Auflistung nach Autor:in "Zander, Stefan"
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- Konferenzbeitrag2nd International workshop on big data, smart data and semantic technologies - BDSDST 2016(Informatik 2016, 2016) Roedder, Nico; Zander, Stefan; Kleiner, Natalja; Sejdocic, Suad; Jähnichen, Stefan; Studer, Rudi
- Textdokument3rd International Workshop on Big Data, Smart Data and Semantic Technologies(INFORMATIK 2017, 2017) Frank, Matthias; Kleiner, Natalja; Zander, Stefan; Setzer, Thomas; Sure-Vetter, York; Studer, Rudi
- KonferenzbeitragDer Graphical Learning Modeller: eine intuitive Modellierungsumgebung zur Erstellung IMS Learning Design konformer Lehr-/Lernabläufe(DeLFI 2008: Die 6. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2008) Neumann, Susanne; Zander, Stefan; Oberhuemer, PetraWährend der Großteil der E-Learning-Standards Lehr-/Lerninhalte beschreibt und arrangiert, bildet die IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) Spezifikation die Ausnahme, da sie die Lernund Lehraktivitäten in den Mittelpunkt rückt. Problematisch ist jedoch, dass die weite Verbreitung von IMS LD von der technischen Sprache der Spezifikation behindert wird. In diesem Artikel wird die Modellierungssoftware Graphical Learning Modeller (GLM) vorgestellt, die Lehrende unterstützt, IMS LD konforme Lehr-/Lerneinheiten (Units of Learning) für die virtuelle Lehre zu erstellen. Die Software überbrückt den Graben zwischen technischer Sprache und Lehrendensprache, indem sie grafische Sequenzen von Lehrund Lernaktivitäten in eine eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Datei übersetzt, die dann von Lernmanagementsystemen interpretiert werden kann. In diesem Artikel werden die wesentlichen Funktionalitäten sowie die zugrunde liegenden technischen Strukturen des GLM beschrieben.
- KonferenzbeitragLernpfadmodellierung mit der Webdidaktik für die adaptiven Erweiterung von Lernmanagementsystemen(DeLFI 2013: Die 11 e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2013) Swertz, Christian; Schmölz, Alexander; Forstner, Alexandra; Dambier, Nathalie; Heberle, Florian; Henning, Peter; Streicher, Alexander; Burghart, Catherine; Bock, Jürgen; Badii, Atta; Fuente, Luis De La; Parodi, Elisabetta; Thiemert, Daniel; Gal, Eran; Ronen, Michaela; Zander, Stefan
- KonferenzbeitragA pedagogical ontology as a playground in adaptive elearning environments(INFORMATIK 2013 – Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt, 2013) Swertz, Christian; Schmölz, Alexander; Forstner, Alexandra; Heberle, Florian; Henning, Peter; Streicher, Alexander; Bargel, Bela Andreas; Bock, Jürgen; Zander, StefanThe support for teaching and learning with semantic technologies and intelligent knowledge processing has been approached by four concepts: pro- grammed instruction, adaptive learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems, and educational recommender systems. While the demand for automated support in teaching and learning is estimated as high, the use of developed systems is ob- servably low. With reference to educational theories, this paper argues that one reason for this is an overestimation of the possibilities of such systems. Consider- ing the limitations of automated systems in human communication as a constraint, a pedagogical ontology as a description language is proposed that opens up an edu- cational playground for teachers and learners.
- KonferenzbeitragPersonalized web learning by joining OER(DeLFI 2014 - Die 12. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2014) Henning, Peter A.; Fuchs, Kevin; Bock, Jürgen; Zander, Stefan; Streicher, Alexander; Zielinski, Andrea; Swertz, Christian; Forstner, Alexandra; Badii, Atta; Thiemert, Daniel; Perales, Oscar GarciaWe argue that quality issues and didactical concerns of MOOCs may be overcome by relying on small Open Educational Resources, joining them into concise courses by gluing them together along predefined learning pathways with proper semantic annotations. This new approach to adaptive learning does not attempt to model the learner, but rather concentrates on the learning process and established models thereof. Such a new approach does not only require conceptual work and corresponding support tools, but also a new meta data format and an engine which may interpret the semantic annotations as well as measure a learner's response to these. The EU FP7 project INTUITEL7 is introduced, which employs these technologies in a novel learning environment.
- KonferenzbeitragPushing the CIDOC-conceptual reference model towards LOD by open annotations(Modellierung 2016, 2016) Frank, Matthias; Zander, StefanBy using a novel modelling approach, we demonstrate how the Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) of ICOM's International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) can be complemented using the Open Annotation Data Model (OADM) in order to create semantically rich annotations. We show that domain knowledge can be combined with meaningful and linked data exposed in the so-called Web of Data (aka semantic Web) by having the necessary provenance information for annotations. The combination of domain specific knowledge with existing Linked Open Data (LOD) requires well-designed modelling decisions for linking semantic data sets in a comprehensible way. We show that our combined approach is able to address the requirements of digital heritage in more sufficient ways than each model separately. We combine the advantages of a proven domain ontology with the flexibility and semantic richness of the OADM. In order to evaluate our approach, we show with a concrete example how a museum artifact is modeled in CIDOC-CRM and how these data can be interlinked with existing LOD in meaningful and machine-processable ways by encoding provenance information for new annotations using the OADM.