Auflistung nach Autor:in "Volkmann, Torben"
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- WorkshopbeitragAltersgerechte Gestaltung eines Registrierungsprozesses für das Historytelling-Projekt(Mensch und Computer 2018 - Tagungsband, 2018) Volkmann, Torben; Sengpiel, Michael; Jochems, NicoleDieser Beitrag beschreibt die altersgerechte Entwicklung eines Registrierungsprozesses für das Historytelling-Projekt. In einem mehrstufigen Prozess wurden unterschiedliche Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze herausgearbeitet, deren Gestaltungsansätze hier vorgestellt werden.
- KonferenzbeitragBuilding Bridges Through Design: Game Design Strategies to Empower Young Adults Taking Social Offers - Results From a Pilot Study(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Tagungsband, 2023) Lindemann, Leonie; Volkmann, Torben; Jochems, NicoleIn this work, we analyze whether the empowerment of young adults can be supported through gamified design approaches in a socio-spatial context. Based on a literature research, relevant empowerment factors were identified. Further, we give an overview of different gamified approaches to strengthen empowerment. We tested the results of our literature research within the implementation of a web-based application in the context of a project, which deals with digital participation processes for the youth. We suggest that gamified approaches within a web-app can be used to strengthen the empowerment of young adults in a socio-spatial context. In this paper, we focus on our process of gamifying the utilization of social offers (e.g., leisure activities, participation offers, youth welfare services) to strengthen the empowerment of young adults and thereby establish foundations for future studies examining the effect of game elements on the empowerment of young adults.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCollaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany(i-com: Vol. 21, No. 2, 2022) Mucha, Henrik; Correia de Barros, Ana; Benjamin, Jesse Josua; Benzmüller, Christoph; Bischof, Andreas; Buchmüller, Sandra; de Carvalho, Alexandra; Dhungel, Anna-Katharina; Draude, Claude; Fleck, Marc-Julian; Jarke, Juliane; Klein, Stefanie; Kortekaas, Caroline; Kurze, Albrecht; Linke, Diane; Maas, Franzisca; Marsden, Nicola; Melo, Ricardo; Michel, Susanne; Müller-Birn, Claudia; Pröbster, Monika; Rießenberger, Katja Antonia; Schäfer, Mirko Tobias; Sörries, Peter; Stilke, Julia; Volkmann, Torben; Weibert, Anne; Weinhold, Wilhelm; Wolf, Sara; Zorn, Isabel; Heidt, Michael; Berger, ArneParticipatory Design means recognizing that those who will be affected by a future technology should have an active say in its creation. Yet, despite continuous interest in involving people as future users and consumers into designing novel and innovative future technology, participatory approaches in technology design remain relatively underdeveloped in the German HCI community. This article brings together the diversity of voices, domains, perspectives, approaches, and methods that collectively shape Participatory Design in Germany. In the following, we (1) outline our understanding of participatory practice and how it is different from mere user involvement; (2) reflect current issues of participatory and fair technology design within the German Participatory Design community; and (3) discuss tensions relevant to the field, that we expect to arise in the future, and which we derived from our 2021 workshop through a speculative method. We contribute an introduction and an overview of current themes and a speculative outlook on future issues of Participatory Design in Germany. It is meant to inform, provoke, inspire and, ultimately, invite participation within the wider Computer Science community.
- WorkshopbeitragDeconstruction and Reflection in Participatory Research and Design – A Multidisciplinary Perspective(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023) Volkmann, Torben; Schaller, Michael; Nolte, Amelie; Jochems, Nicole; Fischer, FlorianSociotechnical innovations are often proposed as solutions for societal challenges. To effectively address diverse perspectives, needs, and requirements of target groups, early involvement of the latter in the development of digital systems is deemed useful. Respective participatory approaches hold promise, but they are complex and demanding. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize collective reflection on assumptions and beliefs as an integral part of participatory activities. This reflection helps to address hidden assumptions that might impact participation and the subsequent technology development. This paper discusses two methods in terms of their potential to critically reflect and broaden the possibilities of technology development by breaking down preconceptions and stereotypes.
- WorkshopbeitragGerman Translation of the Multimodal Presence Scale(Mensch und Computer 2018 - Tagungsband, 2018) Volkmann, Torben; Wessel, Daniel; Jochems, Nicole; Franke, ThomasPresence is a key variable in virtual reality. A differentiated assessment of presence is necessary to com-pare different versions of VR environments. The Multimodal Presence Scale (MPS) by Makransky, Lilleholt, and Aaby (2017) was developed to measure physical, social and self-presence. However, the scale is not yet available in German. We provide a professional translation of the scale and first indicators of its reliability, esp. in the context of assessing social presence, an increasingly important aspect of pres-ence.
- WorkshopbeitragHistorytelling als Produkt und Prozess zur partizipativen Technikentwicklung(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Volkmann, Torben; Jochems, NicoleDas Projekt Historytelling setzt auf Partizpation innerhalb des menschzentrierten Entwicklungsprozesses. Im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit stehen hierbei sowohl ältere Erwachsene als Techniknutzende, aber auch junge Technikentwickler*innen und ihre unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche. Dieser Beitrag fasst hierbei die langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit diesen Zielgruppen zusammen, die Ansätze aus der MCI, dem Software-Engineering und der partizipativen Technikentwicklung verbindet.
- WorkshopbeitragHuman-Computer Interaction and Aging(Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, 2019) Böhm, Victoria; Schlögl, Stephan; Volkmann, Torben; Wolff, ChristianContinuing the previous workshops on age-distinct user experience design, the goal of this year’s event will be set on the collaborative exploration of possibilities to involve elderly people better in the human centered design process. The full-day workshop will offer researchers and practitioners the opportunity to work on this problem through applying design thinking, a method for complex problem solving and innovation. The organizers will guide the group through the innovation method so no prior knowledge is needed.
- KonferenzbeitragDas Kreativlabor als generationsverbindendes Angebot im Bereich der praktischen Informatik(Informatik allgemeinbildend begreifen, 2015) Weiß, Katharina; Volkmann, Torben; Herczeg, MichaelDieser Beitrag präsentiert ein Konzept zur nachhaltigen Förderung des Interesses an der Informatik, wobei die Zielgruppen sowohl Schülerinnen und Schüler als auch Eltern und Großeltern darstellen. Es wird die Frage adressiert, wie das einmal geweckte Interesse an Informatik über den einzelnen Impuls hinaus aufrechterhalten und gefördert werden kann. Hier spielen Akzeptanz, Interesse und Unterstützung im familiären Umfeld eine wichtige Rolle. Ein Mehr-Generationen-Workshop ermutigt die Teilnehmenden, sich im Rahmen eines Kreativlabors gemeinsam an verschiedenen Stationen dem Themenfeld der praktischen Informatik anzunähern. Unterschiedliche gestalterische Methoden, wie Design Thinking und Prototyping treffen auf die Erprobung von Fertigkeiten, wie z.B. die Programmierung von Microcontrollern oder die Verarbeitung von Stoffen und leitfähigen Garnen für Wearables. Ziele des Kreativlabors sind zum einen eine motivierende Lernumgebung zu gestalten, innerhalb derer bereits erworbene Kompetenzen aller Generationen ineinandergreifen und zum anderen eine nachhaltiger gestützte Motivationsund Förderstruktur für eine weiterführende Auseinandersetzung mit dem Themenfeld Informatik zu schaffen.
- WorkshopbeitragMeasuring Participation Through Empowerment: A Position Paper on Empowering Young Adults(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband, 2022) Lindemann, Leonie; Nolte, Amelie; Volkmann, Torben; Jochems, NicoleThis paper proposes empowerment as a measuring unit for participatory design. To substantiate this position, a literature research on empowerment of young adults was conducted, resulting in the identification of age-specific development goals and indicators for empowerment, both of which can be used to measure empowerment of young adults and thereby evaluate their participation.
- WorkshopbeitragOlder Adults’ Need for Feedback within the Historytelling Platform(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband, 2017) Volkmann, Torben; Sengpiel, Michael; Jochems, NicoleThis paper briefly describes the Historytelling project, a cooperative interactive website for older adults to share life experiences. It focuses on the evaluation (N=10 people aged 57 to 70 years) of age appropriate feedback within a high-fidelity prototype created in the human centered design process.