Auflistung nach Autor:in "Wieland, Markus"
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- WorkshopEnvisioning the Future of Accessible Immersive Technology: Creating a Roadmap and Building Community(Mensch und Computer 2024 - Workshopband, 2024) Wolf, Marvin; Anken, Julia; Angerbauer, Katrin; Wieland, Markus; Wölfel, Matthias; Müller, Karin; Gerling, KathrinImmersive technology - for example, Augmented and Virtual Reality - is relevant to many areas of our lives, including work, education, and leisure. However, accessibility of such systems for disabled people remains problematic on the physical, digital, and experiential level. In this workshop, we want to bring together the accessibility community to envision the future of accessible immersive technology, identifying key research challenges, particularly with respect to the design and evaluation of immersive experiences. Together, we want to converge toward a shared roadmap for future research that is constructive, and prioritizes the preferences and needs of disabled people so that we can all benefit from immersive technology.
- KonferenzbeitragHiveFive360: Extending the VR Gaze Guidance Technique HiveFive to Highlight Out-Of-FOV Targets(Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024, 2024) Kergaßner, Sophie; Doerr, Nina; Wieland, Markus; Fuchs, Martin; Sedlmair, MichaelModern display technologies, particularly those supporting 360° content, are increasingly used for immersive experiences in a variety of domains. However, information outside of the user’s field of view (FOV) may be easily overlooked. To address this, guiding cues can be provided to effectively direct attention. Subtle and diegetic cues are particularly effective in keeping the coherence and immersion of the presented content. HiveFive is one of the few diegetic highlighting techniques. It effectively highlights objects by attracting the user’s attention with swarm-like motion. However, HiveFive is restricted to in-FOV target highlighting. This work presents the novel technique HiveFive360, an extension of HiveFive that enables it to guide users to out-of-FOV targets. HiveFive360 is evaluated in a user study against FlyingARrow and Subtle Gaze Direction VR regarding completion time, sense of presence and task load. HiveFive360 was found to effectively guide users in various environments without excessive distraction or task load.
- WorkshopbeitragTowards Inclusive Conversations in Virtual Reality for People with Visual Impairments(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband, 2022) Wieland, Markus; Machulla, TonjaCurrent mainstream social Virtual Reality (VR) spaces pose barriers to the equal participation of people with visual impairments (PVI) in social interactions. At present, VR is first and primarily a visual medium with a strong emphasis on the visual design of the VR scene and the available avatars. If social communication cues, such as non-verbal communication, are available at all, they are often not provided in a form accessible to PVI. Such cues are essential in social interactions to successfully participate in social interactions and experience a conversation in VR as realistic. Here, we summarize previous research regarding specific requirements for social VR spaces to be accessible to PVIs. We describe how people with disabilities recognize and identify potential conversational partners and how non-verbal communication works between PVI and sighted people. Our goal was to provide an overview of valuable features that can be implemented for inclusive conversations in a social VR space.
- WorkshopbeitragVirtuelle und Augmentierte Realität für Partizipation und Teilhabe(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband, 2022) Draxler, Fiona; Feitsch, Jochen; Neuhaus, Robin; Ringfort-Felner, Ronda; Wieland, Markus; Hassenzahl, Marc; Geiger, ChrisVirtuelle und augmentierte Realität (VR/AR) sind mittlerweile wesentliche Technologien in vielen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen. So ermöglichen VR und AR digitale Partizipation und Teilhabe etwa im Kontext sozialer, kultureller und wirtschaftlicher Projekte. Insbesondere können vielfältige zukünftige, vergangene oder simulierte Szenarien interaktiv gestaltet und immersiv visualisiert werden, zum Beispiel um Bürgerbeteiligung zu fördern oder kulturelles und historisches Erbe erlebbar zu machen. Herausforderungen, auf die dabei besonderes Augenmerk gelegt werden sollte, sind die Interaktion in Multi-User-Szenarien sowie die inklusive Gestaltung. Der Workshop bietet ein Forum zum Austausch zum Einsatz von VR/ARbasierten Technologien im Bereich der digitalen Gesellschaft aus Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Anwendungsperspektive. Er wird als klassischer wissenschaftlicher Workshop mit Kurzbeiträgen, Diskussionen und Prototypendemonstrationen gestaltet.