Auflistung nach Autor:in "Schumacher, Michael"
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- KonferenzbeitragAnonymity preserving authorization granting in medical information networks(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Eskeland, Sigurd; Oleshchuk, VladimirDue to the sensitivity of personal medical information, this paper addresses the need of hiding patient identities - in contrast to only keeping their medical data confidential. Thus, it is desirable that personal and meaningful patient identity information like names, addresses, personal identity numbers, etc., are not to be linked to disclosed electronic patient records (EPR). To achieve this, we propose a scheme that enables patients to anonymously grant medical teams authorization to access their EPRs without revealing their identities to the teams providing medical care. An essential benefit is that it enables patients to exert control over their own medical data. A security evaluation is included.
- KonferenzbeitragBuilding a smart hospital using RFID technologies(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Guinard, Patrik Fuhrer DominiqueTechnologies of identification by radio frequencies (RFID) experience a fast development and healthcare is predicted to be one of its major growth areas. After briefly introducing the common terminology of the RFID field and its current standards, this paper describes how this emerging technology can be used to build a smart hospital. Indeed, used in combination with mobile devices in eHealth applications, RFID helps optimizing business processes in healthcare and improve patient safety. The second part of this article shows how to use an assets tracking application, called the RFIDLocator, to improve the quality of the hospital services. We developed the RFIDLocator to support the high requirements for scalability and reliability one can expect for such an application. An overview of its distributed software architecture is given. A short cookbook presents the required steps for its configuration to the concrete case of the hospital. Some critical remarks about RFID technology, the important questions it raises and the barriers it has to overcome to be fully integrated in eHealth applications conclude this paper.
- KonferenzbeitragBuilding flexible eHealth processes using business rules(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Hüsemann, Stefan; Schäfer, MikeThis article describes how business agility in a health insurance company can benefit from more flexible business processes. The suggested architecture for a flexible information system is service-oriented and uses a business rule management system to externalize rules. At the organizational level the business rule approach helps to identify and formalize rules.
- KonferenzbeitragThe challenges of electronic prescription systems based on semantic web technologies(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Puustjärvi, Juha; Puustjärvi, LeenaThe technology developed for interoperable autonomous systems has significantly changed during the past few years. However, this new technology based on Semantic Web is not yet deployed in electronic prescriptions systems. On the other hand, during the past few years several organizations in the healthcare sector have produced standards and representation forms using XML. This generalization of XML-technologies sets a promising starting point for the interoperability of the various organizations in the healthcare sector. However, the introduction of XML is not enough but many other XML-based technologies have to be introduced in order to achieve a seamless interoperability between the electronic prescription systems and other organizations of the health care sector. In this article we illustrate the querying facilities that the deployment of the semantic web technology can provide for electronic prescriptions systems. Furthermore we illustrate the system architecture and the ontologies as well as the ontology specification languages that are required in implementing an electronic prescription system based on semantic web technologies.
- KonferenzbeitragContext-aware secure service composition planning and execution on e-Health environments(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Lopes, António; Costa, Paulo; Bergenti, Federico; Klusch, Matthias; Blankenburg, Bastian; Möller, Thorsten; Schuld, HeikoEmergency Health-Care based scenarios provide the motivation to develop supporting technologies for dealing with situations where people need medical assistance because of a sudden disease or emergency. The innovative combination of intelligent agent technology, semantic Web services, peer-to-peer, and mobile computing for intelligent peer-to-peer mobile service environments is the corner stone of the CASCOM project, which aims at providing a value-added support for business services for mobile workers and users across mobile and fixed networks, especially for e-Health environments. In this paper, we describe the technical approach developed in the CASCOM project for the context-aware secure composition planning and execution of Semantic Web Services.
- KonferenzbeitragContext-aware service coordination for mobile e-Health applications(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Bergenti, Federico; Caceres, Cesar; Fernandez, Alberto; Fröhlich, Nadine; Helin, Heikki; Keller, Oliver; Kinnunen, Ari; Klusch, Matthias; Laamanen, Heimo; Lopes, António; Ossowski, Sascha; Schuldt, Heiko; Schumacher, MichaelIn this paper, we present a general architecture for service delivery and coordination in intelligent peer-to-peer (IP2P) environments that has been developed within the CASCOM research project. Our essential approach is an innovative combination of agent technology, Semantic Web Services, peer-to-peer, context-awareness, and mobile computing for intelligent peer-to-peer mobile service environments. Services are provided by software agents exploiting the coordination infrastructure to efficiently operate in highly dynamic environments. Our infrastructure includes efficient communication means, support for contextaware adaptation techniques, as well as dynamic service discovery and composition planning. For end users, the architecture provides seamless access to Semantic Web Services anytime, anywhere, and using any device. Our architecture is being evaluated using a sample ad-hoc emergency healthcare assistance application scenario. We deployed a prototype of an open IP2P service environment and expect results on methods for service provision, discovery, composition, and monitoring in mobile environments.
- KonferenzbeitragA data network for health e-Research(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Taylor, Kerry; O'Keefe, Christine M.; Colton, John; Baxter, Rohan; Sparks, Ross; Cameron, Mark; Lefort, Laurent; Srinivasan, UmaSharing health data for research purposes across data custodian boundaries poses technical, organisational and ethical challenges. We describe a service oriented architecture for a proposed Health Research Data Network (HRDN). The HRDN architecture supports services to manage data access and use by researchers in accordance with individual data custodian policies. The capabilities of the HRDN architecture are described using a layered service model. The four abstract layers from lowest level to the highest level are 1) Preparing, 2) Storing, 3) Sharing and 4) Using. Two additional groups of services are interfaced with the services in each of the four layers. They are 1) Describing, with services for collecting and managing metadata, and 2) Protecting, with services for ensuring confidentiality and privacy protection, as well as services and tools implementing information security functions. In addition to these HRDN service groups, client-side applications are used by data custodians, service providers and researchers. Following a reference implementation of most services and the Researcher's Workbench, a commercial version of the software has been developed and is being trialled.
- KonferenzbeitragData warehousing for bavarian out-patient public health care(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Wirtz, Katharina; Tauscher, Martin; Zwerenz, Maria; Munte, AxelThe KVB Data Warehouse enables the Bavarian Association of Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) Physicians to track public health data in a centralised way. In a sophisticated process, healthcare statistics are retrieved and users can perform multidimensional analysis. Given its unmatched breadth and depth of data there is no comparable public health information system in Germany. It contains the data of all Bavarian SHI services and diagnoses since 1997. The following case study describes the Data Warehouse (DWH), its context and scope.
- KonferenzbeitragEfficient networking for pervasive eHealth applications(European Conference on eHealth 2006, 2006) Helin, Heikki; Pelt, Tim van; Schumacher, Michael; Syreeni, AhtiThis paper presents the networking architecture developed in the CASCOM research project. This architecture provides an efficient and reliable communication support and service discovery for pervasive intelligent P2P business applications. We give an overview how wireless environments and resource-poor devices are taken into account in our architecture. For that, we have designed and implemented a new agent platform for resource-poor devices, which is a modified version of JADE/LEAP. Agents are used to coordinate (semantic) web services in the health care domain. To support the discovery of such web services descriptions, we shortly describe a distributed directory system called WSDir. It is based on federation of repositories of web service descriptions that are managed with pre-defined policies. Our architecture is being evaluated using a sample ad-hoc emergency health care assistance application scenario.
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