Auflistung nach Autor:in "Reinhardt, Wolfgang"
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- Konferenzbeitrag3rd international workshop on social software engineering(Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Ebner, Martin; Hammouda, Imed; Happel, Hans-Jörg; Maalej, Walid; Reinhardt, WolfgangSoftware is created by people, with people and for people. These people work in varying environments. They have their particular backgrounds and act under different conditions. Thus understanding the human and social aspects of software engineering is crucial to understanding how methods and tools are used, and thereby improving the creation and maintenance of software systems as well as the management of software projects. “Social Software Engineering” (SSE) focusses on the development of systems in highly uncertain domains, with evolving goals, frequent changes and much user involvement. SSE systems can often (but not exclusively) be found on the web. Related technical concepts are user feedback, mashups, perpetual beta. However, beneath technical expertise developing social software systems requires competency from other disciplines as diverse as psychology, organizational science or economics. Besides the advent of social software applications, software engineering research recognized in recent years that effective collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential in order to guarantee successful software development and maintenance. Methods and tools that support development teams must be based on interdisciplinary research efforts that investigate technologies, tools, processes and human factors in a holistic manner. While both directions - engineering social software and dealing with social aspects in the software engineering process - receive considerable attention, we think that ultimately, both might confluence into a new software engineering paradigm. This workshop provided a forum for discussing high quality research on the social aspects of software engineering and the engineering aspects of social software, as well as a meeting place for the community that is currently distributed over several research domains (software engineering, knowledge management, web 2.0, human computer interaction).
- KonferenzbeitragAnwendungsszenarien für ein Werkzeug zur Video-Annotation in der universitären Lehre(DeLFI 2010 - 8. Tagung der Fachgruppe E-Learning der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2010) Engbring, Dieter; Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Magenheim, Johannes; Moi, Matthias; Maicher, JulianIn diesem Artikel beschreiben wir didaktische Szenarien, in denen Vi- deo-Annotationen zur Unterstützung der universitären Lehre eingesetzt und wie damit individuelle Lernprozesse von Studenten unterstützt werden. Wir beschreiben ViLM - eine Plattform-unabhängige Software - mit der allein oder kooperativ Videos annotiert werden können. Weiterhin stellen wir die Integration von ViLM in das universitätsweit eingesetzte koaktive Lernmanagementsystem (koaLA) vor und besprechen weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten und Lernszenarien, die vom Einsatz von ViLM möglicherweise profitieren.
- ZeitschriftenartikelClassroom Response Systems(Informatik-Spektrum: Vol. 36, No. 4, 2013) Kundisch, Dennis; Magenheim, Johannes; Beutner, Marc; Herrmann, Philipp; Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Zokye, Andrea
- KonferenzbeitragCommunication is the key – Support durable knowledge sharing in software engineering by microblogging(Software Engineering 2009 - Workshopband, 2009) Reinhardt, WolfgangCommunication is undoubtedly one of the key elements of successful software development. Especially in larger groups communication is the critical point in gathering and forming relevant information, share knowledge and create functioning products. Some studies stressed out the fact that informal, ad hoc communication take up a significant part of the developers working time. Nonetheless the support of inter-project and inter-organisational communication seems to play a minor part in the development of IDEs and software development platforms. In this paper we discuss communication and knowledge sharing in software engineering and introduce an approach to support social software engineering by microblogging. This approach is to be studied in future projects.
- KonferenzbeitragErgebnisse einer empirischen Studie zu Informationsqualitätskriterien in Corporate Wikis(Workshop Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2009, 2009) Friberg, Therese; Reinhardt, Wolfgang
- KonferenzbeitragExpertenfindung in komplexen Informationssystemen – Ein Metrik-basierter Ansatz(Workshop Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2009, 2009) Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Boschmann, Alexander; Kohring, Andreas; Meier, Christian
- KonferenzbeitragExploration wissenschaftlicher Netzwerke und Publikationen(Mensch & Computer 2012 – Workshopband: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Ahmad, Muneeb I.; Kadam, Pranav; Kharadzhieva, Ksenia; Petertonkoker, Jan; Shrestha, Amit; Sureka, Pragati; Surve, Junaid; Ullah, Kaleem; Varlemann, Tobias; Voth, VitaliIn diesem Artikel beschreiben wir Ansätze für eine kollaborative Multitouch-Anwendung, die es Forschern ermöglicht wissenschaftliche Netzwerke zu explorieren, denen sie angehören oder an deren Themen sie interessiert sind. Wir beschreiben vier verschiedene Zugänge zu vorhandenen Informationen und unterschiedliche Nutzungsszenarien für die PUSHPINMT Anwendung.
- KonferenzbeitragMobile Knowledge Experience - Ansätze für die interdisziplinäre Informatikausbildung(DeLFI 2006, 4. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 11. - 14. September 2006, in Darmstadt, Germany, 2006) Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Holzweißig, KaiMoKEx (Mobile Knowledge Experience) ist ein internationales Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Hochschulen und Industriepartnern. Der Fokus des Projekts liegt auf didaktischen, organisatorischen und technischen Frageund Problemstellungen, die im Zusammenhang mit Szenarien des Blended-Learning und des Knowledge Ma- nagements auftreten. In einem projektbasierten Lernansatz werden die Studenten von zwei europäischen Hochschulen auf ihre zukünftige berufliche Arbeit vorbereitet. Die Studenten arbeiten mit Hilfe von kollaborativen Softwarewerkzeugen in zeitlich und räumlich getrennten, interdisziplinären Teams an realen Problemstellungen aus Industrie und Wissenschaft. Autodidaktisches Lernen und Lehren im Team, sowie der Aufbau von Kompetenzen sind integrale Bestandteile des MoKEx-Konzeptes.
- KonferenzbeitragModeling, obtaining and storing data from social media tools with Artefact-Actor-Networks(18th Intl. Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation on the Web and Beyond, 2010) Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Varlemann, Tobias; Moi, Matthias; Wilke, AdrianSocial interaction between people has peerlessly changed with the availability of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The Internet brought new ways of communication technologies to live and enhanced people’s reachability, augmented possibilities for personal presence and the sharing of information objects. People are engaging in social networks in a steadily growing manner and share information objects within their communities. The high initial amount of data in such networks can serve as foundation of serious investigations towards social interactions of communities of learners. In this paper we introduce the technological foundation and architecture to model, obtain and store such user and object in- formation in so-called Artefact-Actor-Networks. Artefact-Actor-Networks combine classical social networks with artefact networks that are constructed by the use of the information objects and their connections.
- KonferenzbeitragOntology Based Quality Assuranc e for Mobile Data Acquisition(Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information, 2005) Wang, Fei; Mäs, Stephan; Reinhardt, Wolfgang; Kandawasvika , AdmireMobile data acquisition provides a new chance for the fieldwork in geosciences. In this respect, advances in ICT are enabling effective and efficient access to and acquisition of geodata in field. Within the project “Advancement of Geoservices” a mobile data acquisition system has been built up based on OGC’s Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) and extensions. Therewith using this system mobile field workers can not only have interoperable access to heterogeneous databases in the field, but also use transaction operations like inserting, deleting and updating data. The acquisition system is generic and can be easily adapted to different geosciences applications. The direct transfer of newly collected data into databases requires data quality assurance directly in the field. In the project mentioned above, the overall data quality assurance procedure has been investigated. In this paper, we focus on one part of this procedure, which addresses the question how ontology-based rules can be incorporated to consider user defined quality constraints. Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL), a member submission of W3C is used to define the data quality constraints. Mobile geocomputing and quality checking tools have been created and integrated into the mobile data acquisition workflow. These tools can simultaneously check the data measured or entered by field workers against the defined ontology-based data quality constraints. Therefore the inconsistencies between collected data and data model can be avoided at an early stage. Mobile field workers can benefit from the proposed way in many aspects, which are presented in this paper.