Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Computer Science Education"
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- Conference paperEnhanced Program Comprehension: Individualized Learning of Code Tracing with the Feedback Buddy(Proceedings of DELFI 2024, 2024) Koch, Nadine Nicole; Kapfenstein, Ann-Kathrin; Meißner, Niklas; Wirzberger, MariaThe increasing importance of programming skills for various professions highlights the necessity of laying solid foundations for these skills in school. One critical step when learning programming is code tracing, i.e., the ability to analyze program code to predict the data changes when the code is executed. Considering the diverse levels of prior knowledge in computer science classes, it is essential to implement tailored teaching approaches, which can enhance the respective learning outcomes. To create personalized learning paths, we developed the tutoring system Feedback Buddy that teaches if-else branches, for loops, and combinations of them using tracing tables. Thereby, the Feedback Buddy adapts its feedback and task difficulty based on learners’ affective, cognitive, and metacognitive states. Extending former systems, our approach focuses on school education and uses 𝑡h growth mindset feedback. Evaluation with 10 positive results, affirming the usability and usefullness of the Feedback Buddy in secondary school education.
- TextdokumentError categorization in novice code(Software Engineering 2025 – Companion Proceedings, 2025) Just, NadjaIn a longitudinal study accompanying an advanced programming course, we manually analyzed 710 programming errors and categorized them based on an established framework of programming errors. Students initially make few syntax errors, but numerous semantic and logical errors. Over time, semantic errors almost completely vanish. The number of logical errors also decreases, but they never vanish completely. This suggests that students quickly grasp the programming language, but take more time to understand concepts and express them in a programming language.