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- KonferenzbeitragAppflation - A phenomenon to be considered for future digital services(Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2015), 2015) Benzerga, Sheherazade; Pretz, Michael; Riegg, Andreas; Bounfur, Ahmed; Reimann, WilfriedIn recent years, the society has experienced a remarkable change that induced shifts in behavior of people and companies. This effect is reinforced by the evolution of current and the emergence of new technologies such as Smartphones. In this paper it is aimed to contribute to the establishment of a research area for both academic and industrial researchers on what will be described in the following as appflation. First a brief evaluation of the effects of mobile devices and application services on the ongoing digital transformation and the customer/company relationship is provided. Second a definition of appflation is given and the origin and impact of this phenomenon is analyzed by considering the customer and the company side. This analysis is supported by a survey amongst Smartphone users, generally confirming that amongst a vast number of installed apps only a very small number actually is used. Additionally, this survey was used to briefly analyze the usage behavior of the participants in relation to the so called primary IT trends. Finally, in order to encourage researchers to advance the field future areas of interest are identified and drivers that will affect the appflation phenomenon in the future are outlined.
- KonferenzbeitragMaturity assessments of service-oriented enterprise architectures with iterative pattern refinement(INFORMATIK 2012, 2012) Falkenthal, Michael; Jugel, Dierk; Zimmermann, Alfred; Reiners, René; Reimann, Wilfried; Pretz, MichaelCurrent practices for assessing maturity of service-oriented enterprise information architectures only provide a sparse metamodel and pattern foundation and were rarely validated. This is a real problem for practical architecture assessments in repeated (cyclic) evaluations of service-oriented systems. In preliminary research we have developed and validated an original pattern language for supporting architecture assessments and optimization of enterprise systems, leveraging and extending base frameworks like the Capability Maturity Model Integration and The Open Group Architecture Framework. Traditionally, patterns are derived after long experience by an expert group of pattern authors. This may lead to a decelerated reuse of available design knowledge. Our approach intends to integrate available knowledge from enterprise information architecture methods, services computing and software architects directly from the beginning of the iterative pattern development and refinement process.
- KonferenzbeitragPanel: “One size fits all”: an idea whose time has come and gone?(Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 2011) Dittrich, Jens; Färber, Franz; Graefe, Goetz; Loeser, Henrik; Reimann, Wilfried