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- KonferenzbeitragPhysiological Data in Future Livinig Environments(ARCS 2012 Workshops, 2012) Pfeiffer, Matthias; Stockhausen, Claudia; Reitz, Katharina; Krömker, DetlefIn this paper we develop three ideas for possible scenarios in future living environments. These ideas are based on technology which is present at the moment but may be deficient or not used in living environments. This paper focuses on showing possibilities, while knowing but neglecting actual practical problems. After introducing the potentials of physiological data, we present ideas for different scenarios. The first is concerned with games, trying to neglect the age differences of users and even up the difficulties in game-play. In the second scenario we show a concept for a supportive kitchen utilizing a brain computer interface and gesture detection. In the last scenario we present a draft for smart notification based on mental load. The ideas in this paper are not limited to elders or handicapped people, but most of them can be used to improve their lives.