Auflistung nach Autor:in "Weihs, Erich"
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- KonferenzbeitragCompliance With the Reporting Requirements With Regard to Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)in Poland Within the Scope of theEUDirective(The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union, 2003) Weihs, Erich; Kawicki, Artur; Wezyk, PiotrWithin the framework of the "PHARE Country Programme for the Poland of 2000", there was developed in the year of 2002, on the basis of Polish specifications and taking into account the EU directive, an XML-based IT procedure for the administrative documentation of environmental impact assessment that shall be implemented throughout the country. At the time the report was drawn up (1/2003), the prototype was completed and already subjected to an initial field test involving 150 users. The procedure was designed and developed on the basis of existing Polish administrative specifications as laid down in the Twinning Covenant "Strengthen Environmental Impact Assessment" There has been realized an XML solution based on open-source software with a native database and interfaces with existing applications. The solution includes several functions necessary for administration, such as a respective security concept and the possibility to reconstruct every process step (history log). Another focus of the paper is the discussion that led to the introduction of a native XML database.
- KonferenzbeitragDevelopment of a Web-Service for the DIOXIN- Database of Germany(Sh@ring – EnviroInfo 2004, 2004) Knetsch, Gerlinde; Weihs, ErichDie DIOXIN-Datenbank des Bundes und der Länder umfasst derzeit einen Datenbestand von etwa 220 kompartiment-spezifischen Messprogrammen zu Zustandsdaten der Belastung der Umwelt mit Dioxinen, wie z.B. im Boden, in der Luft, in biologischen Proben. Diese Daten und Informationen sollen für verschiedene Nutzergruppen verfügbar gemacht werden. Dazu hat das Umweltbundesamt in Kooperation mit dem Freistaat Bayern ein Projekt "wwwDioxinDB" initiiert. Der Lösungsansatz basiert auf reiner XML-Technologie. Dieses zukunftsweisende Konzept auf der Basis offener Standards wird für die DIOXIN-Datenbank umgesetzt, auf die verschiedene Nutzergruppe (Öffentlichkeit, datenliefernde Stellen und Fachnutzer) über Web-Technologien zugreifen können.
- KonferenzbeitragHandling Heterogeneous Data in a Federal System Using XML Demonstration of the Web Service for the German POP-Dioxin Database(Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information, 2005) Brüders, Nina; Knetsch, Gerlinde; Weihs, ErichSince 1991, data from more than 220 monitoring programs which cover pollution with dioxins and other chlororganic substances of several environmental and human compartments are recorded and administrated in an ORACLE based client-server system. In cooperation between the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (BStMUGV) and the German Environmental Agency, a web service based on XML technology has been developed to enable profile specific access to the database for three user groups: public, provider of data and special user. The web service for the German Dioxin Database is now implemented and can be visited at:
- KonferenzbeitragMethodological Basis for Information Management – The DIAMONT Database for Indikators, Data and Instruments as a Contribution to the Alpine Convention(Environmental Informatics and Systems Research, 2007) Weihs, Erich; Marzelli, StefanIn the year 1991, seven Alpine states and the EU signed the Alpine Convention, an international agreement dedicated to ensure sustainable development in one of the ecologically most sensitive regions of Europe. The Alpine Convention aims to safeguard natural and cultural diversity as well as the life quality of citizen and strives within the EU context for a balanced competitiveness of regions. For almost 10 years the Signatory States of the Alpine Convention struggled for the development of appropriate indicators and instruments to monitor and assess the main processes of regional development as well as Alpine-specific problems. The INTERREG IIIB project “DIAMONT” (Data Infrastructure of the Alps. Mountain Orientated Network Technology) supports the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention in the development of “SOIA” (System for Observation of and Information on the Alps). The database has been developed in different modules addressing indicators, data and instruments of regional development. Details on both indicators and instruments are given in accordance with data and meta data requirements as regulated by ISO19115; they are stored in the xml data base. This technology enables to maintain consistent relations between indicators, instruments and data for entering and maintaining in the database. Besides data storage, the database is also used within the project as communication platform between eight partners from six countries. For that reason, the database is equipped with a sophisticated comment field, allowing authorised users to comment and discuss each entry. Given this structure the database might also contribute to the INSPIRE-initiative which aims to compile geographical information from local to EU level in an inter-operable way (
- KonferenzbeitragOn the Status of the Automated Categorization of the Bavaria Portal's Internet Search Engine According to the Life Event Principle(Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology, 2008) Weihs, Erich; Reuter, Thomas
- KonferenzbeitragTasks and Functions of the Bavarian Environmental Object Catalogue in Meeting the Requirements Imposed by Environmental Legislation(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Weihs, ErichThe claim for opening the information bases of the administration for general use has been underpinned by federal and state laws in the past few years. Many of the relevant regulations are based on EU directives and international law and de facto on the utilization of the internet that has become a matter of course. The briefly described legal bases point the way towards a provision of information by the administration. In a addition, there are the requirements of eGovernment and eBusiness for cross-sector and inter-departmental services of the state. The services can only be realized as a joint task. This requires a change of paradigm in the administration. Authorities will only very slowly part with their way of thinking oriented by administrative service. In the economy, acting oriented by the market is a matter of course. Only the eGovernment initiatives are pointing towards market-oriented services, such as the Bund Online 2005 initiative. Within the scope of the eGovernment initiatives, some inter-departmental applications begin to emerge. An initial step was made by including the health department of the city of Munich as a client. The service of the UOK is the identification and/or provision of data for information. It is a condition for the required systematic and comparable provision of environmental data that they will be actually found. The Environmental Object Catalogue (UOK2) takes account of the requirement for systematics. The basis of the UOK is a native XML internet database that consistently uses the current standard of XML technology. Native XML databases store the XML data without conversion into relational databases. That way, the XML data that are based on respective technical and professional standards and interfaces are processed directly and without any losses (a conversion of complex XML structures into relational forms is not exactly reversible).
- KonferenzbeitragDer Umweltobjektkatalog des Bayerischen Informationssystems für Planung und Umwelt (ISPU)(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Weihs, ErichEs werden die inhaltlichen und systemtechnischen Grundlagen des Objektkatalogs (UOK) des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen (BStMLU) diskutiert. Dabei wird auf einige Unterschiede zum Umweltdatenkatalog (UDK) eingegangen. Einführend erfolgt eine begriffliche Standortbestimmung, während sich der Hauptteil mit dem Objektbezug der Verweise und des Thesaurus befaßt. Nach einer kurzen technischen Beschreibung des Systems wird abschließend auf die Recherchemöglichkeiten und den Stand der Arbeiten eingegangen.
- KonferenzbeitragWeb-Services as an Instrument for Data Retrieval and Data Mapping - The DIOXIN-POP Database of Germany(Environmental Informatics and Systems Research, 2007) Knetsch, Gerlinde; Weihs, ErichThe contribution describes a Web Service for environmental data on persistent organic pollutants, POPs for short. This service supports access to these data and their evaluation on the basis of a defined role concept. Different groups of users are granted access to the database according to their rights. The concept includes a service that offers the possibility of interactive data input via an XML interface to allow data suppliers from competent Länder authorities, for example, to import additional measurement programmes with metadata and analysis results into the database. The aim of this Web Service is to provide interoperability between different information systems. This concerns, firstly, the integration into metadata information systems of the Federal Government and the Länder (German states) such as PortalU and Bavaria’s Environmental Objects Catalogue (UOK Bayern). Secondly, it seeks to promote networking among such Web Services through Internet search engines such as Google. Technical implementation is based on the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard.
- KonferenzbeitragWebservices: Der Thesaurusdienst des Umweltobjektkatalogs (UOK) im Internet als XML-Anwendung2-(Environmental Communication in the Information Society - Proceedings of the 16th Conference, 2002) Weihs, ErichDie Erstellung von Thesauri und deren Anwendung bei der Indexierung ist zeitund kostenintensiv. Da sich auf Grundlage der neuen Internet-Technologien und standardisierter Protokolle (z.B. UDI, SOAP) wie Sprachen (XML) nun über Internet allgemein erreichbare und sicher zu betreibende Dienste einrichten lassen, wurde für den Umweltobjektkatalog (UOK) Bayerns sein Thesaurus als Webdienst bereitgestellt. Über erste Erfahrungen und methodologische Voraussetzungen wird hier berichtet. Es wäre erfreulich wenn damit ein Anstoß für eine weitere und engere gemeinsame Entwicklungen mit GEIN (German Environmental Information Network) und dem UDK (Umweltdatenkatalog) gegeben werden kann (SEMA).
- Konferenzbeitragwww.POP-DioxinDB Ein Web-Service mit XML-Technologie für die Dioxin-Datenbank des Bundes und der Länder(Workshop des Arbeitskreises „Umweltdatenbanken“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz“, 2005) Brüders, Nina; Knetsch, Gerlinde; Weihs, Erich; Pöschel, ReneDie Dioxin-Datenbank enthält derzeit Daten von etwa 220 kompartiment-spezifischen Messprogrammen zu Zustandsdaten der Belastung der Umwelt mit Dioxinen und anderen chlororganischen Verbindungen. Um diese Daten verschiedenen Nutzergruppen zugänglich zu machen, hat das Umweltbundesamt in Kooperation mit dem Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz das Projekt „www.POP-DioxinDB“ initiiert. Der Lösungsansatz basiert auf reiner XMLTechnologie. Der Web-Service wird im Herbst 2005 fertig gestellt und unter im Internet erreichbar sein.