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- KonferenzbeitragEntscheiden und Bewerten in der Umweltverwaltung(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Seder, Ivan; Weinkauf, RonnyIn the environmental administration there is a need for solutions as a balance between ecological and economic objectives. For these complex environmental and ecological problems can be given a support by an Environmental Information System with integrated environmental data objects and environmental decision support subsystem. A general concept of knowledge-based system for decision support in this area is presented. The four level modular architecture with implementation including the system exupro and the own development IDEA as a prototype application is shown. Comparison of the results in the real administration environment is given and the advantages and limitations are discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragIntegration von Entscheidungsunterstützungssystemen in kommerzielle Umweltinformationssysteme(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Seder, Ivan; Weinkauf, Ronny; Vögele, Thomas; Krüger, ThomasThe regional and urban environmental administration is concerned more then ever about the environmental resources and as a consequence administrators require detailed information about the current state of the environment and ongoing developments. As a result of economic developments and growing awareness of ecological risks, there is a demand for planing and decision strategies in this complex area. Because of the complexity and enormous amount of relevant data, the decision makers need effective support for their decisions. These support can be given through the integration of existing commercially available environmental information system (EIS) with expert systems based on adequate domain knowledge. The architecture for the integration of OPTI-UIS as an existing EIS with exupro as an expert system for decision support is proposed. The design of an intelligent interface for the connection of two systems and their corresponding adaptation is presented. The prototype of the integrated environmental system with exupro as decision support module is installed as pilot project in regional and urban administration. The first experiences and responses of decision makers are discussed, and the further development of the system is discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragVerfügbarkeit und Performance des Web-basierten UIS für kommunale Verwaltungen und Bürger(Sustainability in the Information Society, 2001) Seder, Ivan; Weinkauf, Ronny; Schülert, TorstenThere is an urgent need for high availability and acceptable response behaviour of complex application systems available via Web. One promising solution is the distributed Web-server system with algorithms for distribution of client requests. We developed an architecture for an existing Web-based environmental information system (EIS) which offers high system availability and good performance for users in regional environmental administration and citizens of the region. The proposed solution takes into account the availability and performance of both the Web and the application layers of the system. Appropriate network architecture with redundancy and algorithms for dynamic allocation of servers in case of failure are presented. We describe the prototype implementation of the system and the first results of the test under lab conditions.