Auflistung nach Autor:in "Schaefer, Ina"
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- Conference Program16. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Helke, Steffen; Schaefer, Ina; Vogelsang, Andreas
- Konferenzbeitrag17. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering(Software Engineering 2020, 2020) Ebel, Patrick; Helke, Steffen; Schaefer, Ina; Vogelsang, Andreas
- ConferencePaper18th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering (ASE’21)(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Ebel, Patrick; Helke, Steffen; Schaefer, Ina; Vogelsang, AndreasSoftware-based systems play an increasingly important role and enable most of the innovations in modern cars. This workshop deals with various topics related to the development of automotive software and discusses suitable methods, techniques, and tools necessary to master the most current challenges researchers and practitioners are facing.
- Textdokument20 Jahre Softwaretechnik an der TU Braunschweig(40 Jahre Informatik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig 1972 - 2012, 2012) Rumpe, Bernhard; Schaefer, Ina; Snelting, GregorDie Softwaretechnik ist einer des essentiellen Kernbereiche der Informatik. Softwaretechnik erarbeitet und lehrt innovative Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge für die ingenieurmäßige Erstellung von großen und komplexen Systemen mit hohem Softwareanteil. Dies beinhaltet Websysteme mit cloud-basierten Servern, wie auch vernetzte eingebettete Systeme und den darauf aufbauenden Möglichkeiten, Mehrwert durch zusätzliche Funktionen zu generieren. In diesem Beitrag wird die Historie der Softwaretechnik an der TU Braunschweig dargestellt, die zu dem heute existierenden Institut für Softwaretechnik und Fahrzeugautomatik geführt hat.
- ConferencePaper2nd Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects (AESP’21)(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Weiss, Christoph; Keckeis, JohannesERP systems and other enterprise systems are the backbone of any company in a digitized world. In almost every company Enterprise Systems are adapted to the needs of the customers within the scope of parameterization, modifications (changes to existing functions and logics) or even extensions (new developments of existing functions and logics). However, many of such Enterprise Systems projects fail due to missing, incorrect, inadequate or incomplete requirements there are "incorrect" expectations, divergents in definition and attitudes on requirements management between customers and suppliers. These challenges will be highlighted, talked over and discussed during this workshop.
- ConferencePaper3rd Workshop on Avionics Systems and Software Engineering (AvioSE’21)(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Annighöfer, Björn; Schweiger, Andreas; Reich, MarinaSoftware development in the aerospace domain is driven by new application potentials, increasing complexity, rising certification effort, and increasing cost pressure. In particular, future applications such as e.g., autonomous air transport, aircrew workload reduction, commercial UAVs, and further enhancement of existing functionality add to the system complexity. At the same time, there are challenges in communication and navigation in airspace, certification for multi-core processors, artificial intelligence as well as security for software, hardware, and connectivity. New software development methodologies and techniques are required for dealing with these challenges.
- ConferencePaper8th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Software Systems (EMLS'21)(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Heinrich, Robert; Jung, Reiner; Konersmann, Marco; Schmieders, EricSoftware ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres täglichen Lebens. Mobilität, Energie, Wirtschaft, Produktion und Infrastruktur hängen stark von Software ab, die allerdings nicht immer von hoher Qualität ist. Kritische Probleme, wie Effizienzeinbrüche oder hohe Wartungsaufwände, können durch schlechte Softwarequalität verursacht werden. Beispiele sind vielfältig in der Presse zu finden. Qualitätseigenschaften hängen stark von Entwurfsentscheidungen bzgl. der Architektur eines Systems ab. Um eine hohe Qualität bei der Systemevolution zu gewährleisten, sind Forschung und Praxis an Ansätzen interessiert, mit denen verschiedene Entwurfsalternativen modelliert und analysiert werden können. Dieser Beitrag zeigt Herausforderungen bei der architektur-basierten Evolution von software-intensiven Systemen auf. Es werden Modellierungs- und Analysetechniken vorgestellt, die zur Untersuchung verschiedener Qualitätseigenschaften auf Architekturebene geeignet sind. Darüber hinaus werden Modularisierungskonzepte für Sprachen (definiert durch Metamodelle) und Analysetechniken vorgestellt. Diese führen zur ersten Referenzarchitektur für Metamodelle zur Qualitätsmodellierung und -analyse.
- ConferencePaperAccurate Modeling of Performance Histories for Evolving Software Systems(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Mühlbauer, Stefan; Apel, Sven; Siegmund, NorbertThis work has been originally published in the proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019). Learning from the history of a software system’s performance behavior does not only help discovering and locating performance bugs, but also supports identifying evolutionary performance patterns and general trends. Exhaustive regression testing is usually impractical, because rigorous performance benchmarking requires executing realistic workloads per revision, resulting in large execution times. We devise a novel active revision sampling approach that aims at tracking and understanding a system’s performance history by approximating the performance behavior of a software system across all of its revisions. In short, we iteratively sample and measure the performance of specific revisions to learn a performance-evolution model. We select revisions based on how uncertainty our models predicts their correspondent performance values. Technically, we use Gaussian Process models that not only estimates performance for each revision, but also provides an uncertainty value alongside. This way, we iteratively improve our model with only few measurements. Our evaluation with six real-world configurable software system demonstrates that Gaussian Process models are able to accurately estimate the performance-evolution histories with only few measurements and to reveal interesting behaviors and trends, such as change points.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalysis strategies for software product lines: A classification and survey(Software-engineering and management 2015, 2015) Thüm, Thomas; Apel, Sven; Kästner, Christian; Schaefer, Ina; Saake, GunterSoftware-product-line engineering enables the efficient development of similar software products. Instead of developing each product from scratch, products are generated from common artifacts. However, the product generation is a challenge for the analysis of correctness properties. Applying traditional analysis techniques, such as type checking and model checking, to each product involves redundant effort and is often not feasible due to the combinatorial explosion of products. Approaches to scale analysis techniques to product lines have been presented in unrelated research
- ConferencePaperAre Unit and Integration Test Definitions Still Valid for Modern Java Projects? An Empirical Study on Open-Source Projects(Software Engineering 2021, 2021) Trautsch, Fabian; Herbold, Steffen; Grabowski, JensThe article "Are unit and integration test definitions still valid for modern Java projects? An empirical study on open-source projects" published in the Journal of Systems and Software in 2020 presents the results of our investigations of the defect detection capability of unit and integration tests. While the software development context evolved over time, the definitions of unit and integration tests remained unchanged. There is no empirical evidence, if these commonly used definitions still fit to modern software development. We evaluate if the existing standard definitions of unit and integration tests are still valid in modern software development context through the analysis of the defect types that are detected, because there should be differences according to the standard literature. We classify test cases according to the definition of the IEEE and use mutation testing to assess their defect detection capabilities. We could not find any evidence that one test type is more capable of detecting certain defect types than the other one. This implies that we need to reconsider the definitions of unit and integration tests and suggest that the current property-based definitions may be exchanged with usage-based definitions.