Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Ethics"
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- ZeitschriftenartikelCollaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany(i-com: Vol. 21, No. 2, 2022) Mucha, Henrik; Correia de Barros, Ana; Benjamin, Jesse Josua; Benzmüller, Christoph; Bischof, Andreas; Buchmüller, Sandra; de Carvalho, Alexandra; Dhungel, Anna-Katharina; Draude, Claude; Fleck, Marc-Julian; Jarke, Juliane; Klein, Stefanie; Kortekaas, Caroline; Kurze, Albrecht; Linke, Diane; Maas, Franzisca; Marsden, Nicola; Melo, Ricardo; Michel, Susanne; Müller-Birn, Claudia; Pröbster, Monika; Rießenberger, Katja Antonia; Schäfer, Mirko Tobias; Sörries, Peter; Stilke, Julia; Volkmann, Torben; Weibert, Anne; Weinhold, Wilhelm; Wolf, Sara; Zorn, Isabel; Heidt, Michael; Berger, ArneParticipatory Design means recognizing that those who will be affected by a future technology should have an active say in its creation. Yet, despite continuous interest in involving people as future users and consumers into designing novel and innovative future technology, participatory approaches in technology design remain relatively underdeveloped in the German HCI community. This article brings together the diversity of voices, domains, perspectives, approaches, and methods that collectively shape Participatory Design in Germany. In the following, we (1) outline our understanding of participatory practice and how it is different from mere user involvement; (2) reflect current issues of participatory and fair technology design within the German Participatory Design community; and (3) discuss tensions relevant to the field, that we expect to arise in the future, and which we derived from our 2021 workshop through a speculative method. We contribute an introduction and an overview of current themes and a speculative outlook on future issues of Participatory Design in Germany. It is meant to inform, provoke, inspire and, ultimately, invite participation within the wider Computer Science community.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCommon Challenges in Ethical Practice when Testing Technology with Human Participants: Analyzing the Experiences of a Local Ethics Committee(i-com: Vol. 16, No. 3, 2017) Brandenburg, Stefan; Minge, Michael; Cymek, Dietlind HeleneEthical aspects are of key importance in research and the development of technical systems. They play a major role when the societal impact of innovative products and new technologies is considered. However, ethics are already essential during technology development, especially when testing these technologies with human participants. The latter is becoming increasingly important when applying for project funding and for publishing peer reviewed journal papers. Responding to these needs, a local ethics committee at the Department of Psychology and Ergonomics at Technische Universität Berlin was founded in 2009. In this paper, we present an analysis of common pitfalls and blind spots that were detected by reviewers of this ethics committee. We studied the reviews of 98 applications for ethical approval. Results show that researchers (a) often lack concrete knowledge about potential ethical issues of their research and (b) that they might benefit from convenient tools to address relevant ethical challenges at early stages of product design. Based on the results of our analysis, we propose a set of six simple rules that can help to detect and to overcome most of the frequently appearing ethical issues.
- WorkshopbeitragData Privacy Management (DPM) - A Private Household Smart Metering Use Case(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband, 2020) Jakob, Dietmar; Wilhelm, Sebastian; Gerl, ArminThe automated collection of real life data in private households places special requirements on a Data Privacy Management (DPM) concept. The development and implementation of a DPM concept for use in a scientific environment is demonstrated according to a successful use case – the project BLADL. The intention of this paper is to provide a guideline for ethical and privacy-preserving data collection and management in research projects in the EU.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Industrie 4.0 aus ethischer Sicht(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 52, No. 5, 2015) Bendel, OliverDer vorliegende Beitrag arbeitet die wesentlichen Merkmale der Industrie 4.0 heraus und setzt sie ins Verhältnis zur Ethik. Es interessieren vor allem Bereichsethiken wie Informations-, Technik- und Wirtschaftsethik. Am Rande wird auf die Maschinenethik eingegangen, im Zusammenhang mit der sozialen Robotik. Es zeigt sich, dass die Industrie 4.0 neben ihren Chancen, die u. a. ökonomische und technische Aspekte betreffen, auch Risiken beinhaltet, denen rechtzeitig in Wort und Tat begegnet werden muss.AbstractThis article highlights the essential features of the industry 4.0 and puts them in relation to ethics. Of special interest are the fields of applied ethics such as information, technology and business ethics. Machine ethics is mentioned in passing in connection with social robotics. It is evident that the industry 4.0 in addition to opportunities, affecting among other things economic and technical aspects, includes also risks which must be addressed in word and deed in a timely manner.
- KonferenzbeitragEthical Challenges in Inclusive Software Development Projects with People having Cognitive Impairments(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Dirks, SusanneThe benefits of participatory approaches in software development are widely recognized when it comes to developing well-designed and well-usable systems. However, the inclusion of users with impairments in research and development projects remains a rarity in practice, with many ethical, technical and social challenges. People with cognitive impairments are at a particular disadvantage in their opportunities to participate in the digital transformation. Compared to other groups of people with impairments, they have few technical tools at their disposal to improve the accessibility of digital resources. As a result, they often rely on the support of family members or caregivers. In order to develop appropriate technologies to support this ever-growing group of people, they need to be more involved in technical research and development. So far, there are very few methods and approaches to help address ethical and social challenges in inclusive software development projects. In the EU Horizon 2020 funded project EasyReading, a software framework for automatic personalized simplification of existing websites was developed together with people with cognitive impairments. This paper presents the methods developed in the project and solutions to the ethical challenges in the project. A final discussion evaluates the practical implications of the developed solutions for development projects with people with cognitive impairments. Still existing limitations of the developed methods are pointed out and impulses for further research are given.
- KonferenzbeitragEthical Challenges of Digitalization in Education(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Meister, MatthiasThe dominance of technology in Western societies is becoming increasingly visible in everyday life. It influences the way members of these societies perceive the world, information, and themselves. This influence has various consequences, both positive and negative. In this paper, some of the consequences are explained in order to reflect on how to counteract the negative tendencies resulting from the dominance of technology in academic education. The conclusion argues for the importance of skills and qualifications of ethical reflection and interdisciplinary discourse in academia to foster competent reflection on the dangers of the dominance of technology.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEthische KI? Datenbasierte Systeme (DS) mit Ethik(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 59, No. 2, 2022) Kirchschläger, Peter G.Im Kontext digitaler Transformation und künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ergeben sich neue ethische Fragen. Grundsätzlich kommen zunächst Zweifel auf, ob der Begriff „künstliche Intelligenz“ adäquat ist dafür, worum es sich bei KI handelt, oder ob nicht der Begriff „datenbasierte Systeme (DS)“ präziser zu bezeichnen vermag, was Maschinen eigentlich leisten können und was technisch machbar ist. Darüber hinaus wäre die Möglichkeit zu prüfen, ob Menschen ethische Fragen und Probleme an Maschinen delegieren könnten. Schliesslich stellt sich auf der Basis der Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Fragen die Herausforderung, angesichts der Komplexität von Ethik, die ethischen Potenziale von DS entsprechend einzuordnen und zu verstehen, und damit verbunden die Verantwortung von Menschen für das Design, die Entwicklung, die Nutzung von „human rights based DS“ (HRBDS) (menschenrechtsbasierten DS) bzw. für den ethisch begründeten Verzicht von menschenrechtsverletzenden und/oder umweltzerstörenden, nicht nachhaltigen DS zu bestimmen. In the context of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI), new ethical questions arise. In principle, doubts initially arise as to whether the term “artificial intelligence” is adequate for what AI is all about, or whether the term “data-based systems (DS)” might not be able to describe more precisely what machines can actually do and what is technically feasible. Furthermore, the possibility of humans delegating ethical questions and problems to machines should be examined. Finally, on the basis of the discussion of these questions, the challenge arises, in view of the complexity of ethics, to classify and understand the ethical potentials of DS accordingly, and to determine the responsibility of humans for the design, the development, and the use of “human rights based DS” (HRBDS) or for the ethically justified abandonment of DS that violate human rights and/or destroy the environment and are not sustainable
- ZeitschriftenartikelHighly Accurate, But Still Discriminatory(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 1, 2021) Köchling, Alina; Riazy, Shirin; Wehner, Marius Claus; Simbeck, KatharinaThe study aims to identify whether algorithmic decision making leads to unfair (i.e., unequal) treatment of certain protected groups in the recruitment context. Firms increasingly implement algorithmic decision making to save costs and increase efficiency. Moreover, algorithmic decision making is considered to be fairer than human decisions due to social prejudices. Recent publications, however, imply that the fairness of algorithmic decision making is not necessarily given. Therefore, to investigate this further, highly accurate algorithms were used to analyze a pre-existing data set of 10,000 video clips of individuals in self-presentation settings. The analysis shows that the under-representation concerning gender and ethnicity in the training data set leads to an unpredictable overestimation and/or underestimation of the likelihood of inviting representatives of these groups to a job interview. Furthermore, algorithms replicate the existing inequalities in the data set. Firms have to be careful when implementing algorithmic video analysis during recruitment as biases occur if the underlying training data set is unbalanced.
- WorkshopbeitragHow to Design for Ethical Experiences: Introduction of a Guided Method based on Psychological Needs for the Value of Privacy(Usability Professionals 23, 2023) Krueger, Anne Elisabeth; Hoth, Veronica; Brandenburg, StefanEthical design can mitigate potential risks of digital systems through deliberate analysis, open communication, and concretisation of potential negative effects of digital products and services for users, the environment, and society. Considering psychological needs and values helps to address ethical aspects of interactive products and services by focusing on the users’ psychological well-being. The tutorial provides knowledge about psychological needs and values as well as the ethical implications for (user) experience design. After a theoretical introduction, the participants learn first how to make the rather abstract values and psychological needs tangible. Subsequently, the participants will apply the acquired insights to conduct ethical reflection in the context of a practical experience design process. The tutorial concludes with a summary of the newly gained knowledge and a discussion about the applied methods. The results are documented and subsequently made available.
- ZeitschriftenartikelIntegration moralischer Anforderungen in den agilen Entwicklungsprozess KI-basierter Anwendungen am Beispiel von Scrum(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 59, No. 2, 2022) Haas, Normen; Sessler, Marie-LuiseDer Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, wie sich moralische Anforderungen im agilen Vorgehensmodell Scrum berücksichtigen lassen. Dies wird durch die Anreicherung und Einbeziehung von Elementen und Methoden aus dem UX-Design und der Diskursethik ermöglicht, welche den Projektbeteiligten helfen, moralische Anforderungen aus Nutzersicht zu definieren und umzusetzen. Der vorgestellte Ansatz wird mit Anwendungsfällen aus einem realen Entwicklungsprojekt, der Implementierung eines KI-basierten Lerntagesbuchs für Jugendliche, veranschaulicht. This article addresses the question of how moral requirements can be taken into account in the agile Scrum process model. This is made possible by enriching and incorporating elements and methods from UX design and discourse ethics, which help the project stakeholders to define and implement moral requirements from a user perspective. The presented approach is illustrated with use cases from a real development project, the implementation of an AI-based learning diary for teenagers.