Auflistung nach Autor:in "Schmidt, Thomas"
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- KonferenzbeitragAnnotator-Centered Design: Towards a Tool for Sentiment and Emotion Annotation(INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft (Workshop-Beiträge), 2019) Schmidt, Thomas; Jakob, Marco; Wolff, ChristianWe present a first prototype of the tool SentiAnno, which is an annotation tool specifically designed for sentiment and emotion annotation in structured written texts. To design this tool, we employ the user-centered design (UCD) framework and adapt it by focusing on the annotator, thus phrasing our development approach annotator-centered design. In iterative steps, we gather requirements and feedback from annotators as soon as possible in the development process via various usability engineering methods. We propose that this design process is especially beneficial for challenging and subjective annotation tasks like sentiment and emotion annotation of literary texts. We describe our first iterations and present results of the current prototype. We show how we were able to create functionalities facilitating the annotation process by applying this annotator-centered design approach.
- KonferenzbeitragAudienceAR - Utilising Augmented Reality and Emotion Tracking to Address Fear of Speech(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband, 2019) Hartl, Philipp; Fischer, Thomas; Hilzenthaler, Andreas; Kocur, Martin; Schmidt, ThomasWith Augmented Reality (AR) we can enhance the reality by computer-generated information about real entities projected in the user's field of view. Hence, the user's perception of a real environment is altered by adding (or subtracting) information by means of digital augmentations. In this demo paper we present an application where we utilise AR technology to show visual information about the audience's mood in a scenario where the user is giving a presentation. In everyday life we have to talk to and in front of people as a fundamental aspect of human communication. However, this situation poses a major challenge for many people and may even go so far as to lead to fear and and avoidance behaviour. Based on findings in previous work about fear of speech, a major cause of anxiety is that we do not know how the audience judges us. To eliminate this feeling of uncertainty, we created an AR solution to support the speaker while giving a speech by tracking the audience's current mood and displaying this information in real time to the speaker's view: AudienceAR. By doing so we hypothesise to reduce the speaker's tension before and during presentation. Furthermore, we implemented a small web interface to analyse the presentation based on the audience mood after the speech is given. Effects will be tested in future work.
- KonferenzbeitragAutomatisierte Augmentierung von Lernobjekten in einer semantischen Interpretationsschicht der HyLOS Plattform(DeLFI 2005: 3. Deutsche e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 13. - 16. September 2005 in Rostock, Germany, 2005) Engelhardt, Michael; Hildebrand, Arne; Schmidt, ThomasIEEE LOM Lernobjekte etablieren sich weithin als standardisierte Grundbausteine für das eLearning Content Management. Dekoriert mit einem aussagefähigen Metadatensatz und strukturiert durch benannte Relationen, können Lernobjekte in hypermedialen Anwendungen vielfältig und an den Lernenden angepasst präsentiert werden. Das Hypermedia Learning Object System HyLOS, welches wir in dieser Arbeit vorstellen, ist eine solche lernobjektverarbeitende Plattform. HyLOS hält eine Editorenumgebung zur teilautomatisierten und auch zur vollständigen, manuellen Metadatenbearbeitung im Autorenkontext bereit, doch bleibt die Er- stellung wohlannotierter und -strukturierter Lernobjekte aufwändig. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir deshalb unsere Erweiterungen zur automatischen Lernobjekt-Akquise und Augmentierung vor. Aus vorlesungsbegleitenden Aufnahmen erstellen wir zunächst Basisobjekte, welche sodann analysiert und automatisch klassifiziert werden. Eine semantische Verarbeitungsschicht verknüpft schließlich die annotierten Objekte und webt so ein dichtes inhaltliches Netz von autonomen Wissenskernen.
- KonferenzbeitragA Corpus of Memes from Reddit: Acquisition, Preparation and First Case Studies(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Schmidt, Thomas; Schiller, Fabian; Götz, Matthias; Wolff, ChristianWe present a corpus of memes and their textual components that were acquired from the popular meme platform r\memes, a subreddit of Reddit and one of the major outlets of online meme culture. The corpus consists of the most popular memes from 2013-2021 on the platform and we acquired 11,701 memes and 280,351 text tokens. We conduct several case studies focused on diachronic analysis to highlight the possibilities of the corpus for research in internet studies and online culture. We examine the general activity on the platform throughout the years and identify a significant increase in meme production beginning 2017. Results of sentiment analysis show a tendency towards memes with positively classified texts. The analysis of most frequent words per half-year spotlights the importance of certain cultural events for meme culture (e.g. the 2016 US election). Using the LIWC to analyze swear and sexual words shows an overall decrease in the usage of these words pointing to an increased moderation of the platform. The corpus is publicly available for the research community for further studies.
- KonferenzbeitragDer Einfluss von User Interface-Attributen auf die Ästhetik(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband, 2017) Schmidt, Thomas; Wolff, ChristianIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine empirische Studie mit 40 Teilnehmern präsentiert, die zum einen das Zusammenwirken von verschiedenen Definitionen der User Interface-Ästhetik und zum anderen den Einfluss von Symmetrie, Buntheit und visueller Komplexität auf die UI-Ästhetik untersucht. Die UI-Ästhetik wird dabei in intuitive (erster Eindruck) und reflektive (überlegte) Ästhetik unterteilt. Die reflektive Ästhetik wiederum gliedert sich in klassische Ästhetik (Attraktivität) und expressive Ästhetik (Kreativität). Als Untersuchungsgegenstand wird ein Korpus aus Webseiten erstellt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die intuitive ästhetische Beurteilung stark mit der reflektiven korreliert. Symmetrie korreliert positiv und visuelle Komplexität negativ mit allen drei Definitionen. Für Buntheit ergeben sich differenzierte Ergebnisse. Abschließend werden Implikationen für das User Interface-Design diskutiert.
- WorkshopbeitragHerausforderungen für Sentiment Analysis-Verfahren bei literarischen Texten(INF-DH-2018, 2018) Schmidt, Thomas; Burghardt, Manuel; Wolff, ChristianIn diesem Beitrag wird über die Ergebnisse eines laufenden Digital Humanities-Projekt zur Sentiment Analysis in literarischen Texten berichtet und die Implikation von diesem diskutiert. In dem Projekt werden verschiedene Methoden der Sentiment Analysis auf Texte historischer Dramen des 18. Jahrhunderts von G. E. Lessing implementiert und gegeneinander evaluiert. Zur Evaluation wurde ein von Menschen bezüglich Sentiment annotiertes Testkorpus erstellt. Basierend auf den ersten Erfahrungen des Projekts diskutieren wir über Probleme und Herausforderungen, die sich aus der Perspektive der Informatik zur Sentiment Analysis historischer Dramen ergaben. Es wird deut-lich, dass bestehende Standardlösungen der Sentiment Analysis für dieses spezifische Szenario nicht ohne Weiteres anwendbar sind. Vielmehr ist die Informatik gefordert, die bestehenden Methoden anzupassen, weiterzuentwickeln und sich mit besonderen Eigenheiten der Textform historischer literarischer Texte auseinanderzusetzen.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Influence of Participants’ Personality on Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics in Usability Testing(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Tagungsband, 2019) Schmidt, Thomas; Wittmann, Vera; Wolff, ChristianWe present the results of a usability study with 35 participants investigating the influence of personality on various metrics used in usability engineering. We conduct a task based usability test with a website integrating tasks of various difficulty and also measure performance metrics like task completion rate and time on task. We also use standard questionnaire based usability metrics like the System Usability Scale (SUS). Furthermore, we gather qualitative data via open-ended questions and count the number of words as well as the mentions of positive and negative aspects. We measure personality using the well-known big five model, also often referred to as OCEAN model (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) and three basic needs (need for influence and power, need for recognition and performance, need for security and tranquility). We analyze the relationship between personality and usability metrics via correlations and regression models. We identify multiple significant results and show that in our study the personality correlated with some of the usability metrics we inspected. Extraversion and the need for influence and power show the most and strongest correlations. Furthermore, we also show that regression models based on personality traits can explain up to 37% of the variance in usability metrics. The results have implications for the improvement of the selection process of usability test participants as well as for the interpretation of test results. We discuss these implications and give an outlook on further research in this area.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Influence of User Interface Attributes on Aesthetics(i-com: Vol. 17, No. 1, 2018) Schmidt, Thomas; Wolff, ChristianIn this paper we present an empirical study among 40 participants which investigates the relationship between various factors of user interface aesthetics on the one hand, and the influence of the user interface attributes, symmetry, colorfulness as well as visual complexity on user interface aesthetics on the other hand. The user interface aesthetics will be classified in intuitive aesthetics (1st impression with a presentation time of 500 ms) and reflective aesthetics (reflective long-term impression after a longer presentation). Reflective aesthetics is further classified in classical aesthetics (common attractiveness) as well as expressive aesthetics (creativity). For this study we have set up a corpus of 30 websites which are used as stimulus material. In a multi-step lab experiment, participants rate aesthetics and their subjective impression concerning user interface attributes using questionnaires. We are able to show that the intuitive aesthetic judgment correlates strongly with the reflective judgment. The symmetry of a website positively correlates with all definitions of aesthetics, especially with the classical or traditional interpretation in the sense of attractiveness. Visual complexity can be seen as the strongest predictor for the aesthetic judgement of users and it negatively correlates with all definitions. Concerning colorfulness, a preference for websites of a medium degree of colorfulness for the intuitive as well as the classical aesthetics can be stated. Concerning expressive aesthetics, websites of moderate to high colorfulness receive the best judgments. The relationships which we have found are finally discussed in the context of previous research and some implications for future user interface design are given.
- KonferenzbeitragInter-Rater Agreement and Usability: A Comparative Evaluation of Annotation Tools for Sentiment Annotation(INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft (Workshop-Beiträge), 2019) Schmidt, Thomas; Winterl, Brigitte; Maul, Milena; Schark, Alina; Vlad, Andrea; Wolff, ChristianWe present the results of a comparative evaluation study of five annotation tools with 50 participants in the context of sentiment and emotion annotation of literary texts. Ten participants per tool annotated 50 speeches of the play Emilia Galotti by G. E. Lessing. We evaluate the tools via standard usability and user experience questionnaires, by measuring the time needed for the annotation, and via semi-structured interviews. Based on the results we formulate a recommendation. In addition, we discuss and compare the usability metrics and methods to develop best practices for tool selection in similar contexts. Furthermore, we also highlight the relationship between inter-rater agreement and usability metrics as well as the effect of the chosen tool on annotation behavior.
- ZeitschriftenartikelInvestigating the Relationship Between Emotion Recognition Software and Usability Metrics(i-com: Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020) Schmidt, Thomas; Schlindwein, Miriam; Lichtner, Katharina; Wolff, ChristianDue to progress in affective computing, various forms of general purpose sentiment/emotion recognition software have become available. However, the application of such tools in usability engineering (UE) for measuring the emotional state of participants is rarely employed. We investigate if the application of sentiment/emotion recognition software is beneficial for gathering objective and intuitive data that can predict usability similar to traditional usability metrics. We present the results of a UE project examining this question for the three modalities text, speech and face. We perform a large scale usability test (N = 125) with a counterbalanced within-subject design with two websites of varying usability. We have identified a weak but significant correlation between text-based sentiment analysis on the text acquired via thinking aloud and SUS scores as well as a weak positive correlation between the proportion of neutrality in users’ voice and SUS scores. However, for the majority of the output of emotion recognition software, we could not find any significant results. Emotion metrics could not be used to successfully differentiate between two websites of varying usability. Regression models, either unimodal or multimodal could not predict usability metrics. We discuss reasons for these results and how to continue research with more sophisticated methods.