Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Design science research"
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- ZeitschriftenartikelAn Update for Taxonomy Designers(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 64, No. 4, 2022) Kundisch, Dennis; Muntermann, Jan; Oberländer, Anna Maria; Rau, Daniel; Röglinger, Maximilian; Schoormann, Thorsten; Szopinski, DanielTaxonomies are classification systems that help researchers conceptualize phenomena based on their dimensions and characteristics. To address the problem of ‘ad-hoc’ taxonomy building, Nickerson et al. (2013) proposed a rigorous taxonomy development method for information systems researchers. Eight years on, however, the status quo of taxonomy research shows that the application of this method lacks consistency and transparency and that further guidance on taxonomy evaluation is needed. To fill these gaps, this study (1) advances existing methodological guidance and (2) extends this guidance with regards to taxonomy evaluation. Informed by insights gained from an analysis of 164 taxonomy articles published in information systems outlets, this study presents an extended taxonomy design process together with 26 operational taxonomy design recommendations. Representing an update for taxonomy designers, it contributes to the prescriptive knowledge on taxonomy design and seeks to augment both rigorous taxonomy building and evaluation.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCo-Creation durch Peers im digitalen Lernen – Wie Plattformen und Chatbots die Partizipation bei der Lernmaterialerstellung begleiten können(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 57, No. 4, 2020) Billert, Matthias Simon; Weinert, Tim; Janson, Andreas; Leimeister, Jan MarcoDie Arbeit in Industrieunternehmen verändert sich auf Grund der Digitalisierung grundlegend. Entwicklungen in der Automatisierungstechnik können in naher Zukunft einen Teil der Arbeit von Arbeitnehmenden ersetzen. Dadurch wird es notwendig sein, sich auf die sich schnell wechselnden Qualifikationsanforderungen aus diesem Digitalisierungsprozess einzustellen. Hierzu gehört einerseits die schnelle Reaktionsfähigkeit auf die fortlaufenden Veränderungen, die in Unternehmen stattfinden, beispielsweise die Einbettung neuer Technologien in Arbeitsprozesse. Andererseits aber auch die notwendigen Upskilling-Prozesse, die durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien notwendig werden. Für beide Aspekte sind aber entsprechende Angebote zur Schulung notwendig, die sich flexibel auf die Bedarfe anpassen. Digitale Lernservices ermöglichen dabei auf die individuellen Arbeitssituation von Mitarbeitenden zu reagieren und im Sinne der Co-Creation den Prozess der gemeinsamen Erstellung von Lern- sowie Schulungsmaterialien durch die Einbindung mehrerer Akteure zu steuern. Dafür müssen neue Leistungen in Form von selbstständigen Lehr-Lernszenarien angeboten werden, bei denen die Mitarbeitenden eigenständig die notwendigen Lernmaterialien erstellen. Bei vielen Unternehmen werden Lehr- und Lernszenarien dabei durch Checklisten und Handbücher unterstützt. Diese sind jedoch nicht auf die individuelle Lernsituation der Mitarbeitenden angepasst. In einer ersten Iteration im Entwicklungsprozess für digitale Lernservices wurde eine Plattform für die Erstellung von Lern- und Schulungsmaterial entwickelt. Dabei werden die Mitarbeitenden durch einen systematischen Erstellungsprozess geführt, welche die Entwicklung von Lernmaterial im Arbeitsprozess unterstützen soll. Im Rahmen der Evaluation konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Mitarbeitenden mehr Unterstützung im Erstellungsprozess benötigen, um hochwertiges Lernmaterial entwickeln zu können. Ein Grund hierfür ist die fehlende didaktische Kompetenz der Mitarbeitenden zur Schaffung von Lernmaterialien für die Nutzung im Arbeitsprozess. Um die Mitarbeitenden bestmöglich im Co-Creation-Prozess zu unterstützen und eine hochwertige Qualität der Lernmaterialien zu gewährleisten, bieten Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) eine mögliche Lösung zur gezielten Unterstützung im Erstellungsprozess. Insbesondere Smart Personal Assistants, wie beispielsweise Chatbots, können Mitarbeitende dabei interaktiv und individuell durch den Co-Creation-Prozess begleiten. Diese individuelle Unterstützung führt zu einer klaren Struktur der Informationsvermittlung zwischen den Nutzenden und dem System, einer Steigerung der Motivation der Mitarbeitenden, einer Verbesserung des Verantwortlichkeitsgefühls gegenüber der erstellten Beiträge sowie zu einer Verbesserung der Qualität der erstellten Beiträge. Gleichzeitig bieten Chatbots die Möglichkeit durch individuelles Feedback Mitarbeitenden notwendige Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen für den Erstellungsprozess zu vermitteln. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Darstellung des Entwicklungsprozesses eines Chatbots zur Verbesserung der Partizipation für die Erstellung von Lernmaterialien im Arbeitsprozess unter Verwendung von Co-Creation. Entlang eines Design Science Research Ansatzes werden dabei systematisch Anforderungen und Designelemente für den Co-Creationprozess der Lerndienstleistung entwickelt. Work in industrial companies is changing fundamentally due to digitalization. Developments in automation technology will be able to replace part of the work of employees in the near future. Therefore, it will be necessary to adapt to the rapidly changing quality requirements resulting from this digitization process. On the one hand, this includes the ability to react quickly to the rapid changes that are taking place in companies, for example the embedding of new technologies in work processes. On the other hand, it also includes the necessary upskilling processes that become necessary through the use of new technologies. For both aspects, however, corresponding training offers are necessary, which can be flexibly adapted to the requirements. Digital learning services enable to react to the individual work situation of employees and, in terms of co-creation, to control the process of creating learning and training materials by involving multi-actors. To achieve this, new services must be offered in the form of independent teaching-learning scenarios in which employees independently create the necessary learning materials. In many companies, teaching and learning scenarios are supported by checklists and manuals. However, these are not adapted to the individual learning situation of the employees. In a first iteration in the development process for digital learning services, a co-creation platform for the creation of learning and training materials was developed. Employees are guided through a systematic creation process, which is intended to support the creation of learning material in the work process. The evaluation found that employees need more support in the creation process to be able to create high-quality learning material. One reason for this is the lack of didactic competence of the employees in creating learning materials for use in the working process. In order to provide the best possible support for employees in the co-creation process and to ensure the high quality of the learning materials, information and communication technologies (ICT) offer a possible solution for targeted support in the creation process. Smart personal assistants in particular, such as chatbots, can guide employees interactively and individually through the co-creation process. This individual support leads to a clear structure of the information transfer between the users and the system, an increase in the motivation of the employees, an improvement in the sense of responsibility for the contributions created, as well as an improvement in the quality of the contributions created. At the same time, chat offers offer the possibility of providing individual feedback to employees to impart the necessary skills and competencies for the creation process. The aim of this article is to present a development process of a chatbot to improve participation for the co-creative creation of learning materials in the work process. Following a design science research approach, requirements and design elements for the co-creation process of the learning service are systematically developed.
- ZeitschriftenartikelContext-Aware Business Process Management(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 5, 2021) Brocke, Jan; Baier, Marie-Sophie; Schmiedel, Theresa; Stelzl, Katharina; Röglinger, Maximilian; Wehking, CharlotteContext awareness is essential for successful business process management (BPM). So far, research has covered relevant BPM context factors and context-aware process design, but little is known about how to assess and select BPM methods in a context-aware manner. As BPM methods are involved in all stages of the BPM lifecycle, it is key to apply appropriate methods to efficiently use organizational resources. Following the design science paradigm, the study at hand addresses this gap by developing and evaluating the Context-Aware BPM Method Assessment and Selection (CAMAS) Method. This method assists method engineers in assessing in which contexts their BPM methods can be applied and method users in selecting appropriate BPM methods for given contexts. The findings of this study call for more context awareness in BPM method design and for a stronger focus on explorative BPM. They also provide insights into the status quo of existing BPM methods.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDatenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO): Bewältigung der Herausforderungen mit Unternehmensarchitekturmanagement (EAM)(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 55, No. 5, 2018) Koç, Hasan; Eckert, Kai; Flaig, DanielDatenschutz nimmt eine zunehmend größere Bedeutung in der modernen Datenverarbeitung ein. Seit dem 25. Mai 2018 müssen Unternehmen der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (EU-DSGVO) entsprechen. Ziel ist die Vereinheitlichung der Datenschutzgesetze aller 28 Mitgliedstaaten der EU. Unternehmen können bei Verstößen mit Bußgeldern bis zu 20 Mio. € oder vier Prozent des weltweiten Jahresumsatzes sanktioniert werden. Aktuelle Studien verdeutlichen, dass die Anzahl der Unternehmen, die den Vorgaben der EU-DSGVO entsprechen, gering ist. In diesem Zusammenhang stehen Unternehmen vor verschiedenen Herausforderungen, wie bspw. undeutliche Interpretationen der EU-DSGVO und die einhergehende Komplexität bei der Anwendung der Verordnung in der Praxis. Unternehmensarchitekturen liefern eine holistische Sicht auf wesentliche Artefakte einer Organisation. Dies geschieht durch eine Verknüpfung über verschiedene Ebenen (z. B. Business und IT). Diese Strukturen sind im Kontext der EU-DSGVO unerlässlich um festzuhalten, warum Daten verarbeitet werden und in welchen Systemen sie gespeichert sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund empfehlen wir, basierend auf den Konzepten des Unternehmensarchitekturmanagements, einen systematischen Ansatz zur Einführung eines DSGVO Projektes. Die vorgestellte Methode wird derzeit bei einem international führenden Softwarehersteller eingesetzt, unter Einhaltung des Design Science Research Paradigmas entwickelt, und evaluiert. Data protection is playing an increasingly important role in modern data processing. Beginning with May 25, 2018, companies need to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a regulation to standardize the data protection laws across all 28 EU countries. In case of a noncompliance, the companies can be fined up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million. Recent studies show that the rate of the companies that put the GDPR requirements into practice is quite low. One challenge in this context is vague interpretations of GDPR and the complexity of applying the regulation in practice. Enterprise architectures deliver a holistic view of essential artefacts in an organization. This is achieved by relating information across different domains, e. g. Business and IT. In the GDPR context, such structures deem to be vital when it comes to documenting why the data is processed and in which systems it is stored. To this end, we propose a systematic approach on how to introduce a GDPR project in organizations drawing on the concepts of Enterprise Architecture Management. The approach, which is currently being used in an internationally leading software manufacturer, is developed and evaluated in line with design science research paradigm.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesign Blueprint for Stress-Sensitive Adaptive Enterprise Systems(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 59, No. 4, 2017) Adam, Marc T. P.; Gimpel, Henner; Maedche, Alexander; Riedl, RenéStress is a major problem in the human society, impairing the well-being, health, performance, and productivity of many people worldwide. Most notably, people increasingly experience stress during human-computer interactions because of the ubiquity of and permanent connection to information and communication technologies. This phenomenon is referred to as technostress. Enterprise systems, designed to improve the productivity of organizations, frequently contribute to this technostress and thereby counteract their objective. Based on theoretical foundations and input from exploratory interviews and focus group discussions, the paper presents a design blueprint for stress-sensitive adaptive enterprise systems (SSAESes). A major characteristic of SSAESes is that bio-signals (e.g., heart rate or skin conductance) are integrated as real-time stress measures, with the goal that systems automatically adapt to the users’ stress levels, thereby improving human-computer interactions. Various design interventions on the individual, technological, and organizational levels promise to directly affect stressors or moderate the impact of stressors on important negative effects (e.g., health or performance). However, designing and deploying SSAESes pose significant challenges with respect to technical feasibility, social and ethical acceptability, as well as adoption and use. Considering these challenges, the paper proposes a 4-stage step-by-step implementation approach. With this Research Note on technostress in organizations, the authors seek to stimulate the discussion about a timely and important phenomenon, particularly from a design science research perspective.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesign Principles for Systematic Search Systems: A Holistic Synthesis of a Rigorous Multi-cycle Design Science Research Journey(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019) Sturm, Benjamin; Sunyaev, AliRigorous systematic literature searches are often described as complex, error-prone and time-consuming because of a prevailing lack of adequate technological assistance. Nonetheless, one of the first steps when conducting a rigorous literature review is finding an appropriate literature sample. The quality of this literature sample is an important factor for the overall quality of the literature review. This article investigates how to design innovative IT systems that effectively facilitate systematic literature searches. Applying the design science research paradigm, the research method consists of multiple design cycles of artifact development, evaluation, and refinement. In doing so, six design principles are derived that intend to increase the comprehensiveness, precision, and reproducibility of systematic literature searches. The results could be helpful for research and practice. The derived design knowledge builds a foundation for future research on systematic search systems and enables new methodological contributions. The results could also guide the development of innovative search systems and features that, eventually, increase the quality and efficiency of information accumulation in different contexts.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesign Principles for Systematic Search Systems: A Holistic Synthesis of a Rigorous Multi-cycle Design Science Research Journey(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019) Sturm, Benjamin; Sunyaev, AliRigorous systematic literature searches are often described as complex, error-prone and time-consuming because of a prevailing lack of adequate technological assistance. Nonetheless, one of the first steps when conducting a rigorous literature review is finding an appropriate literature sample. The quality of this literature sample is an important factor for the overall quality of the literature review. This article investigates how to design innovative IT systems that effectively facilitate systematic literature searches. Applying the design science research paradigm, the research method consists of multiple design cycles of artifact development, evaluation, and refinement. In doing so, six design principles are derived that intend to increase the comprehensiveness, precision, and reproducibility of systematic literature searches. The results could be helpful for research and practice. The derived design knowledge builds a foundation for future research on systematic search systems and enables new methodological contributions. The results could also guide the development of innovative search systems and features that, eventually, increase the quality and efficiency of information accumulation in different contexts.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesigning Anthropomorphic Enterprise Conversational Agents(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 62, No. 3, 2020) Diederich, Stephan; Brendel, Alfred Benedikt; Kolbe, Lutz M.The increasing capabilities of conversational agents (CAs) offer manifold opportunities to assist users in a variety of tasks. In an organizational context, particularly their potential to simulate a human-like interaction via natural language currently attracts attention both at the customer interface as well as for internal purposes, often in the form of chatbots. Emerging experimental studies on CAs look into the impact of anthropomorphic design elements, so-called social cues, on user perception. However, while these studies provide valuable prescriptive knowledge of selected social cues, they neglect the potential detrimental influence of the limited responsiveness of present-day conversational agents. In practice, many CAs fail to continuously provide meaningful responses in a conversation due to the open nature of natural language interaction, which negatively influences user perception and often led to CAs being discontinued in the past. Thus, designing a CA that provides a human-like interaction experience while minimizing the risks associated with limited conversational capabilities represents a substantial design problem. This study addresses the aforementioned problem by proposing and evaluating a design for a CA that offers a human-like interaction experience while mitigating negative effects due to limited responsiveness. Through the presentation of the artifact and the synthesis of prescriptive knowledge in the form of a nascent design theory for anthropomorphic enterprise CAs, this research adds to the growing knowledge base for designing human-like assistants and supports practitioners seeking to introduce them into their organizations.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDesigning for Crowdfunding Co-creation(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 62, No. 6, 2020) Lipusch, Nikolaus; Dellermann, Dominik; Bretschneider, Ulrich; Ebel, Philipp; Leimeister, Jan MarcoCrowdfunding is now established as a valid alternative to conventional methods of financing for startups. Unfortunately, to date, research has not investigated how backers can be encouraged to support entrepreneurs beyond funding. The aim of this study is to design and evaluate certain design elements for reward-based crowdfunding platforms that can engage backers in co-creational activities for product development. The study uses a design science research (DSR) approach and the theoretical concept of psychological ownership to inform a new design and then experimentally test that design. The results suggest that the derived artifacts positively influence co-creational activities in crowdfunding and that feelings of psychological ownership play an important mediating role. The contribution of this research is threefold. First, this paper extends crowdfunding’s application potential from merely a method of financing to a method of value creation with customers for product development. Second, the study advances DSR by applying a new DSR approach that shows whether a design performs as hypothesized by theory. Third, this research allows the exploration of backers’ individual behavior as opposed to their collective behavior.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDeveloping Serious Games with Integrated Debriefing(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 62, No. 2, 2020) Grund, Christian Karl; Schelkle, MichaelSerious games (SG) are recognized in several domains as a promising instructional approach. When it comes to the field of Information Systems, however, they are not yet broadly investigated. Especially in business intelligence and analytics, a literature review indicates the absence of SG for proper report design. Such games, however, seem beneficial since many business reports suffer from poor business information visualization (BIV). To address this issue, the scope of the study is twofold: first, the paper presents a SG that aims to foster learning about BIV. Second, it evaluates this SG in a laboratory experiment, comparing it to a more conventional instructional approach (i.e., presentation) and testing two different versions of the game: One version integrates debriefing into the game itself, whereas the other version uses classical post hoc debriefing. Results indicate that it is favorable to integrate debriefing into the game in terms of motivation and learning outcomes. In the vein of design science research, the authors thus intend to contribute a useful artifact as well as a novel design principle for this instructional approach: Integrating debriefing into SG.
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