Auflistung nach Autor:in "Paech, Barbara"
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- Zeitschriftenartikel36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (Informatik 2006) - Workshop: Vernetzung von Software Engineering Expertise in Industrie und Forschung(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 26, Heft 2, 2006) Paech, Barbara; Kalmar, Ralf
- ZeitschriftenartikelAktivitäten der Regionalgruppen(Vol. 32, Vorgehensmodelle in der Softwareentwicklung – Regulation, Agilität, Best Practice, 2007) Beckmann, Ingrid; Günzler, Phöbe; Paech, Barbara; Tissen, Anne; Waag, Ute
- ZeitschriftenartikelBerichte aus den Regionalgruppen(Vol. 4, Rundbrief: Netzwerke, 1991) Paech, Barbara
- ZeitschriftenartikelBerichte aus den Regionalgruppen – Südost(Vol. 1, Rundbrief, 1989) Paech, Barbara
- KonferenzbeitragBoundary Objects for Value-based Requirements Engineering(SIGSAND-EUROPE 2008: Proceedings of the Third AIS SIGSAND European Symposium on Analysis, Design, Use and Societal Impact of Information Systems, 2008) Paech, Barbara; Aurum, AybükeValue-based requirements engineering focuses on the alignment of requirements engineering decisions and business value decisions. There is much evidence on the importance of this alignment and there are several approaches for tackling specific alignment decisions such as e.g. release planning. However, for the general picture of what this alignment is about, a common language between requirements engineering and business decision makers is needed. The goal of this paper is to make explicit the boundary objects between requirements engineering and business value decisions. These boundary objects have been derived from literature and are evaluated in three typical scenarios of how software can provide value to business: (1) the product management scenario, where software is (part of) a product sold by the company, (2) the IT procurement scenario where the software and related services are procured by the company, and (3) the IT development scenario, where software is developed in-house to be used in the IT infrastructure of the company. An empirical study of the relevance of the identified boundary objects is the most important future work.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCall for Papers - Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality(RefsQ'07)(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 26, Heft 4, 2006) Paech, Barbara; Sawyer, Pete; Heymans, Patrick
- ZeitschriftenartikelCapturing and Documentation of Decisions in Security Requirements Engeneering through Heuristics(Softwaretechnik-Trends: Vol. 34, No. 1, 2014) Gärtner, Stefan; Hesse, Tom-Michael; Schneider, Kurt; Paech, Barbara
- ZeitschriftenartikelChallenges in Using Interaction Data for Trace Link Creation(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 38, Heft 1, 2018) Hübner, Paul; Paech, BarbaraFor direct usage of trace links during a development project the precision of information retrieval (IR) based trace link creation is not sufficient [1]. Too many false links generated by IR hinder developers to directly use the resulting links and require further assessment by an expert. Thus, we develop an interaction based trace link creation approach (IL) aiming to create trace links with perfect precision. In IL we utilize the interactions of developers recorded in the IDE while working on a requirement. We already performed an evaluation of our IL approach with open source data [2]. For that we could show that IL creates trace links with perfect precision and has a better recall than IR. However, in a follow up evaluation in which we applied our approach in a student project it turned out that the precision of created trace links was not perfect. Now we are investigating the reasons for this not perfect precision, in particular we try to find techniques to detect wrong links. In this short paper we motivate and introduce our IL approach, compare the two different projects in which we applied IL, discuss reasons why links created by IL can be wrong and outline the challenges how to countervail the creation of wrong links.
- KonferenzbeitragDefining the quality of business processes(Modellierung 2010, 2010) Heinrich, Robert; Paech, BarbaraBusiness process models are used to gain a joint understanding of complex processes. Often they are applied in change projects where either the supporting IT or the processes themselves or both are to be improved. So it is an important question to assess the quality of the modeled business processes. However, so far there is no standard definition of the quality of a business process. Furthermore, business process models are not tuned to capture quality aspects. The goal of our work is to collect important quality characteristics and attributes of processes and to enhance business process modeling languages with means to express these attributes. This paper is a first step in this direction. We define a first set of quality characteristics, attributes and measures for these attributes in a business process. As an example we evaluate how well these measures can be expressed in a BPMN model.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Praxis der Softwareentwicklung: Eine Erhebung(Informatik-Spektrum: Vol. 22, No. 1, 1999) Deifel, Bernhard; Hinkel, Ursula; Paech, Barbara; Scholz, Peter; Thurner, VeronikaIm Rahmen des Forschungsverbundes Software-Engineering wurden durch Interviews die derzeit bei den Industriepartnern des Forschungsverbundes praktizierten Softwareentwicklungsprozesse erfaßt. Diese Studie wertet die Ergebnisse der geführten Interviews aus und stellt übergreifende Trends und Anforderungen bezüglich Prozeßdefinition, Beschreibungstechniken, Werkzeugunterstützung, Dokumentation, Projektmanagement und Organisation vor.Summary Within the research consortium on software engineering FORSOFT, the software development processes currently practised by the consortium’s industrial partners were investigated into by interviews. This study evalu-ates the interview results and presents overall trends as well as requirements regarding process definition, description tech-niques, tool support, documentation, project management, and organization.