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- KonferenzbeitragErfolgsfaktoren für effektives E-Learning - Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie(DeLFI 2004: Die 2. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, Tagung der Fachgruppe e-Learning der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) 6.-8. September 2004 in Paderborn, 2004) Grützner, Ines; Hebestreit, Claudia; Pfahl, Dietmar; Vollmers, CarstenWeb-basierte Trainings werfen viele Fragen auf bezüglich des zu erwartenden Nutzungsverhaltens von Kursteilnehmenden. Bisher liegen nur wenige Studien mit wenigen Aussagen darüber vor, wie Web-basierte Trainings im Rahmen berufsbegleitender Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen genutzt werden. Auf Basis einer Analyse des Nutzungsverhaltens von Studenten des Studienganges WINFOLine macht der vorliegende Beitrag Aussagen über Nutzungsprofile, bevorzugte Diskussionsfunktionen, die Rolle von Übungsaufgaben sowie die Intensität der Nutzung von Teilen des Kursangebotes. Diese Aussagen werden mit dem Lernerfolg der Teilnehmenden in Beziehung gesetzt um so Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren, deren Berücksichtigung zur Verbesserung zukünftiger Lernangebote beitragen kann.
- KonferenzbeitragHow has SPI changed in times of agile development? Results from a multi-method study(Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Küpper, Steffen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Jürisoo, Kristjan; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, MarcoThe emergence of agile methods and practices has not only changed the development processes but might also have affected how companies conduct software process improvement (SPI). Through a set of complementary studies, we aim to understand how SPI has changed in times of agile software development. Specifically, we aim (1) to identify and characterize the set of publications that connect elements of agility to SPI, (2) to explore to which extent agile methods/practices have been used in the context of SPI, and (3) to understand whether the topics addressed in the literature are relevant and useful for industry professionals. To study these questions, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the literature identified in a previous mapping study, an interview study, and an analysis of the responses given by industry professionals to SPI-related questions stemming from an independently conducted survey study.
- ConferencePaperStatus Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Wagner, Stefan; Fernández, Daniel Méndez; Felderer, Michael; Vetrò, Antonio; Kalinowski, Marcos; Wieringa, Roel; Pfahl, Dietmar; Conte, Tayana; Christiansson, Marie-Therese; Greer, Desmond; Lassenius, Casper; Mänistö,Tomi; Nayebi, Maleknaz; Oivo, Markku; Penzenstadler, Birgit; Prikladnicki, Rafael; Ruhe, Guenther; Schekelmann, André; Sen, Sagar; Spínola, Rodrigo; Tuzcu, Ahmed; de la Vara, Jose Luis; Winkler, DietmarThis paper reports on the second run of the Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering (NaPiRE) initiative that has the goal to characterise requirements engineering practice and problems and was published in the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology in 2019. Requirements Engineering (RE) has established itself as a software engineering discipline over the past decades. While researchers have been investigating the RE discipline with a plethora of empirical studies, attempts to systematically derive an empirical theory in context of the RE discipline have just recently been started. However, such a theory is needed if we are to define and motivate guidance in performing high quality RE research and practice. We aim at providing an empirical and externally valid foundation for a theory of RE practice, which helps software engineers establish effective and efficient RE processes in a problem-driven manner. We designed a survey instrument and an engineer-focused theory that was first piloted in Germany and, after making substantial modifications, has now been replicated in 10 countries world-wide. We have a theory in the form of a set of propositions inferred from our experiences and available studies, as well as the results from our pilot study in Germany. We evaluate the propositions with bootstrapped confidence intervals and derive potential explanations for the propositions. In this article, we report on the design of the family of surveys, its underlying theory, and the full results obtained from the replication studies conducted in 10 countries with participants from 228 organisations. Our results represent a substantial step forward towards developing an empirical theory of RE practice. The results reveal, for example, that there are no strong differences between organisations in different countries and regions, that interviews, facilitated meetings and prototyping are the most used elicitation techniques, that requirements are often documented textually, that traces between requirements and code or design documents are common, that requirements specifications themselves are rarely changed and that requirements engineering (process) improvement endeavours are mostly internally driven. Our study establishes a theory that can be used as starting point for many further studies for more detailed investigations. Practitioners can use the results as theory-supported guidance on selecting suitable RE methods and techniques.
- KonferenzbeitragWhat are Hybrid Development Methods Made Of?(Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Tell, Paolo; Klünder, Jil; Küpper, Steffen; Raffo, David; MacDonell, Stephen G.; Münch, Jürgen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Linssen, Oliver; Kuhrmann, MarcoRegardless of company size or industry sector, a majority of project teams and companies use customized processes that combine different development methods-so-called hybrid development methods. Even though such hybrid development methods are highly individualized, a common understanding of how to systematically construct synergetic practices is missing. Based on 1,467 data points from a large-scale online survey among practitioners, we study the current state of practice in process use to answer the question: What are hybrid development methods made of? Our findings reveal that only eight methods and few practices build the core of modern software development. This small set allows for statistically constructing hybrid development methods.