fields into a further eight categories. Finally, it presents a matrix of suitable devices per application field.
- editorialIntroduction to this Special Issue on Smart Glasses(i-com: Vol. 15, No. 2, 2016) Oppermann, Leif; Prinz, WolfgangThe idea of augmented or virtual reality in combination with head mounted display is being discussed already since at least 1968. However, for a long time, this topic was discussed mainly within the academic research area with only limited effect or uptake in the work place. Primary reason for this was the missing availability of robust and affordable hardware as well as the limited mobile graphics capabilities. This has changed recently with the availability of numerous affordable devices in combination with applications from the entertainment and gaming area.This Special Issue on Smart Glasses presents a mix of recent research papers and reports to provide an overview of ongoing research and developments in work place environments. In the remainder of this introductory paper we present an overview of the history of Smart Glasses and their applications over the last decades. We also clarify the term Augmented Reality in this historic context. Then we present a topology of current products as well as their intended application areas. Finally, we introduce the papers of this issue within this context.
- KonferenzbeitragMobile gaming(Informatik 2009 – Im Focus das Leben, 2009) Bihler, Pascal; Grüter, Barbara; Mügge, Holger; Oppermann, Leif
- KonferenzbeitragOn the choice of programming languages for developing location-based mobile games(INFORMATIK 2008. Beherrschbare Systeme – dank Informatik. Band 1, 2008) Oppermann, LeifThis paper reflects on the choice of programming languages for developing distributed interactive systems such as location-based mobile games. It highlights key strengths and weaknesses of the popular languages and frameworks for the mobile- as well as the server-side. The paper analyses the technological choices made in five different location-based game projects and recommends considering the use of a single language across all different system components to mitigate complexity and strive for productivity.
- KonferenzbeitragSmartglasses in der Sterilgutversorgung(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband, 2019) Krauß, Veronika; Uzun, Yücel; Oppermann, Leif; Reiners, RenéDer Demonstrator zeigt ein Szenario aus der Sterilgutversorgungsabteilung in Krankenhäusern. Die AR-Anwendung unterstützt unerfahrene Mitarbeiter bei der Erledigung ihrer täglichen Aufgaben: Dem Packen von Operationsinstrumenten in Siebe, sowie dem Nachholen von Instrumenten aus dem Lager. Die Anwendung ist für die Microsoft HoloLens Gen1 entwickelt worden. Der Demonstrator unterstützt unterschiedliche Eingabemethoden, zum Beispiel einen Fußschalter und Gesten.