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- ZeitschriftenartikelDeveloping Graphical Model Editors for Meta-Modelling Tools - Requirements, Conceptualisation, and Implementation(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 8, Nr. 2, 2013) Dietrich, Hanns-Alexander; Breuker, Dominic; Steinhorst, Matthias; Delfmann, Patrick; Becker, JörgMeta-modelling tools have been proposed to facilitate the development and adoption of domain-specific modelling languages (DSMLs). These languages specify a set of domain-specific concepts and assign diagrammatic representations to them. A considerable amount of work has been done to develop metamodelling tools ensuring syntactical correctness of models created with DSMLs. However, little has been published about the challenges of developing a graphical model editor for meta-modelling tools. Specifying how conceptual elements of a DSML are to be represented graphically is often cumbersome. Moreover, tools are sometimes too inflexible to handle advanced features beyond displaying static icons. Furthermore, graphical representations must be kept consistent in case of reuse in multiple, potentially integrated DSMLs. This paper’s aim is to carve out a set of requirements for graphical model editors as used in meta-modelling tools. We present a conceptual model considering these requirements. Furthermore, we discuss an exemplary software implementation of a model editor.
- KonferenzbeitragFast pattern matching in conceptual models – evaluating and extending a generic approach(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures (EMISA 2011), 2011) Dietrich, Hanns-Alexander; Steinhorst, Matthias; Becker, Jörg; Delfmann, PatrickIdentifying structural patterns in conceptual models serves a variety of purposes ranging from model comparison to model integration and exploration. Although there are a multitude of different approaches for particular modelling languages and application scenarios, the modelling community lacks an integrated approach suitable for conceptual models of arbitrary languages and domains. Therefore, a generic set-theory based pattern matching approach has recently been developed. To prove that this approach is beneficial in terms of performance, we conduct a statistically rigorous analysis of its runtime behaviour. We augment the original approach to include a caching mechanism that further increases performance. We are able to show that the original algorithm is able to identify arbitrary patterns within milliseconds. The caching extension further increases performance by up to fifty per cent given the model base and patterns we used.
- KonferenzbeitragA generic multi-purpose conceptual model analysis approach – conceptual specification and application(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures (EMISA 2011), 2011) Herwig, Sebastian; Lis, Lukasz; Steinhorst, Matthias; Becker, Jörg; Delfmann, PatrickIn this paper, we introduce a model analysis approach suitable for multiple analysis purposes. The approach is based on generic graph pattern matching and semantic standardization of model elements. Due to its generic nature, it is applicable to conceptual models of any graph-based modelling technique. Through semantic standardization, the approach relies on unambiguous model contents. Therefore, its focus is on analyses with regards to the structure and contents of conceptual models.
- KonferenzbeitragOutlining a graphical model query approach based on graph matching(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures - EMISA 2014, 2014) Breuker, Dominic; Dietrich, Hanns-Alexander; Steinhorst, Matthias; Delfmann, PatrickThis paper outlines a graphical model query approach based on graph matching. It consists of a graphical query specification language and a matching algorithm based on graph matching that takes the query as input and returns all matches found in a model to be searched. The graphical query specification language can be used to draw model queries much like a model would be constructed. To achieve applicability in many different model analysis scenarios, the query approach provides structurally exact and structurally similar pattern matching as well as semantic comparison of model node and edge contents. Following a design science research process, we derive functional requirements for the query language and matching algorithm from the literature, outline its syntax, formally specify its matching principle, and demonstrate its functionality by providing a working prototype implementing previously identified requirements.