Auflistung nach Autor:in "Wyrwa, Artur"
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- KonferenzbeitragEstimating particulate matter health impact related to the combustion of different fossil fuels(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Schaap, Martijn; Kuenen, Jeroen; Hendriks, Carlijn; Kranenburg, Richard; Blanc, Isabelle; Gschwind, Benoit; Wyrwa, ArturExposure to particulate matter (PM) in ambient air leads to adverse health effects. To design cost effective mitigation strategies, a thorough understanding of the sources of particulate matter is crucial. We have successfully generated a web map service that allows to access information on fuel dependent health effects due to particulate matter. For this purpose, the LOTOS-EUROS air pollution model was equipped with a source apportionment module that tracks the origin of the modelled particulate matter distributions throughout a simulation. Combined with a dedicated emission inventory PM2.5 maps specified by fuel type were generated for 2007-2009. These maps were combined with a health impact calculation to estimate Lost of Life Expectancy for each fuel categories. An user friendly web client was generated to access the results and use the web mapping service in an easy manner.
- KonferenzbeitragHuman health impacts for Renewable Energy scenarios from the EnerGEO Platform of Integrated Assessment (PIA)(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Lefevre, Mireille; Gschwind, Benoit; Blanc, Isabelle; Ranchin, Thierry; Wyrwa, Artur; Drebszok, Kamila; Cofala, Janusz; Fuss, SabineThis article reports impact results from running the EnerGEO Platform of Integrated Assessment (PIA) related to human health for different scenarios in Europe. The scenarios were prepared within the EnerGEO project. The idea of this European project is to determine how low carbon scenarios, and in particular scenarios with a high share of renewable energy, affect concentrations of air pollutants and as a consequence affect human health. PM2.5 concentrations were estimated with the IIASA Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model on a time horizon up to the year 2050 for different scenarios. We analyse here the estimation of the Loss of Life Expectancy due to PM2.5 concentrations for the Baseline scenario taken as a reference and the Maximum renewable power scenario.
- KonferenzbeitragModeling impacts of European renewable energy policies on the emissions of mercury(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Rafaj, Peter; Cofala, Janusz; Kuenen, Jeroen; Wyrwa, Artur; Zysk, JanuszThis paper presents the methodology and results of impact assessment of renewable energy policies on atmospheric emissions of mercury in Europe. The modeling exercise described here was carried out within the EU s FP7 EnerGEO Project4 and involves an interaction of several models. First, a set of energy scenarios has been developed with the REMix model that simulates different levels of penetration of renewable energies in the European power sector. The energy scenarios were input to the GAINS model, which prepared projections of mercury releases to the atmosphere through 2050, based on the current air pollution control policies in each country. Data on mercury emissions from individual sectors were subsequently disaggregated to the fine spatial resolution with the use of the LOTOS-EUROS model. Finally, the dispersion of mercury in the atmosphere was computed by the chemistry transport model, implemented to the air quality system Polyphemus. The simulations provided information on changes in concentrations and depositions of various forms of mercury over Europe. Scenarios that simulate a substantial expansion of renewable energies within the power sector indicate extensive co-benefits for mercury abatement due to restructuring of energy system and changes in fuel-mix. The potential for mercury reductions in Europe depends on the rate of fuel switches and renewable technology deployment, but is also influenced by the stringency and timing of the air quality measures. The overall scope for co-benefits is therefore higher in regions relying on coal combustion as a major energy source.
- KonferenzbeitragThe EnerGEO Platform of Integrated Assessment (PIA): environmental assessment of scenarios as a web service(Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2013) Blanc, Isabelle; Gschwind, Benoit; Lefevre, Mireille; Beloin-Saint-Pierre, Didier; Ranchin, Thierry; Ménard, Lionel; Cofala, Janusz; Fuss, Sabine; Wyrwa, Artur; Drebszok, Kamila; Schaap, MartijnWith the International Energy Agency estimating that global energy demand will increase between 40 and 50 percent by 2030 (compared to 2003), scientists and policymakers are concerned about the sustainability of the current energy system and what environmental pressures might result from the development of future energy systems. EnerGEO is an ongoing FP7 Project (2009-2013) which assesses the current and future impact of energy use on the environment by linking environmental observation systems with the processes involved in exploiting energy resources. The idea of this European project is to determine how low carbon scenarios, and in particular scenarios with a high share of renewable electricity, affect emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) and contribute to mitigation of negative energy system impacts on human health and ecosystems. A Platform of Integrated Assessment (PIA) has been elaborated to provide impact results for a selection of scenarios via a set of models (large-scale energy models, Life Cycle Assessment models, ...). This PIA is currently available through a web service. The concept of the PIA is detailed and to illustrate its interest, a set of results is given with the use of the simulation mode of the European version of GAINS for a selection of scenarios.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards an Integrated Assessment of Environmental and Human Health Impact of Energy Sector in Poland(Environmental Informatics and Systems Research, 2007) Wyrwa, Artur; Zysk, Janusz; Stezaly, Anna; Sliz, Beata; Pluta, Marcin; Buriak, Jerzy; Jestin, LouisThe paper presents the system for the integrated assessment of environmental and human health impacts of the energy sector in Poland. The approach is to combine the chemistry transport model POLAIR 3D with the Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation model RAINS. Models are briefly described. At present, this hybrid system can operate in simulation mode and enables one to estimate the emission and concentration/deposition levels of main air pollutants, emission control costs, environmental impacts and external costs associated with different energy scenarios.