Auflistung nach Schlagwort "DSS"
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- KonferenzbeitragDo not disturb! trust in decision support systems improves work outcomes under certain conditions(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Müller, Lea S.; Meeßen, Sarah M.; Thielsch, Meinald T.; Nohe, Christoph; Riehle, Dennis M.; Hertel, GuidoOrganizations provide their employees with decision support systems (DSS) to facilitate successful decision making. However, the mere provision of a DSS may not be sufficient to facilitate beneficial work outcomes because employees often do not rely on a DSS. Therefore, we examined whether users’ trust in a DSS increases positive effects of DSS provision on several core work outcomes (i.e., performance, well-being, and release of cognitive capacities). Moreover, we examined whether trust effects on these work outcomes depend on specific context conditions (i.e., user accountability, distraction, and market dynamics). We tested our hypotheses in a laboratory experiment with N = 201 participants who received assistance by a DSS in a simulated sales planning scenario. In line with our assumptions, trust in the DSS was positively related to users’ performance and well-being. Moreover, the link between trust and strain as well as release of cognitive capacities were qualified by distraction, so that higher distraction diminished these links. No such moderation occurred for user accountability and market dynamics.
- KonferenzbeitragGIS-gestützte Modellierung von Ökosystemleistungen – Status quo, Potenziale und Trade-offs(41. GIL-Jahrestagung, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in kritischen Zeiten, 2021) Melzer, Marvin; Bellingrath-Kimura, SonokoDie Bewertung von Ökosystemleistungen (ÖSL) ist der Schlüssel für eine zukünftige zielgerichtete und leistungsorientierte Subventionierung landwirtschaftlicher Maßnahmen. Basierend auf den Hauptfruchtarten der letzten fünf Jahre wurden der aktuelle Zustand sowie das Optimierungspotenzial der ÖSL Erosionsschutz (t ha-1a-1) und Biomasseertrag (€ ha-1) in zwei 5x5 km Landschaftsausschnitten in Brandenburg durch einen Szenarien-Vergleich für jeden einzelnen Schlag quantitativ bewertet. Eine Erhöhung des Erosionsschutzes stand generell nicht im Widerspruch zu einer Steigerung des Biomasseertrags, somit konnten 51 Schläge (Hotspots) identifiziert werden, auf denen eine Umstellung der Fruchtfolge zu positiven Effekten für beide ÖSL führen kann. Die Ergebnisse können über Programmschnittstellen in landwirtschaftliche Decision-Support-Systeme wie digitale Schlagkarteien integriert, z. B. durch ein Ampelsystem visualisiert und für die Praxis zugänglich gemacht werden.
- WorkshopbeitragTowards Software Support for Collaborative Morphological Analysis(Mensch und Computer 2015 – Proceedings, 2015) Zec, MarinToday’s knowledge workers regularly face ill-structured, non-routine wicked problems such as strategy development, product innovation or policy design. Morphological analysis (MA) is a versatile problem structuring method that helps teams to build a shared understanding of an issue, generate solution ideas and support decision-making. However, existing MA software has two major drawbacks given the high prevalence of teamwork in modern organizations: (1) it only provides a single user interface and (2) it neglects established practices to improve group performance and creativity because there is no collaboration support. I propose extensions of the classical process model for morphological analysis to incorporate findings from cognitive and social psychology that may serve as a basis for collaborative MA software implementations and discuss the underlying design decisions.