Auflistung nach Autor:in "Pocs, Matthias"
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- KonferenzbeitragBiometric systems in future crime prevention scenarios - how to reduce identifiability of personal data(BIOSIG 2011 – Proceedings of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, 2011) Desoi, Monika; Pocs, Matthias; Stach, BenjaminBiometric technology for crime prevention is emerging. The design of a biometric system is decisive for the protection of fundamental rights. This paper analyses the necessary reduction of identifiability of biometric data. By outlining the German legal framework, the paper assesses a technical design proposal for future biometric systems. In this context, a Three-Step-Model is suggested.
- KonferenzbeitragBiometric systems in future preventive scenarios – Legal issues and challenges(BIOSIG 2010: Biometrics and Electronic Signatures. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics and Electronic Signatures, 2010) Hornung, Gerrit; Desoi, Monika; Pocs, MatthiasThe privacy and data protection challenges posed by biometric systems have been discussed in detail in the last years. Both security opportunities and privacy risks however may develop and change with the technical enhancement of the respective systems, which also induces the emergence of new application scenarios. One group of such new scenarios appears to be the prevention of criminal or in other ways dangerous behaviour. From a legal point of view, this brings about new challenges which go well beyond the problems of authentication as such. While some of the features of the scenarios discussed below may not be feasible in the short term, it is apparent that the associated fundamental rights and data protection law problems will have to be addressed in the future. This applies to the international plane as well as to national legal orders, for which Germany will serve as an example in the following.
- KonferenzbeitragProposal of a privacy-enhancing fingerprint capture for a decentralized police database system from a legal perspective using the example of Germany and the EU(Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW) 2013 - Workshopband, 2013) Pocs, Matthias; Hildebrandt, Mario; Kiltz, Stefan; Dittmann, JanaInnovations in biometric and forensic technology promise new use cases for the fight against crime and threats to public security. For example, the police will be able to use a new scanner to capture fingerprint traces from luggage at the airport to detect dangerous manipulations and identify known criminals. Despite these potentially great benefits, such systems also entail risks for society. One aspect of such systems is the biometric and forensic database used to compare fingerprints captured with a wanted list. This paper explores a possible decentralized database system as a solution to risks entailed by central systems. It uses the German and EU law as an example to justify technology design decisions on the basis of the legal requirements.
- KonferenzbeitragVier Augen, zwei Behörden und eine Technik für künftige Biometrie-basierte Kriminalitätsbekämpfung(Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen, smarten und vernetzten Verwaltungskultur, 2012) Pocs, MatthiasBiometrische Fahndungstechnik wird gegenwärtig erforscht. Sie verspricht, potenzielle Terroristen und andere Kriminelle aufzuspüren, aber birgt auch neuartige Risiken. Ein Szenario ist die vorsorgliche biometrische Datenerfassung, mit der Flugzeugabstürze und ähnliches aufgeklärt werden könnten. Um den Schutz des Grundrechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung sicherzustellen, schlägt dieser Beitrag eine Technikgestaltung für die Pseudonymisierung vor. Die Technikgestaltung soll eine sichere, offene, „smarte“ und vernetzte Verwaltungskultur fördern.